Primary Strength Training Session
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
3-Position Clean + Jerk @ 60%
(high hang, mid-patella, floor)
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Hang Clean + 2 Cleans + Jerk
*Sets 1-2 = 70%
*Sets 3-4 = 80%
*Sets 5-6 = 85%
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Clean Pull + Clean & Jerk @ 85-90%
I am aware that this will be challenging. The goal is to pre-fatigue you a bit and for you to still maintain perfect mechanics off the ground to hit a high percentage of your 1-RM.
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Split Jerk
*Set 1 = 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 2 = 1 rep @ 95%
*Set 3 = 1 rep @ 95+%
*Set 4 = 1 rep @ 95+%
“Power Hungry”
For max calories:
3 Minutes of Assault Bike
This is a test. Please give full effort. It will be something that we track periodicially throughout the year.
Primary Gymnastics Skills/Conditioning Session
Complete the following on a running clock…
0:00 to 3:00 – Establish a Max Effort L-Sit Hold – heels must be above the horizontal plane of your hands
3:00 to 6:00 – Establish a 2-RM Weighted Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up
6:00 to 9:00 – Establish a Max Effort Unbroken Bar Muscle-Ups
Five sets for times:
Row 500 Meters
100-Foot Handstand Walk
2 Legless Rope Climbs (15′)
Rest 3 minutes
Four sets of:
Ab-Wheel Roll-Out x 10 reps
Rest 45 seconds
Supine Chinese Plank x 45-60 seconds
Rest 45 seconds
strength session
a. 3 pos c&j @80kg, then hc+2cl+jerk 95/107.5/115kg
b. 115/117.5/120kg
c. 127.5/132.5/135/137.5kg
d.power hungry 64 cals,
a. 22 seconds, feeling yesterdays ghds, 20kg 2rm c2b, 15 bmu
b. 4:14/4:12/4:26/4:35/4:28 rxd
c. done
Did the primary gymnastics in the morning.
Max L sit 40 sec
2rm strict ctb 16kg
15 bar muscle ups
B. Did 3 sets as elbow flared up again. 4.03, 3.42, 3.50
C. Completed
Really struggled today and was completely exhausted so didn’t lift in the afternoon. Sorry about this.
No need to apologize but more concerned that you need to listen to your body and adjust accordingly. Sounds like your body is trying to tell you something. Just make sure you listen to it!
Primary Strength Training Session A1. 3-Position Clean + Jerk @ 60% 85 A2. Hang Clean + 2 Cleans + Jerk *Sets 1-2 = 70% 98kg *Sets 3-4 = 80% 110kg *Sets 5-6 = 85% 118kg * only did 1 set B. did 3×3 clean pull at 90% 125kg due to hurt wrist C. Every 3 min Split Jerk … Rubbish today couldnt hit 90% – 132kg so settle for a few at 120kg. D. 3 Minutes of Assault Bike 66cal Couldnt walk still a wekaness. Gym tests – 47sec Lsit 24kg 2rm Chest to bar.. Did overhand 20 Bar muscle… Read more »
Nice work hitting 20 unbroken muscle-ups! Look after that wrist and make sure your adjusting accordingly. There’s no point in forcing it and making it worse.
A. 41s ec, 6kg (found something else I suck at! ? hopefully it was regular grip…), 14 muscle ups B. 4.32, 4.05, 3,55 C. Done Really struggled to get through this session yesterday. ..I just was NOT motivated to train at all! I had a massive load of work to do yesterday and was tired (think the weekends events caught up with me) So I took the afternoon off…sorry…I just didn’t see the point with how I felt! I will do the lifting session some time this week though as it’s something I feel I really need…May sub it in… Read more »
Nice work getting through what you could. Sometimes its good just to scale back and go by feel 🙂
Yeah I am happy with myself for listening to my body hehe! I know I struggle with that!
Primary Strength Training Session A1. 3-Position Clean + Jerk @ 60% (56kg) A2. Hang Clean + 2 Cleans + Jerk *Sets 1-2 = 70% (66kg) *Sets 3-4 = 80% (75kg) *Sets 5-6 = 85% (80kg) Missed the last clean on set 5 so did PC+jerk to finish the set. Made set 6 with a minute extra rest B. Clean Pull + Clean & Jerk @ 85-90% (85kg) made all 3 C. Every 3 min Split Jerk Made the first at 95kg, missed second at 100kg and stopped there D. 3 Minutes of Assault Bike 44cal Primary Gymnastics Skills/Conditioning Session A.… Read more »
Primary Strength Training Session A. 3-Position Clean + Jerk @ 60% 95#, stayed light Hang Clean + 2 Cleans + Jerk *Sets 1-2 = 70% 105 *Sets 3-4 = 80% 110 *Sets 5-6 = 85% 115 B. Clean Pull + Clean & Jerk @ 85-90% 135#, 80% C. Split Jerk I stayed at 155# for these. I used the blocks and it kind of got in my head a little since I’m not used to it. D. “Power Hungry” For max calories: 3 Minutes of Assault Bike 38 cals, Marcy airdyne I practiced legless rope climbs and handstand walks but… Read more »
Primary Gymnastics
A1. L-sit 16 seconds
A2. 25, couldn’t get chest to touch due to flexibility but got the height
A3. 6
Doing assault bike tomorrow
Gymnastics first: A) L-sit – 14 seconds (I never usually have my heels that high) C2B – 10#! (only got my first one at bodyweight in January) BMU – 1 B) class was using rowers, did 20 cals assault bike instead 14ft HS walk in minimum 7ft increments 1 legless rope climb per round 6:07/6:13/6:05/5:13/7:04 C) done Strength: A) 100 for 3 sets 115/115/135/135/140/140 B) done at 145 C) 150/157/162f/162f D) 36, not feeling it today – I asked a big guy at the gym if he can do that in 1 minute…he said yeah, he can do 43 in… Read more »
Ye some guys can get close to 60 is 60 seconds but they’re 4 times your size 🙂
Session one: A: hit all at 210 on position work Hang+2 cleans +jerk 245/245/280/280/295/300 B: 305/310/315 C: all at 315. Worked consitency of positioning. Starting to get back into going heavy overhead. D. Did the comp blog SHSPU with some of the guys. Trying to get my shoulder endurance back. 90seconds:40 (30UB in :34 PR) 60 sec: 13 30 sec: 7 E: Power Hungry: 72 cals this blew up my quads lol hard to find that beginning fast pace. 90 seconds in is when the pain really kicked in haha F: Compexed my quad, bicep, shoulder. Didn’t do anything after… Read more »
Nice work Nick! Good to see your numbers coming back up.
Felt good on the lifting. I didn’t have any misses. The jerks where rough though. I just have to get back into putting the heavy stuff overhead again. Along with my shoulder endurance too, but it’s a process.
Ye it will take time but you will come back better than before. Be smart and be patient!
Session two
Late night training
Lsit: 31 seconds most legit L sit I’ve done
Weighted pullup: 40 lb dumbbell didn’t have a belt
Bmu: 15 come down when I start resting at the top intentionally.
Legless rope climbs are my worst movement…so just took this as an opportunity to grind
Calmed down and stayed within my limits the last two. Short hand over hand pulls
C. Done
Finisher: “power hungry”
“Do you want to go home and stay comfortable or do you want an opportunity to get better?”
80 cals
You just got better. Nice work!
strength session 1 done
Missed the last two of the 90% complex. I had energy but my technique fell apart.
Went for a 15lbs split jerk pr and almost had it, was under the bar but the bar had a bit of forward motion and I lost it.
Session 2 will be done tonigiht
Bullet proof shoulders/knees pre-hab then:
Gymnastics test:
:25 sec l-sit hands on ground.
35lbs for c2b
12 bmu.
Primary strength:
A1. All at 185#
A2. 210/240/255 challenging but no fails!
B. 255/270/270 again challenging but no fails.
C. 270/285/290/300(f) 290 is the heaviest iv hit in like 8 months…
Power Hungry: 65 cals…this is all kinds of assault bike prs lol 50 cal time pr, max in a minute pr, 3 min pr, so I’ll take it!!!
The assault bike work is paying off. Nice work!
A. Stayed at percentages for both parts. Legs are fatigued from yesterday. Overall felt ok.
B. Stayed stayed stayed at 85%.
C. Jerk: stayed at 90%. Mechanics were t feeling the greatest.
D. Ran a mile because I have to do so in a team comp next weekend. 6:24.
No sesh 2 due to having a sick kid at home.
Power hungry : 65
So pumped about this.. I remember when we tested 50 for time and it took me exactly 3:00 minutes HAHA.
Great work dude!
S1 A. 225 B. 1-2 @ 245 3-4 @ 275 5-6 @ 295. Missed one. C. 315 Power Hungry 86 cals. Pretty sure this is 4-6 cals better. S2 A. L-Sit – :33 seconds. I need to practice l-sits like this all the time. I drop my legs a lot when I do these usually C2B 2RM. 45 lbs. used Supinated grip. I hope that was acceptable. I don’t think I would do nearly as much pronated. Bar Muscle Ups. 16 rep. I haven’t done a max set in a long time but I’m for sure happy with this. I… Read more »
Nice work on the assault bike dude and those bar muscleups! Gymnast!
Thanks coach. I really want to get better at catching myself higher on both rings and bar. Hoping that will prevent those small sets deeper into workouts.
Post some videos on the FB page to see if we can help.
86 ?
For A, is it a clean at each position or a timed hold at each position?
No holds just set at the positions and perform the lifts
Session 2)
A) :54 second L-sit. Had a judge.
101lb 2rm c2b
20 unbroken bar mu
B) no time
C) done
A. Done at 130
B. Done at 150, 170, 180
C. Done at 185, 190, 195
D. Jerks done… Only did 205….. Was supposed to do 220…. I didn’t like the blocks I was using so I kept it lighter in case I was going to bail… I’ve missed blocks before ?
Metcon: 52 calories
Session 1:
A. 140 3pos complex
A2. 165, 185, 200 (failed jerk, changed to hang clean+ C&j) 200
B. 205,205,205 failed all jerks
* fatigued by all the complexes:(
C. 4×1 200lbs 85%
Need to readjust after failing part B
D. 63cal
Sesh 2 – Weightlifting (modified bc of GG)
3P+J- Done at 185
H+2C+J- 225×2-255-275 (just 4 sets today)
B. Just one set on this at 295
*I noticed I catch in the jerk with a straight back knee, didn’t even realize I was doing it- well back to work 🙂
Good that you are noticing it and now able to make the adjustments going forward.