Session One
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Press from Receiving x 3 reps
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Muscle Snatch x 3 reps
Keep the barbell close and be quick and aggressive in your turnover.
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
(Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat) x 3 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
High Hang Snatch x 2 reps
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Hang Snatch x 2 reps
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
2 Snatch Lift-Offs + Snatch
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes (2 sets):
4-Stop Halting Snatch Deadlift with 8-second descent
In 10 reps or less, build to today’s heavy…
Front Squat x 1 rep
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Tempo Front Squat x 3 reps @ 32X1
Build the first three sets, with the goal to go as heavy as you can handle for the final three sets.
**OPTIONS – Athletes who respond better to volume or need to add muscle mass should be following Option 2. Athletes who are respond better to intensity and who need to maintain body weight should follow Option 1.
Session Two
Gymnastics Skills Warm-Up
Banded Lat Stretch x 2 Minutes each arm
10 Rocking Box Bridges (slow and controlled)
Prone Pectoral Stretch x 2 minutes each arm
Accumulate 15-20 Freestanding Kick-Ups to Handstand
(hold for 1 second in the handstand, but goal is to get comfortable finding balance point)
followed by…
Three sets of:
30 seconds of Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold
Rest 60-90 seconds
Get into position via wall-walk, cartwheel or backward handstand walk.
followed by…
Five sets of:
Wall-to-Freestanding Handstand Hold x Max Hold
Rest as needed
Place your hands close to the wall on the floor, kick up, and then use your fingers and body positioning to pull away from the wall into a freestanding handstand hold.
Ten rounds of:
20 Calories of Assault Bike
100-foot Sand Bag Carry (Bear Hug) (60-120 lbs)
Run 400 meters
100-foot Overhead Kettlebell Carry (Light)
Every 3 minutes, for 30 minutes (10 sets):
20/15 Calories of Assault Bike
*Goal is to hit 20/15 calories in as close to 30 seconds as possible.
**OPTIONS – Athletes who need to learn to endure long, grueling workouts should follow Option 1. Athletes who need to learn how to move fast and push their intensity should follow Option 2.
For time:
100 Hand Plank Shoulder Taps
25 Push-Ups
75 Tuck Rocks
25 Push-Ups
50 V-Ups
Session 1
A. Sotts: 95, 105, 115
Muscle: 115, 125, 135
PP+OHS: 175, 185, 2@195
B. HHS: 175, 185, 1@195
2SLO+Snatch: 195, 200, 205
Snatch DL: 225, 245
C. Option 2
225, 235, 245, 245, 245, 245
Session 2
A. Done
B. Option 2
:24, :23, :24, :27, :27, :31, :34, :34, :35, :32
C. 5:59
Hellooooo Sotts press 40/45/50kg Muscle snatch 60/65/70kg Snatch + OHS 80/90/95kg Hi Hang 80/85/90kg Hang 95/100/ 1 @ 105kg (shouldn’t have failed the second) would have been a 2rm. Lift offs + snatch 100/102.5/105kg Sn Deads @ 120k Snatch felt good. Tempo Fronties 100/110/110/110/110/110kg Had a pain in the side of my calf so kept it at 110kg about 65% (still tough) Option 1 – Had to upscale to 135/65kg Dball carry as our 120 is burst. Bad mistake. a little slow through the middle rounds. Anyway time was 48.38. 16kg OH Kbs maybe too light? Need to push… Read more »
Sotts press 40/45/50kg
Muscle snatch 60/65/70kg
Snatch + OHS 80/90/95kg
Hi Hang 80/85/90kg
Hang 95/100/ 1 @ 105kg (shouldn’t have failed the second)
Lift offs + snatch 100/102.5/105kg
Happy with 1 silly miss for the day.
Tempo Fronties 100/110/110/110/110/110kg Had a pain in the side of my calf so kept it at 110kg(still tough)
Option 1 – Had to upscale to 135 Dball carry as our 120 is burst. Bad mistake. a little slow through the middle rounds. Anyway time was 48.38.
Will catch up on gymnastics and midline as i was tight for time today.
1)a Press: 15kg bar Muscle: 25kg, 30kg, – PP/OHS: 35, 35, 35 b. High hang: 35, 35, 35 hang: 35, 40, 40 lift off/snatch: -, 40, 40 c. Tempo front squats: 50, 55, 60, 70, 75, 80 Straight into 2) a. completed c. 12.30 will do b. this arvo (we dont have a assault bike at the box, but I do in my home gym, lucky me!) I’ve kept the snatches super light as I am only just coming back into full receiving position after doing my hand/wrist. Its pretty incredible how quickly the form disappeared. I’ve been aiming to… Read more »
Dial those position in and make sure your hand and wrist are healthy. The movement will come back if you practice in perfect positions. Be sure to post any videos on Facebook for review.
What facebook site do we post videos on?
Invictus athlete
Session 1
Muscle – 115/125/135
Press + OHS 165/175/185
High hang 185/185/195
Hang 205/205/210miss
Lift offa + snatch 215/225/225miss -current 1RM
Deads @255lbs
Tempo front squat
Session 2
A) Did all hand stand work. Still can not quit balance in a free standing but can pull off for a few seconds
B) Every 3 for 30
Ended up being 1 min on 2 mins off. Killer on the quads
C) 7:20
Sore from Muprh yesterday so went at 80% today.
Session 1:
A 25 (ouch)/ 120 / 155
B 135/ 165 / 165 / 205
C Option 2 – 245
Session 2:
Just the metcon no gymnastics. Slightly scaled – no running.
20 cal AD / 75 foot carry with deadball 110lbs / 75 foot OH carry 45lbs each hand
Session 1
1) 55/75/95
2) 95/115/125
3) 155/195/215
1) 145/165/185
2) 185/195/205f 2nd rep
3) 195f/175/185
4) 285
C) option 2: 135/185/225/245×3
Session 2
A) done
Option 2: almost threw up
1st round: :38 seconds that sucked the life out of me
2nd: :41
3rd: :56
4th-10th: 1:10-1:20
C) 5:46 still trying not to puke
Nice work to push through that 10 sets. Another good session in the books.
Ha! Seems like you really enjoyed that one. 🙂
Session 1
A: 35-35-35
B: 105-110-115
C: Option 2* ended @ 155. That tempo life though…Working on that leg strength!
Session 2
A: Gymnastics done 🙂
B: Option 2* Kept the sets about 45 sec average… But the last sets where not pretty haha
C: 7:08
Sammie!!! Hope your having fun back home, we miss you in SD!
Miss you guys!!!!
Session 1:
A) 55/55/65
B) 95/105/105
Taking lots of steps forward today…
Session 2:
Tempo front squats from Session 1:
A) done
B) Option 1: scaled to 15 cals, 300m run, used 65lb sandbag and 18lb kettlebells
C) 11:33 slow pushups
Hey! SESSION 1 A.) 105/105/105 115/115/125 125/135/135 B.) 135/135/135 145/155/155 155/165/165 Deadlifts I forgot to do, will do tonight. These all felt good, on the testing day of 1RM Snatch I wa struggling to get 160lbs up. Really paid attention to form, keeping the bar close and positions. This was really good, it’s all coming back slowly. Can’t wait to do more. C.) 185/225/245/245/245/245 These were rough, first 2 reps felt good, third was HARD. Loved it. SESSION 2 A.I) Complete A.II) Complete B.) Option 2 – Assault Bike :29/:29/:30/:53/1:09/1:16/1:09/1:04/1:01/:57 This was INTENSE. I went hard off the bat, and… Read more »
Good day of learning and another step in the right direction.
Session 1 A. Granite games qualifier as i was traveling all weekend and today was the only day to do it. Not that happy with my score, got under 200 but couldn’t stand it up. Ugh. Looking forward to this weeks qualifier. B. 1RM front squat…got 205, failed 210 twice. This is definitely not my real 1RM, legs were definitely smoked after the qualifer as I did it back to back Session 2 Gymnastics warm up done. 5-10 free standing hand stands for 20-30 seconds, these are my fave 🙂 B. Option 2: this took a piece of my soul… Read more »
Session 1: Had to skip the snatches in exchancge for the granite games qualifier workout, didn’t go as well as I would’ve liked since of a back injury C) Option 1: 135, 185, 225, 255, 285, 300, 310, 320, stopped there (Racked 330 and felt a little twinge in my upper back) Session 2: A)Done B)Option 2: Went ok for the first 3 then just couldn’t do well after, extremely frustrating, I have no lactic acid threshold at all… Lungs are fine but legs literally can’t produce any more force and its really infuriating. First one was 30 flat, second… Read more »
Highlighting some areas you can work on going forward. Always learning!
Redid Granite Games 16.1 yesterday. Improved from first attempt. Scored 89 reps.
Session 1
A1) 75,85,95
2) 135,145, 150
3) 195,210, 225
B1) 185,195,205
2) 210,215,225
3) 230,235,245
4) 255, 260
C (option 2) 255,260,265,270,275,280
Session 2…immediately after first
B (option 2) :56, 1:01, :59, 1:00, 1:01, :58, :56, :55, :53, :54
C. 6:33
Solid work on the improvement!
Need to put out a little more on the assault bike 🙂
session 1
B2)235-245-250(10lb PR on complex)
B3) 245-250-260(couldn’t stand up) 15lb PR on complex
B4)snatch deads at 300
Front squat option 2: 205-225-245-265-275-280. core was smoked!
Session 2.
Gymnastics done. freestanding holds were about 20 seconds
Option 1 for conditioning. Made the mistake of doing this outside at 2:00 in the afternoon while it was 95 out, gotta love Alabama summers. 45:16RX went a lil slow on the assault bike.
C) Done.
Stay safe in the heat dude. Make sure you’re staying well hydrated!
Session 2
A. I. Done
II. Done
Between 5 and 12 seconds on all sets, started to get the hang of it at the end
B. Option 2- 30 cal on Airdyne
51-54-55-55-60-64-64-64-59-63 sec
This was terrible, I feel pathetic getting these numbers, especially knowing the goal was to get close to 30 seconds. Slowed between 20 and 30 second mark each set. Probably shouldn’t have brought Airdyne outside, but always feel like I’m cheating if I do it somewhere with the A/C on. Humid here in MO
C. 8:31
It’s all part of the process Torey. These are numbers to build from in the future!
Thanks Tino, I’ll keep that in mind!
Session 1
C) tempo work- 215
Session 2
A) finished
B) Option 2 – normal bike (assault bike not in yet)/ 90 lb carry / 400 run on football field / 25lb db’s for carry – (51:45)
C) in morning between classes
Session 1
A. SP 45/45/55
MS 55/65/65
SPP+OHS 85/85/85
B. HHS 75/85/95
HS 85/95/100
LO+S 100/105/105
4stop HDL 115
C. Option 2 Tempo FS
Session 2
A. Done
B. Option 2
My legs.
C. 16:13 shoulders and abs are toast
Session two
A. done
B. 43:59
used 110 lb sand bag, 44 lb kbs
AM session
a] Sots press 65-75-85
muscle snatch 95-115-115
3x{snatch PP + OHS} 135-155-155
B] high-hang-135-155-175
hang snatch 175-185-185
2snatch lift offs + snatch – 185-190-195 (max is 215)
4stop snatch deadlift- 225-225
C]205-225-245-245-245-245 read this wrong. built to a heavy 3 and tried to maintain.
HS work done.
a]53:something. 135 bag. heavy.
core done.
sp 45/75/75
MS 95/135/165
OHS 165/185/205
Hi Hang 205/215/225
Hang 225×1/225×2/230×1
Lift off 230/230F/230F
4 Stop 275×2
Front squat up to 365 (almost hit 380 for a trip Saturday morning)
Session 2
10 Rounds:
20 Cal Row
100Ft 100lb SB carry
400 M Run
2 35lb KB overhead walk
Time 40+