Primary Weightlifting Session
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
3-Position Clean + Jerk @ 60-65%
(high hang, mid-patella, floor)
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Hang Clean + 2 Cleans + Jerk
*Sets 1-2 = 70-75%
*Sets 3-4 = 80-85%
*Sets 5-6 = 85-90%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Clean & Jerk @ 90-95%
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Split Jerk
*Sets 1-3 = 2 reps @ 80-90%
*Sets 4-6 = 2 reps @ 90-95%
Three sets of:
GHD Sit-Ups x 15 reps
Rest as needed
Chinese Rows x 6 reps
Rest as needed
Primary Conditioning Session
For time:
40 Calories of Assault Bike
40 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
40 Alternating DB Snatches (75/55 lbs)
Every minute, on the minute, for 16 minutes (8 sets of each):
Minute 1 – 1 Legless Rope Climb + 1 Rope Climb (w/legs)
Minute 2 – 10 Push Press (115/75 lbs)
primary oly
a. 3 pos c&j@90kg
hc+2clean+jerk 102.5/110/117.5kg
c&j 122.5/125/127.5kg
b. Split jerks 120/122.5/125/127.5/130/132.5kg
c. done, rows @65kg
primary cond
a. 6:38 rxd thrusters 30/10
b. done rxd
Weightlifting session
A1: 70-80 kg
A2: 80-90 kg
A3: 90 kg
B: Done. Worked on lower Weights and technique
C: Done
Primary conditioning
A: 7:29 Rx. Could have pushed harder.
B: Done Rx. Rounds around 20 sec each.
Only had time for strength due to work.
All power cleans today. Knees no good.
A. 3 position clean – 85 /90 / 90kg
B. Hang + 2clean + jerk 100/105/110/115/117/120kg failed jerk
C. P.clean + jerk 120/125/127kg
Split jerk 120 upto 130kg
Did Session 2 as first session.
Found training extremely hard due to fatigue and lack of recovery.
Primary conditioning
A. 7.02
B Done and was happy with how I coped.
Session 1.
A. all done at precentage but kept it to minimum precentage.
Unfortunately didnt have enuogh time for jerks and accessory work.
A1. 175 A2. 195 A3. 230
B. Skipped 🙁
C. Completed
A. 10:30
Primary Weightlifting Session A. Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets): 3-Position Clean + Jerk @ 60-65% (high hang, mid-patella, floor) (Made at 60kg) Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets): Hang Clean + 2 Cleans + Jerk *Sets 1-2 = 70-75% (66&71kg) *Sets 3-4 = 80-85%(75kg) *Sets 5-6 = 85-90% (80kg) Missed the last clean on set 5 then did PC + jerk to finish the set. Made set 6 with a little extra rest Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets): Clean & Jerk @ 90-95% (85kg) Made 1, missed 3 more cleans after that… Read more »
A. 3 position clean: 125,135,145
B. Hang clean, 2 clean jerk: 155,165,175,185,190,195
C. Clean and jerk: all completed at 200
D. Split jerk: 185,190,195, 200, 205, 210
E. metcon: 8:04… definitely died inside
F. Rope climb emom… completed
But I did 2 regular rope climbs instead of legless because it flares up my golfers elbow too much
G. Accessory work will do tomorrow when I have more time
Primary lifting session A. 3 pos clean 80# Hang +2 clean +jerk Sets 1-2 90# Sets 3-6 100# C&J 100# B. Split jerk 115# for all sets Everything felt sooooooo heavy C. Did ab mat sit ups and the rows Primary conditioning A. 16:49, did 60 cals on airdyne, used 55# on the bar and 30#db I plowed through the bike then I took my time with the thrusters and db snatches to make sure I didn’t throw my back into it haha. I still died though B. Used 55# for push press, did the legless+full rope climb for 4… Read more »
That’s good! Be smart with your back and make sure you stay healthy!
Primary Weightlifting Session A.Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets): 3-Position Clean + Jerk @ 60-65% 110# Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets): Hang Clean + 2 Cleans + Jerk *Sets 1-2 = 70-75% 120# *Sets 3-4 = 80-85% 135# *Sets 5-6 = 85-90% 145# Followed by… Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets): Clean & Jerk @ 90-95% 155# B. Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets): Split Jerk *Sets 1-3 = 2 reps @ 80-90% 165 *Sets 4-6 = 2 reps @ 90-95% 175 Primary Conditioning Session A. For time: 40 Calories of… Read more »
A) 105/105/105
150/155(f jerk)/155
B) 135/140/145/150f/150f
stopped…from blocks felt off today
A) 12:53, with 45# DBs
B) got first legless, then did about 4 pulls (2 each arm)…2 mins still pretty fast for me to get legless
Accessory work: done, up to 85# on Chinese rows
Primary Lifting: Everything felt sluggish today… A1: 135/140/145 A2: 160/170 180/190 190/190 A3: 200/200/200 B: 195/195/195 205/205/205 Didn’t quite get to percentages, no blocks so stayed where I felt comfortable bringing it back down in the front rack. C: done- did DB rows instead Chinese rows because I did these at the very end of everything and I was tired 🙂 Primary Conditioning: A: 9:59 – bike took a little over 3 min and had to use a 50# DB because we don’t have a 55. B: DONE!!! Really don’t have the confidence on the rope climbs, because I usually… Read more »
Nice work on those rope climbs Beth! Need to get you moving on that bike though!
I start out pretty well, then have a big drop off. Ahhhh…. me and the bike
Session 2:
A. Girlfriend bet me I couldn’t do this metcon under 2:00. Loser has to buy winner Lulu lemon clothes
10 thruster 135lbs
10 DL 225lb
10 box jump overs 24″
200m row
B. Due to part A brought it down alittle
30 cal
30 thruster 95lbs
30 DB snatch
EMOMx10 changed due to no rope
Strict supinated pull up x6
Ring dip x8
Haha someone is getting some new threads! Well worth the pain!
Session 1:
A. 135/140/145
C&J: 205/205/210(f)…..was just feeling super tired. Decided to call it.
B and C. Skip
Went home and took a nap. Then gymnastics lesson….then,
CJ conditioning session:
A. 9:44. 40 cal took me over 3 minutes….does that seem unreasonable?
B. Done. Rope climbs felt good!!
The bike took me over 3 minutes today too… I think that is a long time, but I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one struggling with it these days
Weightlifting Session
A.I. 195/200/205
II. 225/245/260/265/270/275
III. 275/285/290
Holy moly… The stamina.. Under percentages at the heavier ends of the sequence.
B. 275/275/275/295/305/305
C. Done
A. 8:15 was a softy on the thrusters.
B. All push presses made fairly easily. But went to regular rope climb only on the last two rounds.
Overall Great day. Thank you!
Been getting all the workouts in, just fell off posting last week 🙁
A1. 135
A2. 160/180/195
A3. 200
B1. 180/200
A. 9:10 rx
B. Attempt this later evening
Good to see you back posting. Hope training has been going well!
Session two
A. 9:31 w/ 70 lb. not nearly as fast as I wanted to be but I think it was good to have a workout where I crash, burn, readjust, and rally on the fly (aka during the snatches)
Bike: 1:44
Thrusters: done at 4:38 (15-12-13)
Snatches: singles…then triples…then 4s…then pushed last 11 in 40 seconds
B. Doing now
How much rest did you take between thruster sets ??? Those were big sets
Not sure I didn’t look at the clock until I moved on. I tried to conserve on the bike and push the thrusters. I wanted to go 15-10-10-5 but the second set turned into 12 and then the third set I was only 5 away from finishing…definitely paid for it on the snatches. Think I got 4 in the first minute haha
I did 4 sets of 10 with like 10-12 seconds of rest between set . Snatches didn’t let the DB go
Damn! I have to get my db cycling game up I brought to the floor and switched hands every rep haha never tried holding on
Well I mean I switched hands but I never took a break. Just kept grinding it out
Yeah I getcha. Just can’t get psyched out by the weight!
Today was rough. Don’t know why just wasn’t feeling it today.
All one session
A1. 185/190/195
A2. 210/225/235/240/245/255
A3. Started at 85% 255/270(90%)/270 (failed jerk)
B. Could only hit the first 3 sets 240-255-265 all I had
A. 9:36 db snatches got me….
Called it here hopefully tomorrow will be better….
Weightlifting Session
A. 150/157/167
Sets 1-2: 175/185
Sets 2-4: 200/210
Sets 5-6: 210/ 215
Clean + Jerk: 215/215/215
*Wasn’t feeling up to my percentages today, so I kept it a little lighter and tried to make them pretty!
B. Sets 1-3: 200/210/220
Sets 4-6: 230/240/250
*Felt super amazing and kept going up! Hit my old Split Jerk PR for 2 🙂
C. Done
A. 7:29 Rx
B. Done (A member saw me doing this and dubbed it “Bi’s and Tri’s Gone Crazy…” So accurate!
3 position
1-2 @ 255
3-4 @ 275
5-6 @ 285-290
Clean & Jerk
Hope you had a fun birthday weekend!
It was awesome. Thanks coach. I would recommend checking out San Louis obispo and Pismo beach. Great area to hang out for a few days.
Weight lifting
3 pos done at perscribed weights
Hang + 2 clean +jerk done at perscribed weights but only worked up to 87% felt heavy today
Heavy singles done at 87%
Jerk doubles worked up to 87%
Ghd done
11:08 use 55# dB I’m getting better at them but still had to use lifters today
Emom done I liked that one!