Session One
Gymnastics Skills Warm-Up
Band-Assisted Upper Anterior Chain Opener
(click movement to watch video and understand the movement)
10 Rocking Box Bridges (slow and controlled)
Prone Pectoral Stretch x 2 minutes each arm
Single-Arm Hang from Bar x 30 seconds each arm
10-12 Freestanding Kick-Ups to Handstand with Max Hold
(hold for as long as possible without walking – if your hands move, terminate that set)
followed by…
For perfect positioning:
10 Wall Walk + Handstand Walk
Four sets for times of:
90 Double-Unders
(if you have a heavy rope, please use it)
60-Foot Handstand Walk – in three 20-foot unbroken segments
30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 to 10′ Target)
15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Rest 4 minutes
For completion:
Hollow Body Hold + Sit-Up to L-Sit Hold x 15 reps
followed by…
Tuck Rock to Tuck Press Hold x 30 reps
followed by…
Backward Straddle Scoots x 40 feet
followed by…
Three sets of:
Hand Plank Shoulder Taps x 60 seconds
(perform at max speed)
Session Two
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Behind the Neck Press in Split x 5 reps
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Jump to Split x 4 reps
(Barbell on your back the whole time, quickly move feet into the split position without any upward drive.)
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Split Jerk x 3 reps
(pause for 3 full seconds in receiving after each jerk)
Five sets of:
Clean + Front Squat + Jerk @ 80% of 1-RM C&J
Rest as needed
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Shoulder Press x 10 reps
Aim for three heavy working sets – each set slightly more than last week if possible.
Five sets of:
Supinated-Grip Bent-Over Barbell Row x 10 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
Prone Chinese Plank x 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
session 1.
a. done
b. 4:25/4:32/5:12/5:56 SHSPU got hard.
c. done
session 2.
a. 40/42.5/45/45/47.5kg
b. 107.5kg
c. 50/52.5/56/56/56kg
d. 65/65/65/65/65
ch planks done
Session 2
Behind the Neck Press in Split x 5 reps
Jump to Split x 4 reps
Split Jerk x 3 reps
Five sets of:
Clean + Front Squat + Jerk @ 80% of 1-RM C&J
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Shoulder Press x 10 reps
Did what I could with the time I had.
Lifting first:
Split BTN press – 40-50-50-50-55kg
Jump to split- 70-70-80-90-100kg
Split Jerks with pause all at 120kg about 83%
Clean squat jerk complex all at 108kg
Gymnastic metcon:
Round 1 – 4.18
Round 2 – 4.25
Round 3 – 4.53
Round 4- 4.45
Holy Shoulders.
Session 1:
A. Done
B. 6:23/8:09/7:52/8:32
I used the Zeus Rx rope and scaled the reps down to 30. I’ve only used it once before and it tore up my calves, so I thought I’d ease into it. I also did 20ft for the walks instead of the 60.
C. Done
Session 2:
A. 75/75/75/95/95
B. 185 for all sets
C. 75/75/95/95/95
D. 135 for the rows, done
Did session 2 first bc I had school this evening so my evening session had to be short
A. Behind neck 55/55/60/60/60
Jump to split 65/65/75/75/75
Split jerk 75#
B. 100#
C. 55/55/60/60/60
D. Will do tomorrow
Gymnastics session
Only had time for part A
Behind neck: 75-75-85-85-95
Jump split: 135-135-135-155-155
Then built to a heavy jerk for the day (275)
Then did my sets of 3. Starting at 185, working up to 225. These didn’t feel great. Not sure if I didn’t wait long enough between sessions or what but my arms were pretty damn tired at this point.
Clean complex:
Jerks on these didn’t feel good either but all cleans felt way solid, which was awesome.
Barbell row done.
Planks done. These are awfully. Really have to search for my happy place during that minute.
There’s still a few weeks of summer left. We need to get you those abs.
Did yesterday’s 5k run in the morning:
28:50, needs some work!
mile 1 – 9:13
mile 2 – 9:43
mile 3 – 8:59
Session 1:
A) done
B) slight ankle injury, staying off jumping for a few days – subbed 12 cal assault bike for double unders, did 10ft HS walk in minimum 5ft increments, L-seated DB press with 30# for HSPU
Got a 10ft HS walk in rd 3!
C) done
Session 2 A) 65# for press
65/85/105/115/115 for jump to split
115/125/135 for jerks
Some more jerk positioning work afterwards
Session 1:
A. Done
B.4:58, 5:03, 5:08, 5:04
First round all unbroken except for DU and WB (only had 20lb ball 🙁 )
After that only went unbroken on the HS walks.
C. Done
Session 2:
A. 35/45/55/65/65
B. 140lb
C. 85/85/85/85/85
D. Done
Nice work using the 20lb ball Sammie! I’m sure it added another dimension:)
Didn’t feel like I had a lot of energy today. So just did a couple of things.
A) clean + 2 front squats. 285-290-295-300-305-315.
Hopped into the class workout next
B) 6 rounds of:
25 wall balls
15 DUs
5 MU. 11:08 rx.
C) supine GHD holds and some of gymnastics core work.
Session 2:
A) 65,75,85,95,105
185, 215, 245
B) 255
C) 85, 105, 125, dropped down cause it felt super heavy
Then did a different Metcon:
15 OHS @115
7 Muscle ups
15 Squat Snatch
7 muscle ups
15 Front Squats
7 muscle ups
15 Squat Cleans
7 muscle ups
Session 2:
A. Done
B. Modified
60 Du’s
30’s Handstand hold
20 wall ball w/25lbs
5 Strict HSPU
*shoulders were smoked so had to modify
C. Done
So hard on the abs
Session 1 A. Done Between 6 and 14 seconds on all kick ups 4+2+2+2 on wall walk + HS walk took about 5 steps out each time B. 6:21, 5:54, 6:28, 9:57 DUs: UB, UB, UB, 61+29 HS walk: 40+20(people in the way so had to drop), 60, 60, 40+20(people in the way so had to drop) WB: UB each set SHSPU: 2s, 3s, and a couple singles in first three sets, fell apart in last set and did 1s and 2s. Got done with DUs, HS walk, and WBs between 2:50 and 3:00 first 3 sets then SHSPU took… Read more »
One session today! Session 1 work: A. Done, except for wall walks. Did lots of handstand work in gymnastics class today. B. 5:22/5:18/5:47/6:47. Whoa, really fell off there on that last one! Upper body feeling super smoked for the HSPU. Used a beaded jump rope. C. Skip: did similar core work in gymnastics lesson Session 2 work: A. 35/55/65/75/75 85:105/125 155/175/195 – these felt great today. I think my upper body being so tired really forced me to use my legs and I felt like i was getting a strong hip drive up here. B. @180# C. 75/85/90/95/100 (last week:… Read more »
Awesome improvement Teresa!
Session one:
A. done
B. 8:16/7:22/7:33/7:21 rest way longer than probably necessary to ensure my 20ft HS walks were UB but HS walking is getting a little better!
C. Done
Session two:
A. 65# for all
85# for all
125/145/145# stayed a little lighter, low back was super tight
B. 155#
C. 75#
body was definitely tired today
Session 1:
A- done.
B- 4:51 4:48 5:18 4:04
I need to work on my dubs. I got ticked by the last round and think that helped a lot though.haha
C- done.
Session 2:
A- 88/98/108/118/135#
A2- 135# all five
A3- 176/206/225#
B- 268# felt great no belt no sleeves
C- 88/98/110/120/135#
D- SGBOBBR- 135/165/185
Extra- 6 min emom 30 unbroken dubs 5 BMU
Warm done Kick up to hand stand hold getting better Wod was brutal today Shoulders were rocked. But I like it. 625 644 749 848 Sets of 15 hspu shouldnt b that hard and I don’t feel I should have had to break up my wall balls and I need to work on doing big sets of dubs unbroken Session 2 Skill work done Worked up to 225 for jerk triples Shoulders were tired from wod earlier All sets of clean and jerk complex done at prescribed weights Got 10 more pounds than last week for last set of strict… Read more »
Solid day of work. Highlighting some weaknesses but your putting the work in to turn them into strengths!
Session 1.
A. Warm ups done.
B. 4:02/4:24/4:48/4:54. Hs walks unbroken until last 20ft of last set.
C. Accessory done.
Session 2.
A. 95x2sets/105×3
195/215/230 (77%)
B. Done at 240# felt pretty solid!
C. Did 115 across up 10lbs from last week.
D. Had to coach.
Session 1:
A. 75,85,95,105,115
Just 45lbs
Jerks w/190lbs
B. 185,185,185,185,205<– felt good went up 5%
C. 80,80,95,95,100
D. Done w/135lbs for rows
Session One
A1. Done
A2. Done, still working on freestanding, most were 5-7 seconds
WW + HS walk: Done
B. 5:33/ 5:12/ 6:03 (damn dubs)/ 5:33
Used a heavier rope than normal and shoulders were cashed! All singles on the HSPU.
C. Done…the best I could manage
Session Two
A. 55/70/80/85/90
180/195/185 (holding for 3 seconds was tough, had to drop the weight for set 3)
B. Skipped this today. Tweaked my knee doing the wall balls in session one 🙁
C. 57/77/87/92/92
D. 92/102/102/102/102
Unbroken until the hspu. Could only do sets of 3 and 2. Last set I had to finish the last 5 with singles. These were hard on me today
Used 300
C & D
So much shoulders today dude!
I can only hope that when hspu are paired with other movements I’m going to crush them lol.