Session One
Every 2 minutes, for 24 minutes (12 sets):
*Sets 1-3 = 3 reps @ 60% from high hang
*Sets 4-6 = 2 reps @ 70% from mid-thigh
*Sets 7-9 = 1 rep @ 80% from below the knee
*Sets 10-12 = 1 rep @ 90+% from the floor
Every 2 minutes, for 24 minutes (12 sets):
Clean & Jerk
*Sets 1-3 = 3 reps @ 60%
*Sets 4-6 = 2 reps @ 70-75%
*Sets 7-9 = 1 rep @ 80-85%
*Sets 10-12 = 1 rep @ 90+%
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Back Squat x 3 reps @ 85-90%
Session Two
One set of:
Row 750 Meters @ 75% of 500m PR pace
Rest 60 seconds
Row 750 Meters @ 80% of 500m PR pace
Rest 60 seconds
Row 750 Meters @ 85% of 500m PR pace
Rest 3 minutes
Row 250 Meters @ 90% of 500m PR pace
Rest 60 seconds
Row 250 Meters @ 90-95% of 500m PR pace
Rest 60 seconds
Row 250 Meters @ 95+% of 500m PR pace
Rest until fully recovered, and then…
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
2 Rope Climbs (15′)
12 Alternating Pistols
12 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
12 Thrusters (115/75 lbs)
If possible, compare and note in comments your total volume this week as compared to last week – when these same movements were tested in intervals.
Session 2:
A1. 750m Rows @ 2:58, 2:53, 2:45
A2. 250m Rows @ 0:52, 0:50, 0:46
B. 2 rounds + 6 SHSPU
Session 1:
A1. High Hang Snatch @ 135
A2. Thigh Hang Snatch @ 155
A3. Patella Hang Snatch @ 175
A4. Snatch @ 195-210(x)-210(x)
B. No heavy cleans. Sprained wrist last week.
C. Back Squat = Worked to 405 x 3
Session 1 (Did Power variations and Box Squats due to a knee injury – had a week off of squatting so will look to return to it next week and see how it goes) A. Built to a 100kg Power Snatch with one miss prior, match PB B. Built to a 127.5kg Power Clean and Jerk with one miss prior, -5kg under PB C. Box Squat – 8×3 @155kg (85%) this was slower than a few days back so kept the percentages lower D. Due to no squatting subbed Pistols for GHDs and Thrusters for Sled Push 12′ AMRAP 2… Read more »
Session One A. Did them about every 60-90 sedconds. Feels better that way. Snatch- everything is feeling better except pulling from the ground. don’t feel like I have the quad lift off effect going on quite yet. hit 150 and 155 from the floor today, but 155 isn’t feeling great. *Sets 1-3 = 3 reps @ 60% from high hang *Sets 4-6 = 2 reps @ 70% from mid-thigh *Sets 7-9 = 1 rep @ 80% from below the knee *Sets 10-12 = 1 rep @ 90+% from the floor B. Did the GG clean and jerk ladder to prep… Read more »
A. Snatch *Sets 1-3 = 3 reps @ 60% from high hang – 66kg *Sets 4-6 = 2 reps @ 70% from mid-thigh – 77kg *Sets 7-9 = 1 rep @ 80% from below the knee -88kg *Sets 10-12 = 1 rep @ 90+% from the floor – 100kg / Failed 2 @ 105kg …. grr B. Clean & Jerk *Sets 1-3 = 3 reps @ 60% – 85kg *Sets 4-6 = 2 reps @ 70-75% – 100/105/105kg *Sets 7-9 = 1 rep @ 80-85% – 112/117/120kg *Sets 10-12 = 1 rep @ 90+% – Failed all of these 🙁… Read more »
A. Set 1-3: 105,105,105
Set 4-6: 120,120,125
Set 7-9: 140,140,140
Set 9-12: 150, 150, 155
B. Set 1-3: 130, 130, 130
Set 4-6: 150, 160, 160
Set 7-9: 175, 175, 180
Set 9-12: 185, 190, 190
C. Squats done at 215& 220..
Stayed on the lighter side of my percentages because of my back…and trying to be smart.
D. Skipped the row…. Hurts my back
E. Awful gymnastics metcon: 5+1 and half a rope climb
Session 1
B. 115
C. 210
Sessions 2
Did the rowing, didn’t note times but felt good. Last 250m in 1:00
B. 2 rounds + 12 hspu
Session 1
A. High hang 70#
Mid thigh 80#
Below knee 90#
Floor 90#
My snatches were on today!
B. 75/75/75/95/95/95/105/105/105/115/120/125#
These were solid today too!
C. 140#
Session 2
A. Done
B. 2+6 used 55# and 1 abmat for hspu
a]215. -5#PR
b]265 havent hit this since june. june i was able to clean + fs+ jerk.
today was everything i had with the jerk. i felt a lot stronger during the last cycle. i havent started cutting weight yet, im actually 2 pounds heavier than that time.
a] squats 295.
b]rows based off 1:30
c] had someone come in and we talked for about 30 minutes, then had to go to class.
First post! Have been struggling with keeping strength doing CrossFit again. All my lifts are down 30+ lbs still trying to go off my PR numbers though. Had no misses on snatches until I got to the 90% and then the wheels came off. Just not even close. Even though I smoked 80. Clean and jerks went better. Managed to BARELY squeak out 1 rep at 90% at 270. Back squats weren’t even close. As supposed to do 310-330 and was struggling with 275. Did 3 sets there then dropped to 255 because I failed on my 4th set at… Read more »
Session 1
A. 1-3 at 165
4-6 at 190
7-9 at 215
10-12 at 230
B. 1-3 at 205
4-6 at 245
7-9 at 275
10-12 at 300, 305, 315F
C. All reps 365
Session 2 shortly after first
A. Skipped due to gym time
B. 3+26
Session 2 first:
A) done, felt good!
B) 3+1
115 reps compared to 169 last week…it was more fun when more of the reps were pistols 🙂
Session 1:
A) 80/80/80
B) 100/100/100
C) did 2 sets at 205, failed 3rd rep on 3rd set, and barbell touched my tailbone on the bail…probably a sign that I should quit for the day…
Hi Hang – 195
Mid Thigh – 215
Below Knee – 240
Floor – 255
Clean & Jerk
245 x 3
275 x 2
305 x 1
320 x 1
Back Squat
Rowing done
5 + 4 S.HSPU
Session 2:
A. Done. Based off of 1:47. Kept faster paced in each one. Felt good.
Rest about 10 minutes
12 minute amrap
Our rope is 12′ so I did 3 climbs each round
Pistols all done fast
Shspu broken after first round. Shoulders on fire but was able to keep them in fast sets
Thruster I used 85# cause I hate dropping our tens and fifteens and them flipping over. Ugh. Haha
4 rounds plus one rope climb
Session 1
A. 100/115/130/150 (final rep ate the barbell. Got under it but my arms weren’t locked out for some reason and I lost it behind me)
B. 135/160/180/205 (started to feel my shoulders)
C. 255
Session 2 was directly after session 1, upper body was just smoked.
A. Done
B. 2rnds RX.. The rope climbs are what got me.. I know where my feet are suppose to go but I can’t seem to keep tension on the rope. It just slides from between my feet and I end up doing very ugly semi- leg less rope climbs..
A. Done finished at 235
B. Done finished at 305
C. 365/375/385/395/405/405/405/405 stoked to hit 4 sets of 3 at 405.
A. 1:47-1:42-1:38
B. 4 rounds
Session 2:
A. 750m 70% 3:20 75% 3:09 80% 3:01
250m :52, :52, :49.9
B. Changed it for my wrist
Every 3min for 12 min 4sets
10 pistols
8 strict ring dips
6 thrusters 115lbs
As always on Friday did session 2 first… Session 1 (P.M) A. 140/165/190/210/215/225(f) hit everything except for that final at 225 which is 95% B. 185/210/215/225/240/245/255/270/285 290 clean fail jerk. 285 was 95% so happy with that!. C. Was able to hit 4 sets at 85% 345. Last rep I came up and left knee just said stop so I lintended. Knees have slowly been getting achy….annoying. Session 2. (A.M) A. Done B. 3 round plus 5 pistols. Sluggish Friday a.m I open the gym and I always just feel a little off at first when it comes to training… Read more »
Mashed Up Session: Snatches are feeling pretty good now, so I skipped those today and worked on C&J since that’s my weaker lift. And ALWAYS do the squats 🙂 A. Clean & Jerks: Set 1-3: 135 Set 4-6: 155/165/165 Set 7-9: 180/185/190 Set 10-12: 200/205/210 B. Back Squats: 225/225/235/235/240×4 sets – bye bye legs… C. Rowing: 500m PR time: 1:48 750 @ 75%: (pace: 2:24) – 3:35 750 @ 80%: (pace: 2:15) – 3:24 750 @ 85%: (pace: 2:07) – 3:12 250 @ 90%: (pace: 2:00) – 1:00 250 @ 95%: (pace: 1:56) – 0:58 250 @ 95+: (pace: ~1:50)… Read more »
Session 1)
Snatch position work
Cleans: worked up to two singles at 340 power clean
EMOM squats done at 365. Last set at 380
Session 2)
750’s: 1:51.3-1:42.7-1:40.3 🙁
250’s: 1:29.2-1:28.0-1:25.8 haven’t been to that dark of a place in a while.
Some single leg work. My right leg takes most of the abuse on rowing so when I’m done I usually do single leg stuff on the other
I hope I can one day row as fast with two legs as you do with one
Haha I’m only good at less than 500!! After that I’m not that great man!
He’s pretty fast on one leg haha