Deadlift x 15 reps @ 2011
Rest 15-20 seconds
Strict Handstand Push-Ups x Max Reps
Rest 2 minutes
Deadlift x 10 reps @ 2011
Rest 15-20 seconds
Strict Handstand Push-Ups x Max Reps
Rest 2 minutes
Deadlift x 5 reps @ 2011
Rest 15-20 seconds
Strict Handstand Push-Ups x Max Reps
Increase the deadlift load each set, with the goal of selecting a weight that is extremely challenging for the final 2-3 reps of each set.
If you’re unable to get a minimum of 5-6 strict handstand push-ups, perform an L-Seated Dumbbell Press with a weight that will allow you to get at least 10 reps in your first set.
Against a 2-minute running clock, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
10 Alternating Reverse Lunges (115/75 lbs)
10 Push Press (115/75 lbs)
Rest 2 minutes between sets, and complete a total of 4 sets for max reps.
A. Bryan – 215#/250#/290#. 10/6/5.
B. Bryan – 38, 37, 35, 35.
Performed on 10/3/16
Box had max rep Pull up bench mark today so:
A. 23 PU
B. DL-115×15, 140×10, 165×5
C. Rx 33,30,27,29
DL- 300×15, 360×10, 455×5
HSPU (head to ab mat) – 10,7,7
Skipped but instead did 3 rounds of:
Hamstring negatives (:05 ECC only) x10
L-Sit holds w slow alternating leg raise, (20/each)
* Helped give my low back and hamstrings a good active stretch.
May I suggest using DBs in the seated press for Part A when HSPU come up? This will help you develop strength in the full ROM. Here is some supplemental work you can add in for HSPUs as well.
Michele, thanks for the resources! I have been using Chris Stroud’s HSPU Progression resource as well and have seen great progress from it (ability went from 0 to 5 unbroken head to floor). I’ll throw these exercises and routines into the mix!
Consistency is a challenge for me. I weigh 238 pounds and I know my technique is not perfect; sometimes I have to take time off just to get my wrists pain-free. Any prehab/rehab recommendations for sore wrists?
Here’s some more supplemental work:
Have you tried CBD oil on your sore wrists? I’m writing a blog series on the product – it runs starting this Thursday and then each of the 3 Mondays after it. Not sure if it’s “legal” where you live but you might look into it. I’ve had extreme success using it on my osteoarthritis in my knee.
I’m so impressed with the level of support on this forum! Michele, thanks so much for your efforts here and all the great resources. I’m eager to try these exercises as well as your other recommendations.
275*15, 345*11, 405*6
65lb DB 16, 14, 11
2+12, 2, 2, 1+18
Nice work!
A1. DL: 225/275/315
A2. Strict HSPU: 20/16/18
B. Scaled to 95# — left tricep started flaring up a bit.
Set 1: 1+10
Set 2: 1+18
Set 3: 2
Set 4: 2+4
HSPU machine!
A: 225/265/285 then Light DB presses for shoulder work. Have an aching left shoulder and think it’s a ligament strain. Taking it easy on the pressing for a few.
B: did a good 15 minutes of core and shoulder stability work instead
Bummer on the shoulder. What else are you doing to take care of it?
Michele, I finally saw the “red” message box in the blog. Sorry for not replying to other comments. Now I know. Regarding the shoulder, I have had this issue in the past. It’s my non-dominant arm and only occurs during OH pressing exercises. I think it could be the CHL, but not sure. The pain is more on the posterior side under the Acromion. I can also pinpoint it with 1 finger, right where the Humerus meets the socket. This is what makes me think it’s a ligament and not a muscle. I can also push through it, but it… Read more »
A. 245; 285 & 330 TY for 60/70/80 suggestion!! With DB presses 45# X 10 strict
B. 137 reps with 95# (masters weight)
Perfecto! How you feeling lately, Jay?
Sore, but in a good way!
Did B only w/ 75#.
52, 42, 40, 31
A. 225/7, 275/7, 305/4. HSPU to abmats.
B. 30,32,30,25
May I suggest using DBs in the seated press for Part A when HSPU come up? This will help you develop strength in the full ROM. Here is some supplemental work you can add in for HSPUs as well.
A. 155. 175 & 195, Lpress 11 -11-11 20# DB
Then, since I needed to test my DL 1RM, I did and got 230! 30# PR! WOOT!
B. This destroyed me!
Used 65# for 3 sets and then dropped to 55 for the last one as I was failing.
1 + 8 PP, 1 + 7 PP, 1 +4 PP, 2 Rounds @55.
Gigantic PR Star!
A) 225/275/325 and 14/10/7. Felt my back tweak on the very last rep at 325. No metcon for me today. Feeling a bit better with some mobility but will take it day by day. Happy Monday everyone!
Argh! Are you ok?
Yep, it feels better today! Still a little sore but will take it slow. Thanks for asking!
Great news! If you’re training today, you might consider subbing out the T2B for something else.
A. 185/17, 225/12, 245/12
B. As Rx’d:
2 rds/1+15/1+10/1+6 = 131 reps. Push press was a struggle today. Loved the quad burn from the lunges
Oh yeah – Just enough to burn but not be sore today.
A. Deadlift – 215x 15, 250x 10, 285x 5
S HSPU – 13,11,11
B. I used 95# due to lack of front rack mobility; would have dropped too much; did first 2 minutes unbroken then every 10/10 unbroken after that:
2+6, 2+2, 2, 2 (168 reps) not rx
What are you doing to address the mobility issues? Let me know if you need ideas.
As much stretching and mobility work I can. My coaches at my box have been working with me since I started 4 years ago but it’s still a struggle. I’m getting better but I will take any advice/help please!!!!
It was meant to be done unbroken.
I’ve got this great banded stretch that addresses the shoulder’s many issues – thoracic, pec and anterior girdle. I just shot the video the other day and should have it back today so I’ll send it over in a YouTube link later on. It’s my new favorite!
The wall slide is great – we did them last week in the program.
And you likely need thoracic work so more cat-cow!
Otherwise, lots of scap work to compliment the stretching and pressing!
I loved the wall slide. Can’t wait to see the You Tube!
Glad I did 95 after hearing it should be unbroken, that front rack hold/transition is an issue for me as is overhead holds. As an example, last year’s open WOD 16.1 was super difficult. My elbows were bent the entire time until I would have to drop a good amount.
A. Did deadlift yesterday with the wife for our weekend WOD so swapped it for Front Squats: 135#x15/11 SHSPU, 155×10/ 8 SHSPU, 205×5/ 7 SHSPU…was not feeling the SHSPU today for some reason. Could have went heavier on front squats but working my technique.
B. As Rx: 2rds+4 lunges / 2+3 lunges / 2+1 lunge / 2+4 lunges = 172 reps
…finishes with some bosu ball battle ropes, barbell rollouts, and ax chops for fun
Fun day!
A. 174/194/224
HSPU 12/12/12
B. Rx 151 reps total
A) #155, 165, 185 (off #205 1rm).
12 L-seated shoulder-press. #25 bumbbells.
B) 1+15, 2, 1+15, 1+13. Started each round where i left off.
C) Accessory: 3×5 ring dips with red band. 3×10 ham curls on wallball. Bar mu practice with bands.
Just a tip on the pressing accessory work. We have plenty of pressing coming up in the next two weeks so if you have something else you’re working on, you might spend more time with that.
Thank you! I’d love to do more leg/butt accessory work, but not sure what. Full-depth squats are out due to ankle pain. Any suggestions???
What’s up with the ankle? I’d suggest working on that as your #1. ROM in that joint is of the utmost importance as issues tend to work their way up the chain meaning that next it’s you knee, then hip then lower back.
Do you have a slingshot or other small band? We ran a whole series on glute activation with the slingshot.
And here are some ankle drills:
Let me know when you get bored with those and I’ll send some more!
I typically have great ROM, but all summer I’ve been gaving gnarly ankle pain, and decreased rom. Finally went to the dr. X-ray showed 3 fractures, no space/cushion between the tib/fib and ankle bones, and other chronic damage. Off to the podiatrist i go. Waiting on an MRI.
I do have bands, I can’t wait to do these! Thank you!
I’m fairly certain CJ has a front-rack-alternating-reverse-lunge-shuttle-sprint coming for Invictus members on Veteran’s Day, or something. We’ve seen lots of these soul stealing alternating reverse lunges lately.
Bwa ha ha ha!
A1: 100/120/140kg
A2: sub’d 16kg DB L-seated press 15/11/9
B: done with 30kg
Great job!
A. 290 (15), 340 (12), 395 only 3 reps couldn’t do 5 (10)
Deadlift is feeling normal again after battling with lower back pain for months. Started setting up with feet a little wider than should width and it has helped immensely with the pain. Co worker suggested this and it has worked.
B. 40,34,40,40. Lord this was awful. That’s what I get for doing a beach muscle workout yesterday focused on benching and presses. Ugh.
Have you seen this post? Might help with your set-up and lower back pain.
A. 225/21, 275/16, 315/10…no misses.
B. 1+10, 1+12, 1+12, 1+15. 129 total reps. Lunges UB. PP 5s. First set of lunges was slow.
Awesome job, Jon!