Session One
Take 10-15 minutes to build to a 1-RM Sotts Press
Barbell starts in the front rack in the receiving position of your clean. From there, press it overhead.
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Muscle Snatch x 2 reps
Keep the barbell close and be quick and aggressive in your turnover.
Followed by…
Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets):
3-Position Snatch @ 65-75%
(high hang, mid-thigh, and then from 2″ below the knee)
Every 2 minutes, for 24 minutes (12 sets):
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep
Build to today’s heavy.
Session Two
Every 2 minutes, for 14 minutes (7 sets) of:
Back Squat x 2 reps @ 4111
All sets should be performed at 95-102% of last week’s heaviest double.
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes (5 sets) of:
Minute 1 – 10 Front-Racked Kettlbell Squats (32/24kg)
Minute 2 – 15 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
When the running clock reaches 12:00…
For time:
50 Calories of Assault Bike
10 Overhead Squats (185/135 lbs)
Session 1: A: 25kgs – I have heaps of trouble keeping the bar-path straight here -my arms are in front of my head in lockout and I cant seem to bring them back in. B: worked up to 45kgs but they weren’t solid, so took it back down to 40kgs. Had a lot of trouble overhead today. C: Only went to 75kgs – again, overheads werent feeling great so I kept it light. Straight in to Session 2: A. 110kgs, got one out at 115kg – pretty happy seeing as my 1rm is 118.5 and the 4111 is so much… Read more »
Session 1:
A. 105 (PR)
B1. 115
B2. 105
C. 185, wanted 195 so bad
Session 2:
A. 290 (95%)
B. Squats – 55#, Swings – 35# (dropped to 5 squats after back got tweaked)
C. 7:27 (135# O.Squat)
Session 1
A. 155. Almost had 165, but started to come up on my toes.
B1) 155,165,175
2) All reps at 195
C. 305. Failed at 315 without belt.
Session 2 right after first
A. Skipped due to time.
B. Done
C. 4:30. Failed last rep of overhead squat. Cost me.
Session 1
A) 95lbs….. Mobility :/
B) 95/115/135
3 position at 185lbs
C) 135/185/205/225/250/265/275/290/295 -clean no jerk
Session 2
A) @325lbs
B) double kettlebell front squats hit the core hard!
Done tho.
C) 4:06
UB on OHS and calories calculated on old goldy Airdyne so time is slightly comparable
Have a comp tomorrow 🙂 so just did lifts and strength but kept it lighter today.
Session 1:
A. 35-45-45
B. 65-75-85
C. Built to145lb
Session 2:
A. 125lb
B & C. Skipped. 20 min recovery on Assult bike and mobilized
Crush it Samie!!!
Session 1
A. 38kg
B. MS: 35-40-45kg 3 pos: 48kg
C. Worked up to 77kg
Session 2
A. 109-117kg
B. Misread and did with two 20kg KB
32kg High Russian swings **Recovering a shoulder injury**
C. 9:15 Hesitant overhead 57kg OHS
Look after that shoulder.
In the off season we usually recommend Russian Swings. The goal is posterior chain activation not to use your shoulders 🙂
Session 2:
A. 300 7×2
B. Did it with 20kg DB for front rack squats
63lbs Swings
C. 3:35 w/135lbs to save my lower back.
Have a competition this weekend so I did the strength stuff and not the metcons. Don’t know if that was smart or not so we’ll see how it goes haha
Session 1
A. 30#
B. MS 65#
Worked st 65# for the 3 pos snatch for form
C. 125#
Session 2
A. 135#
Good luck Ashlee!
Session 2
A. 365×3, 375×4 – hit 395 for two last week
B. For everyone to go at the same time I had to swing the 80 and hang squat cleaned into the 70lb front rack KB squats.. This EMOM was on the easier side and fun. All UB.
C. 3:58 w a 50 cal row. Close grip snatch balance off the front rack, failed my 8th rep. Widened up and took it off the back rack for the last set 3.
Session one in evening
A. A beastly 75 lbs
B. 95/115/135
Today was just what my snatch needed. focused on keeping my hips down on pull from the ground and then paused for two seconds at the bottom of each hang position to make sure I was balanced. Wasn’t perfect but the video I took made it look like I was finishing my pull a lot better than I have lately
C. 135/165/185/205/225/245/265/285/295 (f)/dnf
Haven’t eaten in awhile so I was getting super lightheaded as soon as I pulled from the floor so just stopped haha
Need to fuel properly on those big lifting days dude!
Session 2
A. 290-290-290-295-295-300-300 (last weeks heaviest double was 305)
B. Did everything Rx but only got 5 reps on last two sets of front racked KB squats
4:04 for 75 cal on assault bike
Waited about 2 minutes after bike to attempt OH squats. Did clean and jerk, back racked it, then snatch grip jerked it. Got the 10 reps unbroken. 7:16, need to build more confidence on OH squats so I can jump into it faster
Made up the 10 front rack KB squats I missed after, 6reps+4reps
50 cal assault bike not 75?
Test yourself and put your hands on the bar as soon as you get off the assault bike. Test those limits ad see what happens! Training is where you learn about your body’s capabilities.
Whoops meant to say Airdyne, I wish it was assault bike lol and yeah, that’s what I need the most work on. I always give in to the extra rest during metcons
Session 1:
#150 Sotts Press
Muscle snatch: 135-145-155.
Complex for 18mins at #160lbs. 75% (215 1rm)
C&J for 24: started at #185, worked up to #275, which is my 1rm. #275 was a struuuuugglebus to stand up and not super pretty but going up by 5 or 10lbs every time and landing there, I was happy.
Legs were pretty tired from the morning session, but still hit it.
Now to combine my clean number and my jerk number. (290 and 295)
Session 1
Worked up to 70lbs on my SOTTS (PR)
B. Up to 85lbs Muscle Snatch
Complex up to 110
C. Extremely sore worked up to 165 and stayed there for last 4 sets.
Session 2:
A. All sets done at 265 (same as last weeks double felt great considering how trashed my quads feel which is rare)
B. As RX
Rest 2 min finished the AB/OHS RX in 6:08, all OHS unbroken, felt great considering how the rest of me feels :).
Getting flexy with the sotts press 🙂
Session One A. 70 kg / 155 lb – PR! B. 65/65/70/70/70/70 kg – (70 %) C. worked up to 110 kg, missed Split Jerk on 120 kg Session Two A. BS 4111. 160 kg/352 lb 160/ 160/ 153/ 153/ 153/ 140 kg (160, 100 %, 153, 95 %,) B. KB FS and swings was easy :o) – rested 2 min, then, C. Res: 04.17 – assult bike 2.54, OHS – UB, Clean, Hapy with PR on sotts press and felt ok on the snatch. lost focus on C&J @ 110 kg, Cleaned 120 kg twice, but missed the jerk… Read more »
Solid day Leif! That flexibility and stability is coming on well!
Thank you Tino!
Session 1:
A. Worked up to 85, but I’m very mobility limited on the movement in the front rack.
B. 125 for all sets
C. 135/155/165/175/185/195/205/215/225(PR!)/235(failed jerk)
I’m super pumped about finally hitting 225 on my jerk. Thank you Invictus crew for the awesome programming!
Session 2:
A. 260# for all sets
Awesome work Tom!!! Great to see your hard work paying off.
Session 1:
A. 95lbs
B. 95,115,125
C.*just did clean somethings up with my right lower back/hip area
*what would be a good sub for the OHS in session two so I don’t put that much strain on my lower back?
It really depends on what hurts and what doesn’t hurt. Priority should be to find out whats causing the problem then make sure you’re doing all you can to rehab the issue.
2nd Session
A. Tempo Back Squats- 345-345-355-355-355-365-365
B. Done as Rx, squats were pretty tough
C. 4:28 did 75 Cal on air dyne, right into quick squats snatch and OHS UB- happy with that part
Did a little mash up today, I’m competing tomorrow in a team competition, so I lightened the weight on some things today. 🙂 Session 1: A. 105# / failed 110# B. Muscle Snatch: 85/95/105 3 pos: 115/ 120 for 5 sets – focused on being snappy C. Did not do today Session 2: A. 185#/ 205# for 6 sets – just went off feel today. Didn’t want to go too heavy and I didn’t do the squats last week. B. Done: 40# KB – used lighter weight, although I’m not sure I could have done the squats for all rounds… Read more »
Good luck Beth!!
I’m on a team with Kenny 😛 I’m going to need some luck! LOL
Oh man 🙂
Session 1
A. 115, failed 125
B. Muscle sn:115/135/145
3 pos SN:95/115/125/135/140/145
C. Hit 250# (5# PR), hit 260 on a clean but failed the jerk which is also a 5# PR
Session 2
Awesome work on those PR’s!!
Session 1:
Snatch work done at prescribed percentages.
Clean and jerk emom done
125/135/145/155/165/175/180/190/195/200 got clean missed jerk/200 got clean again but missed jerk. Just didn’t commit.
Session 2: