Every minute, on the minute, for 10 mintues:
3/4 handstands on wall x 30 seconds
followed by . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes, complete:
Finger Presses x 40 reps
followed by . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes, complete:
Negative HSPU x 5 reps @ 50A1
40-54: 4″ deficit
55+: No deficit
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes, complete:
Back Squat x 5 reps @ 70-75%
For time:
10 Deadlits
20 Pull-Ups
30 Box Jumps (24/20″)
40 Kettlebell Swings
50 Double-Unders
40 Kettlebell Swings
30 Box Jumps
20 Pull-Ups
10 Deadlits
45-49: 275/205 lbs; 53/44 lbs
50-54: 255/175 lbs; 53/44 lbs
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245/155 lbs; 44/26 lbs
60+: 225/135 lbs; 44/26 lbs
Optional Session
Mile Repeats
Mile 1 @ 85-90%
Mile 2 @ 85-90%
Mile 3 @ 85-90%
Rest 3 minutes after each mile.
A: Completed
B: 163#
C: 20:53 (225DL/24″/55KB)
Sorry I’m a newbie. What are finger presses? I couldn’t get the video link to work.
Thank you
A. Hard, but complete
B. 305# all sets
C. 11:46 (315#, 70#)
D. Try to get this done later this evening.
A – Done. Good stuff. I need this.
B – Back Squat 5×5 250, 255, 260, 265, 270
C – Class WOD Teams of 2. 20:00 AMRAP
200m run
40 Partner Wall Balls (20#)
30 Slam Balls (40#)
20 Burpees
10 Push Press (155#)
10 Strict Pullups (each)
Just shy of 4 rounds.
Aug 6 Programming:
A. complete… feeling those 2×40 finger presses 🙂
B. Did Front Squat 5×5 @ 155# (70%)
C. 14:04 I tried 225# DL (85%), did 5 and went to 205# for the rest of the workout. 55# KB swings. Did step ups to control heart rate. Wasn’t loving this one. Trained by myself at 6am Sunday.
DL 3/2@225#, 3/2@205#, singles on 2nd set of 10
PU 10/10, then 10/5/5
KB 15/15/10, then 10/10/8/7/5/5/5
BJ Step Ups.
Running later today
Who hoo! Nice work! I was at 205 for the entire workout and only have a 1 pood KB so I think those are only 35#. Way to go!
If I could become friends with the DL, it would make wods like this easier. 🙂
Thats like WB and snatches for me :/
Ugh those deadlifts! And I only did 185# ?
delayed entry
A all work done FUN! love it
10 rds
3sets def HSPU
** – couldnt do the finger press-video wasnt available and I couldnt find anything on you tube for it.. 🙁
B) Rx’d 13:50 tough WOD -good challenge! 🙂
had to pass on the run bc of inflamed old injury 🙁
Back from hiking yesterday
A. Snatch off blocks from yesterday 75#
B. Team wod: 18 min amrap: 30 of everything, hspu/power cleans/chest to bar pull ups/shoulder to overhead/ burpee box jumps @95#
Getting to this on Sunday. Is the weight for 40-44 the same as 45-49 for the DL’s and KB’s?
Based on the way the weights changed per AG, I went with 315 & 70 for our group. So for women probably 225 & 53. But just my guess.
A.-Done, negative hspu challenging, I had a sore for a few weeks on the back of the bícep.
B.- 305×5 all sets
C.- 14:04 , DL 275#, kettlebell 60#.
National Park WOD Day 2.
1 mi trail hike/run up and return (moderate).
A. 20 reps sHSPU no riser.
B. 35 reps BS w/my 115# kid.
C1. 40 reps sT2B (A-Frame Roof Truss).
C2. 40 strict pull-ups.
Run tomorrow.
A. Done
B. 305 x 5 all sets
C. 12:04
Post-work Rev 3×20, OH yoke carry 265 x 100′ 285 x 100′ 305 x 50′
PM -Endurance-Lactate Threshold work.
8- 400 meter repeats 1:20-1:30 avg per 400
A) done; finger presses – O.M.G. – eccentric loaded deficits, were solid.
B) Done – 2 minutes rest; a little on the lighter side, but fast
C) 10:59 @ 315DL+70KB
D) 0.0
Double Day-Comp Class and regular class-Like doing them it gives me the drive for the week! 3 min DU-67 ugh…Way smoother though-getting better 8 Min for Max snatch + Bar facing burpees Score was Lift + burpees- 107- only 3lbs away from my PR YAY! Struggled the past few weeks with this. Score was 148 50 cal Assault bike 3:36 only 15 seconds off of the youngsters! I did 30s hard 20 soft. Partner Wod-50 Burpee buy in bothe partners. 14Min AMrap 5 Thruster #95 10 Goblet Squats #44 15 DU 10+20 Was our score Looking forward to rest day… Read more »
Wow that is a lot of work! 🙂 congrats on the PR
No PR just got really close to my old one?
Ahhh so close!
A. Done. 3/4 HS holds got challenging.
B. Will do later this afternoon.
C. 16:50 Rx I remember doing this back in 2012, I couldn’t Rx the DL or KB weight (205 and 35 I think) and took me over 20 min to complete. Today I went UB on the first round of DL and 5/3/1/1 the second, I can get short sighted on my progress and this shows how much I really have improved. I still have a lot to work on, but after almost 2 years of Invictus programing I feel like I’m making some nice gains.
A. Hard but done.
B. 325, last set rough but completed.
C. 14:48 gassed dl 275#.
**Optional session, complete this evening or tomorrow.
Thanks, last post failed… hmm
A. Done…good stuff
B. Did sets of 5 deadlift as I did back squat already yesterday at 75%x5x4. Back not great so kept it lighter
C. 11:38 (deadlift at 185#, rest Rx)
A. Done
B. 195/205/215/225/230
C. 11:42
A. Done
B. 275x5x5
C. Had to do class WOD
D. Tomorrow.
B) did these squats at only 60% which was 225#
C) DONE – this one didn’t feel too bad… Did 1st ser dead lifts and All pull ups UB… Had to do box step ups which take more time for me and the jump of the jump rope hurt so I broke them up a lot… 1st set of KB were good, 2nd set would chopped up… And the last set of DL were drop and go style…
11:56 RX
D) jogged 2 miles… Not ready to run faster yet…
Way to push today!
Started with Crush Games Prelim 4 Redo- got 5 rds + 10 DL- Improved by 10 reps
A: Done- that got rough after about 4 rds. Shoulders were burning!
Negative HSPUs were with a kip up since no one was around for assistance.
B: 235; 245; 250×3
C: 12:04- Trying to get use to grips so my Pull Ups were slower than normal by a lot!
D: Tomorrow.