Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Three sets of:
Single Leg Banded Good Mornings
x 10 pulses per side
Shoulder Opener x 30 seconds of pulses
Band Assisted Anterior Pec Stretch x 30 seconds per side
followed by …
One set of:
Banded Hamstring Curls x 30 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch from Blocks x 2 reps @ 75-80%
(set the blocks at knee height – if you don’t have access to blocks, perform this from the hang at mid-patella)
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch from Blocks x 1 rep @ 80%
(set the blocks at knee height)
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete:
Clean & Jerk x 1.1
For time:
30/25 Strict Pronated Grip Pull-Ups
Rest until the running clock reaches 4:00, and then…
For time:
60/40 Push-Ups
Rest two minutes, and then…
For completion, not time:
15/10 Strict Supinated-Grip Pull-Ups
300 Meter Farmer’s Carry (100/70 lbs per hand – walk at normal pace, don’t run)
15/10 Strict Supinated-Grip Pull-Ups
70/55 lbs for Farmers Carry
Three sets of:
L-Sit Flutter Kicks (with locked knees) x max time/reps
Rest 60 seconds
Hollow Body Sit-Ups to L-Sit on Kettlebells x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Did c today Sunday 8/21
Sppu 2:56
Pushups 1:50
D- complete
DMA done.
A1. 65/75/80#
A2. 85/90/95#.
B. 95/105/115/125/125#.
C1. 2:08
C2. 2:22
C3. Done using 70# DBs.
D. L-sit flutter kicks were short and sweet. Travis makes those hollow body situps to L-sits on the KBs look easy. My heels kept hitting the floor on the way up.
Mobility done.
A – Skipped. Limited time. Flipped a coin between Snatch and C&J and C&J won.
B – Up to 195#.
C – pullups 1:13. Push-ups 1:18. Farmers carry with suitcase bar in each hand loaded to 110. That was rough.
D- Done. That combo is nasty.
A1. 110/110/110#
A2. 115/120/125#
B. 125/135/145/150/155#
C. 2:00, 1:37, wow those farmers carries were tough! Done with final 10 chin-ups at 16:00
D. Done
A1: 190#
A2: 210#
B: 245#
C: Done
D: Done
All weaknesses on todays gymnastics. Good one.
Mob done
A1 155 all sets
A2 165 all sets
B 225/235/235/235/235
C. Pull-ups 1:26, Push-ups 2:27 then 105# per hand on carries.
D. Done (at least a version of it)
A1: 145; 150; 155
A2: 160; 165; 170
B: 195; 205; 215; 225;,235
All lifts felt really strong! Part C on the other hand….
C: 2:14; 1:24
D: ran out of time
Snatch work 135 for 3 sets then 150 for 3 sets.
Masters team wod tonight at box
All movement has to be synchronized
Buy in 50 abmat sit ups
2 rds
10 man makers 30#
10 squat snatch 95#
20 burpees
10 ohs 95#
2 rds
25 TTB
15 hspu
Buy out 50 abmat sit ups
31:55 Rx
Fun one
DMA done
A1)135/155/165 no misses
A2)155/175/195 missed twice got it on third try
B)195/205/225/235/235 no
C) p ups 1:52
Push ups 1:43
Got destroyed on farmers carry
Flutter kicks were comical
Welcome back Dempsey!
Thank you! Time to start pushing and see what happens
A. 165, 175, 185
B. 205, 215
C. 1:20, 1:19.
Farmers sets of 30m
D. Done
Dyn mob and act done..
Struggled really bad today, quads sore from running and lunges..
A. 115-125-135/145-f155-145..
B. Couldn’t hit 185 in warmup, so I stuck with 155..
C. 3:09 30 strick, and 2:21 60 pu total time 9:30..
C2… those 100#dbs smoked my forearms and the last set of 15 strick pullups were pretty ugly.
D. Did a version of LSit flutters. Posting now on fb.
Dyn/Mob. all done
A1) 78x2s,80x1s power snatch only
2) 85,88,95×2 failed, 95×1
B) 105,120,125x2x2fails on jerk
C) 203( pull-ups) 27 sec( push ups) ,total time not sure because I failed to note so Im going to guess 917ish? 🙂
I had to stop at the 200m mark because the KB slipped out of my hand..but I love this training!!! awesome challenge -great programming Coach! Rxd
D) 34 sec/60 rps
34 sec/70 rps
34 sec/80 rps
(left leg started cramping LOL -all good stuff tho 🙂 )
hope everyone is healthy and happy!
nice work on those flutter kicks! 🙂
thank you Tracy!! <3
I was acutally feeling crappy all week about training so I apprciate your kind words ..always supporting us here! God bless you -hope all is great with you always! XO
A1) #155
A2) #175
B) #195
C) Pullups in 2:15, Push-ups in 2:10
D) complete
Row 5×500 1 min rest between each set. Kept 500 at 1:46 ish
Shoulder still a little sore from Physical Therapy so I snatched today but kept it light
A1. 135
A2. 160
30 chin up 1:59 (weakness)
60 push up 2:02 ( this should not have been this hard)
Only had 80’s so I did a 400m , this was hard!!!
Shape drills
One person’s “keeping it light” is another person’s “holy cow, I wish I could do that!”
I could not snatch 95 # two years ago, mostly due to poor mechanics, I think 14.1 snatch was at 75# and I had to clean and jerk it! Anything is possible !!
I thought the push-ups should of been easier too. I did one big set and then broke it up but took a bunch of rest, maybe a bunch of fast smaller sets is the way to go unless you can do it all unbroken??
i did the same thing, honestly the bench we did on Wednesday had me super tight! chin ups and push ups r not my jam, i feel like i need to practice them every day!
Dynamic Mobility & Activation: DONE A) & B) – can’t do yet due to knee Instead did – 3×8 light RDL @185# – 4×8 death march @ 35# C) DONE – 30 strict pull ups – 2:35 – @4min – 60 push ups – 1:49 Rest 2 then… 15 sup pull up 300 meter farmer carry w/ 100# 15 sup pull ups 8 min to complete D) DONE Also did dark horse rowing with Tracy 8000 meters 1000 full effort and 1000 rest pace…. Full effort stroke rate is supposed to be 16-20-24-28… Total time 34:51 Really hard to do… Read more »
Great work Jon!!!
I still didn’t figure it out Jon! and… you did a heck of alot better than me and I have been doing DH since April. #Iamaslowlearner
#nazichipmunk i can’t keep up with you anymore.. 😉
A. 95,95,115/95 – really struggled today for some reason
A2. 95,115,115- numerous fails, catching in front of my head, fails
B. 135,155,155,165,165
C. 2:37 pull ups 2:32 push ups
C2. done, did 5’s on p/ups supinated, only carried 53# KB each hand, then did 3’s suppinated
D. Done
Mobility done
A. Knee still bothering me so did hang power snatches – didn’t push it too hard
A1. 115/120/120
A2. 125/130/135
B. Did hang power cleans (more like muscle cleans) and push press: 135/135/140/145/150
C. 3:25 pull-ups, 2:36 push-ups, farmer carries with 100#/arm
D. Done (it was ugly)
DM&A Done
A 1.-175# x3
A 2.- 185# x3
B .-185/195/195/205/215#
C .- 3:45 / 3:00 / 8:46 done w/60# KTTB
D .- 2 rounds.
A1. 105
A2. 110/115/120
B. Skipped per doc on back
Did handstand walk work, got a 15 foot run with some 10s! So excited!
Bar MU work…clicking, a lot easier!
C. 1:53/1:54/7:45 did neutral grip instead of supinate as this stresses my tennis elbow
D. Only one round as it bothered lower back
Awesome Karen!!!!!