Session One
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Press from Receiving x 3 reps
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Muscle Snatch x 3 reps
Keep the barbell close and be quick and aggressive in your turnover.
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
(Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat) x 3 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
High Hang Snatch x 2 reps
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Hang Snatch x 2 reps
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
2 Snatch Lift-Offs + Snatch
Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes (2 sets):
4-Stop Halting Snatch Deadlift with 8-second descent
In 10 reps or less, build to today’s heavy…
Front Squat x 1 rep
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Tempo Front Squat x 2 reps @ 32X1
All six sets must exceed load used last week. A good goal would be to increase the load of all sets by 4-5%.
**OPTIONS – Athletes who respond better to volume or need to add muscle mass should be following Option 2. Athletes who are respond better to intensity and who need to maintain body weight should follow Option 1.
Session Two
Gymnastics Skills Warm-Up
Band-Assisted Upper Anterior Chain Opener
(click movement to watch video and understand the movement)
10 Rocking Box Bridges (slow and controlled)
Prone Pectoral Stretch x 2 minutes each arm
Single-Arm Hang from Bar x 30 seconds each arm
10-12 Freestanding Kick-Ups to Handstand with Max Hold
(hold for as long as possible without walking – if your hands move, terminate that set)
followed by…
Three sets of:
45 seconds of Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold
Rest 60-90 seconds
Get into position via wall-walk, cartwheel or backward handstand walk. Place your forehead against the wall and look at your toes.
followed by…
One set of:
10 Wall Climbs
(start from prone and walk feet up the wall to nose-to-wall handstand hold and slowly descend back down – focus on keeping positions, not speed)
For 36 minutes (6 sets) rotate through the following:
60 seconds of Assault Bike
60 seconds of Plank Hold
60 seconds of Rowing
60 seconds of Sandbag Carry (Bear Hug) (80-120lb.)
60 seconds of Bear Crawl
60 seconds of Farmers Carry (light to medium load)
Every 2 minutes for 24 minutes (12 sets):
Row 300/250 meters
*Goal is to keep all intervals sub 60 seconds.
**OPTIONS – Athletes who need to learn to endure long, grueling workouts should follow Option 1. Athletes who need to learn how to move fast and push their intensity should follow Option 2.
For completion (not timed, but as little rest between movements as possible):
20 Strict Toes to Bar @ 2120
30 Windshield Wipers on Wall
40 Hollow Body Hang Holds @ 1011
50 Half Burpees – hands stay on the mat at all times
60 seconds (30 seconds each side) One-arm Prone Hand Plank
Sotts 90,105,115
MS 135, 155,175
190, 200,220 F (went back to 200)
HH up to 205
Hang to 225
Snatch stayed at 225, 235, miss 245 went back to 225
FS tempo up to 315 (am session had me feeling some type of way, last set I was mashed potatoes)
Sotts press – 45,50,55kg
Muscle – 60,70,72.5
Btn p.p + ohs 80,85,90kg
Hihang – 80,85,90
Hang -90,95,100kg
All I could get done. Have a head cold and feel run down..gonna let the body recovery and back off on some training this week.
Session One A. Snatch Press from Receiving: 95, 105, 115 Muscle Snatch: 115, 125, 135 Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat: 175, 185, 195×2, 190 B. High Hang Snatch (off blocks): 175, 185, 195×1, 190 Hang Snatch (off blocks): 185, 195, 200×1, 195 2 Snatch Lift-Offs + Snatch: 195, 200(f), 195, 200 C. 4-Stop Halting Snatch Deadlift: 235, 255 D.OPTION 2 Tempo Front Squat: 255 Across. Failed last rep of last set…. Session Two A I. Done II. Freestanding Kick-Ups to Handstand with Max Hold: 10-15 seconds for each. I can hold longer but not without moving my hands. Nose-to-Wall… Read more »
Session 1
A. Sn press from receiving: bar/25kg/30kg
Muscle sn: 40kg/45kg/50kg
Sn pp+OHS: 60/65/70kg
B. High hang doubles: 60/65/70kg
Low hang doubles: 65/70/75kg
Sn lift off+ Sn: 70,75,80kg
C. 80kg across
D. 165kg —> 5kg PR
Session 2
Gymnastics done
Rowing intervals done (12x300m rows)
48 – 55 sec all sets completed. No set past 55 sec
Congrats on the Front Squat PR!!
Session 1
A1) 80,90,100
2) 135,145,155
3) 200, 215,230
B1) 190,200,205
2) 210,215,230F
Granite games 16.3 redo..
321 reps. Improved from Friday.
Session 1:
A,B,C:Did snatch variations as perscribed by my Oly coach.
D: Temp Squats: 65, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95kgs (posted the video of that one). Was heaps heavier then last weeks, but they felt good. Went on to PR my 1rm at 105ks, just because 95 used to be my 1rm!
Session 2:
All done, went option 1 but subbed doubles for AD and tyre flips for sandbags as we dont have them at the gym. Kept moving fairly consistently without going close to a redline.
Session 1
Did Granite games qualifier and got 340 reps
Followed this up with the handstand work from session 2
Session 2
Did session 1….
Snatch press barbell only (mobility is key limiter)
Muscle 95/125/135
Press OHS 135/170/180
High hang 155/175/175
Hang 185/185missed3rd rep / 185
Lifts + snatch 185/205x/205/205
Snatch dead at 245
Legs were smoked for this for some reason. I felt really slow. Tried to push thru
Tempo front squats
2 sets @225
1 @245
2 sets @265
1 set @275
Feeling pretty average today so tried to listen to my body a bit…
Snatched everything up to hang snatch at 80kg
Front squatted to paused 2 at 112kg.
Called it a day… hopefully better tomorrow.
Session 2:
I. Done
II. Done I am no good at the free-stand hold
B) option 2: :58 seconds to :63seconds
C) done (not sure how to do a lot of these movements)
Session 1:
165/185/205f 2nd rep
185/205f 2nd rep/205
205/215/225f to far in the frontal plain need to sweep the bar further back to the hips. Happy to get under this with my right shoulder the way it is.
315 wicked (first time no wraps still can’t feel my thumbs)
D) Option 2: 255
Need to get that shoulder heathy dude.
Have some PT today we will see how it feels after.
Had PT today
Session 1
A. SP 45/50/50
MS 55/65/75
SP+OHS 85/85/85
B.HHS 80/85/95
HS 95/100/100
SLO+S 100/105/105
4stop HSD 115
D. Option 2 tempo FS
I really like these!
Session 2
A. Done
B. Option 2 rowing
Really struggled with this
C. Did the strict T2B but my lower back was extremely tight by this point today so I finished the night with mobility to play it safe
Session 1:
A. 95, 115, 135
135, 155, 165
165, 185, 205
B. 185, 195, 205
215, 225, 230
225, 235, 245.
C. 255, 255.
D. Option 1: built up to 385 for the morning.
Session 2:
B. Option 2: all sub 1:00
C. done
Session 1:
Snatches felt terrible today. My shoulders and T-spine were super tight so I kept the weight really light to just work on speed.
A. 45/65/64
B. 95/95/105
C. 165/185
D. Option 2:
215 for all six sets
Session 2:
A. I. Done
II. 5/3/3/3/5/6/4/4/5/5
B. Option 2:
C. Done
Session 1:
A) 35/55/55
B) 95/105/105
Session 2:
C from session 1) 130/142/152/162/162/162
A) done
B) Option 1, 35# KB on farmer carry, 65# sandbag
Heavier sandbag came in mail today! Will fill it up this week
C) Done, hollow body hang was awful, need stronger lats!
Did session 1 completely and only part B. Of session 2
A. 80,95,105
SPP+OHS @100 felt tight
B. 115-125
155 all 3 for Snatch lift off+ snatch
C. 190,210
135,165,190,210,225,235,245,255,265,280(PR but had way more in the tank video on Instagram)
Session 2
B. Rowingx8x250 meters all sets were 51-55sec
*body feels achy and having stomach problems felt sluggish the whole workout, did as much as I can tolerate.
Hi all! I’ve been following the athlete programming for a couple of months but was a week behind. After going to the Invictus athlete camp last week I decided to synch back up with everyone else and am going to make an effort to start posting regularly. Session 1 Snatch press from receiving – 55, 65, 75 Muscle snatch – 75, 80, 85 Snatch PP + OHS – 85, 95, 105 High Hang Snatch – 85, 90, 95 Hang Snatch – 95, 100, 105 2 Snatch Lift-Offs + Snatch – 110, 115, 120 Halting snatch DL – 125 Trying to… Read more »
Glad you took the advice! We can keep an eye on your results now 🙂
Hope you had fun at the Camp!
Session 2
A. I. Done
II. Done
B. Option 2- 59.0, 59.0, 58.6, 58.7, 59.2, 59.6, 59.4, 59.3, 59.5, 59.7, 59.4, 59.4 happy about this, had no confidence going into it
C. Done, found a variety of versions of the half burpee on YouTube lol I ended up doing the most common one, which is just shoot feet back into push up position then jump them towards hands and repeat. Didn’t bring chest to ground or anything. Anyone know the correct way for future reference?
Also did one arm prone hand plank in extended push up position, not on elbow
Session 1: Snatch press in receiving – 65 across Muscle snatch – 115/125/125 Overhead Squat + OHS 135/145/155 High hang – 135/145/145 Hang 155/165/175 Lift offs + snatch – 175/185/200 This movement, consistent progressions multiple times a week are paying off. Was able to PR twice last week. Up to 255 now and was stuck at 245 forever. And I know there is room for more. Halting deadlifts – 225 Option 2 – tempo front squat – 195/235/255/270/270/270 Session 2 Love these warm ups. They really do the trick and I’m happy we’re back at em. Did option 1 Not… Read more »
Session two
A. done
B. option one done. dunno how to quantify this but 101 cals on the bike. pushup plank. 14-15 cals on the row. 110 sandbag. lumbering polar bear crawl. 35 lb. kettlebells first two rounds (class was using heavier kbs) switched to 50 lb. dumbbells for last four. wasn’t ever near a redline but afterward my forearms were pumped and my legs were a little shaky so I think I did it right?
C. done. windshield wipers and half burpees were hard.
Haha ye it sounds like you did it right 🙂
Hey Guys! Comp on the weekend was great! We took second place as a team! Sessions today felt tough, maybe because of the comp but i don’t know? haha Got through most of it, did the Granite Game Qualifier with an athlete that’s competing, I didn’t want him to do it alone so I decided to go through the pain with him. SESSION 1 A.) 95/105/115 115/120/125 135/145/145 The Snatch Press from receiving was a little bit hard today, shoulders are feeling from the weekend, but managed to hit the same weight as last week. Went heavier on the Muscle… Read more »
Congrats on the weekends competition!!
I would usually advise taking it easy for the few days after but seems like you threw yourself in there and trained pretty well today! Be sure to look after yourself after the weekend.
Session 1
A. 45/55/65 – 95/95/95 – 95/95/95
B. 135/140/145 – 155/155/155 – 165/165/165
C. 165 for all three
D. Option 2 – Tempo work – 225 for all sets
Session 2
A. Gymnastic work – struggle with free standing kick ups to handstand hold
B. Option 2 – under 1:03 on all sets. Feel like I’m doing something wrong with my rowing technique.
C. Core – done!