May 2, 2016 – Invictus Athlete

Session One

Front Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 4 reps @ 70-75%
*Set 3 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 80-85%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
*Sets 6-8 – 1 rep @ 90+%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets

Every 3 minutes, for 9 minutes (3 sets):
(Power Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk) x 4 reps

Building over the course of the three sets.

Followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Clean & Jerk

Build to today’s heavy complex.

Followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
2 Clean Lift-Offs + 1 Clean Deadlift with Tempo Descent @ 100-105% of your 1-RM Clean
(pause 1 second at the knees on each clean lift-off, then perform the clean deadlift with a 4 second eccentric descent to return the barbell to the floor)

Three sets of:
Barbell Hip Bridges x 6-8 reps
Rest as needed

Three sets of:
2 Minutes of Banded Marching
Rest 20 seconds
60 seconds of Banded Squats
Rest 20 seconds
20 Reverse Hypers @ 50% of 1-RM Deadlift
Rest as needed

Session Two
Every 4 minutes, for 32 minutes (8 sets), for max calories:
45 seconds of Assault Bike
10 Fat Bar Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
Rest the remainder of the 4-minute period.

*If you don’t have access to an Assault Bike, you may substitute with a Concept 2 rower.
**If you do not have access to a Fat Bar perform with regular bar for 12 reps or at 255/175 lbs.

Three sets of:
Seated Single-Leg Lifts x 20 reps (slow and controlled)
Rest 60 seconds

Sit on the floor in an L-seated position, hands on the ground at your side, then lift a heel as high as possible while maintaining an upright torso.

followed by…

Three sets of:
Seated Leg Lifts x 15 reps (slow and controlled)
Rest 60 seconds

Sit on the floor in an L-seated position, hands on the ground at your side, then lift both heels as high as possible while maintaining an upright torso.

followed by…

Three sets of:
Tuck-Up to V-Up Complex x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds

Session One

Take 20 minutes to build to today’s 1-RM Snatch

Three sets of:
3-Position Halting Snatch Deadlift
Rest as needed

For this exercise, you will employ a 1-2 second pause at three separate points: (1) 2″ off the floor; (2) the knees; and (3) mid-thigh. The purpose is to pause and hold your IDEAL position at each of these points, so don’t let your ego and the load get the best of you. Keep your lats tight and pay attention to the distribution of weight through your foot at each point to ensure you’re performing this correctly.

Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
Rest 2-3 minutes

Every three minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat x 2 reps @ 95%

Session Two
Every minute, on the minute, for 18 minutes (6 sets of each):
Minute 1: 15 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
Minute 2: 10 Burpee Box Jumps (24″/20″)
Minute 3: 10 Alternating DB Squat Snatches (75/55 lbs)

This is all for today…we want to start backing off a bit so that you’re ready to test whatever is announced.

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Max Brown
Max Brown
May 4, 2016 7:53 am

135/145/175(that sucked)
195/215/225/215/215 (feel like crap)
C) skip
D) skip
Right into session 2
A) 109 cals total all sets sub 1:25 with 255
???How do you get better on the assult bike is there any technique or is it just use it and get better???
17 cals / 7/5 DL
15 cals / 12 ub
12 cals / 12 ub
14 cals / 12 ub
14 cals / 12 ub
12 cals / 12 ub
13 cals / 12 ub
12 cals / 12 ub
B) done

Aron Anderson
Aron Anderson
May 3, 2016 4:58 am

A. 225X5, 240X4, 255X3, 270X2, 285X1, 300X1, 315X1, 325X1
B1. 145,155,165
B2. 215, 230, 245, 250 (Failed C&J) Felt week today
B3. 295
C. 185, 205, 225
D. Done (135lb Dimel DL.)
A. All Calories between 15-18 / All rounds under 1:30
B. Done

Beth Spearman
Beth Spearman
May 2, 2016 8:48 pm

Workouts are getting released!!! So far they look fun ? A. Snatch- hit 175 (current 100%) had a couple of tries at 180 and almost got it…. Goos thing is that 175 is now consistent! Looks like I’ll need that! B. Halting DL: 180#…. Penance for not hitting the PR 🙂 C. Back squats: 195/225/260 <— supposed to be 250 and I misloaded ? D. Back squat EMOM: could not get doubles at 95%(265), did 3 sets with a miss on rep 2, went down to 250 and did 3 sets of 2 to get some work in. Back squats… Read more »

May 2, 2016 9:44 pm
Reply to  Beth Spearman

So happy to hear you are able to hit 175 at this time! Hopefully it all goes well when you need it and a PR before then maybe?!!

Jake LaNasa
Jake LaNasa
May 2, 2016 7:46 pm

Running from Saturday
Didn’t feel quite as flat footed as I have past few weeks

Kenny Provost
Kenny Provost
May 2, 2016 6:10 pm

Off Season
Session 1
A. 225/245/265/285/305/315/325/330
B. I. 135/155/175
II. 225/245/260/275/280
III. 325/330/335/335
C. Done with 185 (back on bench)
D. Done with dimmels in place of hypers at 225

Session 2
A. Row for cals.. All 20-22 cals
Deadlift with regular bar at 255×10

Will have to add the gymnastics core work somewhere later in the week.

Great stuff again. Tough start but glad Monday is through.

Thank you!

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
May 2, 2016 7:01 pm
Reply to  Kenny Provost

Great consistency in the bike! Solid day of training!

Marcus Diaz
Marcus Diaz
May 2, 2016 5:18 pm

Did one super long session with a 15 minute break between for snacks and casual conversation

Session 1:
A) Worked up to 375 (1rm is 385), got super light headed when I unracked 390 so did not attempt it.
B) 165/185/205 (power jerks because split jerks hurt my ankle)
205/225/245/255/265 (1rm power clean is 275), all power jerks
D) Done

Session 2:
A) 120 total calories, did 12 deads at 255 because of no fat bar at our gym
B) Done

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
May 2, 2016 7:00 pm
Reply to  Marcus Diaz

That’s a lot of work in one session! ?

Kevin Manabat
Kevin Manabat
May 2, 2016 3:19 pm

A] based off 310. hit 290 today. started rounding
b]135-155-175 for the 4’s
clean pulls @285

18-17-16×6 for calories
about 1:35 per round
b]bridges 185-205
c]3 rounds
banded squats
20 stiff leg deadlifts

what do the banded marches do? the belt destroys my hip

May 2, 2016 5:59 pm
Reply to  Kevin Manabat

All glutes buddy.

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
May 2, 2016 7:00 pm
Reply to  Kevin Manabat
Christopher Camp
Christopher Camp
May 2, 2016 1:22 pm

Off season.

Just finished session 2.
Started at 21 cals a round, ended at 15.
Did all deads unbroken. First 9 were fast, last 3 were slower. Didn’t have a fat bar so went 255.

Took about 1:10 beginning to 1:20 a round at the end.

Ass is feelin nice n fancy now. Thanks for that one.

Session 1 later.

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
May 2, 2016 6:57 pm

Glute gains!!

Christopher Camp
Christopher Camp
May 2, 2016 7:24 pm
Reply to  Tino Marini

Let me tell ya something about banded marches….. Good god.

Session 1:
Hit all the front squats solidly.
Did the last 4 sets at 91-92 percent ish. 300lbs. All the glute activation is helping a lot.

1st complex worked from 155-185-205.
2nd complex worked from 205-245. Last couple jerks were a by squirrelly. Legs were getting a bit jello ish, but still landed em.

Glute bridges 225-245-265.

Marches were awful. Thank you.

Shely Janey Weinrich
Shely Janey Weinrich
May 2, 2016 11:59 am

A. Only hit 195#. Max is 205#
B. Worked up to 145#. Mechanics were a little off. 195# for tempo pulls. Felt light.
C. 105/125/135
D. Done.

Session 2:
Done after my 12 class, hour after sesh 1
A. Done Rx with assault bike and fat bar. 93 cals total. And all DL UB. Done between :69-:75 seconds.
B. Leg lifts done. Currently finished up v-up complex.
Monday’s don’t feel good for me too often. I think I’m too sedentary on Sunday’s and need to move more than I do. Tough cause I typically just don’t want to do anything!

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
May 2, 2016 6:56 pm

As the weather improves start getting outside and go for hikes or bike rides. Hopefully this helps and makes Monday’s session a little more productive

Vernon Neal
Vernon Neal
May 2, 2016 11:19 am

1. 5 @ 255 4 @ 275 3 @ 295 2 @ 310 1 @ 330 1 @ 345 1 @ 365 (previous PR) 1 @ 400 (failed as I was coming up out of the hole — my belt popped off and that was that) 2. Completed at 155-185# — that felt like cardio 3. Made it up to 275# again and I keep having an issue where my low back arches really bad as I catch the split. Last time actually left me pretty sore and it happened again today. I decided to push ahead and got the… Read more »

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
May 2, 2016 11:55 am
Reply to  Vernon Neal

That’s an aggressive jump from 365 to 400! Maybe 375 or 385?

Vernon Neal
Vernon Neal
May 2, 2016 1:00 pm
Reply to  Tino Marini

But it felt sooo good up until my belt popped off… Lol and this is why I need a coach — I’ll make reasonable jumps next time, promise.

Laura Redman
Laura Redman
May 2, 2016 9:53 am

Sunday’s training – regional prep – make up day – snatch bc I always need more snatch work 😉 up to 135#, then 5 min:(10 total) E30sec X1 rep at 135#, 2 misses – clean and jerk singles up to 190#, legs a bit tired from the 100 thrusters yesterday , jerks felt awesome -Front squat 4×3 (175/185/195/195) – regional event 6 : 25 cal row/16 C2B/ 9 defHSPU For completion – 19:20 BUT I did do the deficit at 4 in, not 3… Maybe that makes a difference? My hands ripped too so that was fun – 4 rounds… Read more »

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
May 2, 2016 10:47 am
Reply to  Laura Redman

Make sure you look after yourself this week that includes those hands! You have a big weekend coming up soon 🙂

May 2, 2016 9:09 am

Session 1:
A. FS- 315 First time in several weeks
B. 95-115-135, then 185-205,225,235,240 First time C&J in several weeks
C. 290×4
D. Done (RH-200)

Session 2:

Alan Hicks
Alan Hicks
May 2, 2016 9:52 am
Reply to  Kyle

The back seem to be good after front squats and cleans?

May 2, 2016 6:00 pm
Reply to  Alan Hicks

It didn’t really hurt today but it’s sore now we’ll see for tomorrow. Crossing my finger. Ps. nice FS!

Alan Hicks
Alan Hicks
May 3, 2016 4:17 am
Reply to  Kyle

Yeah hopefully just a lil tight from not doing those movements in a while. You’ll be on that gains train in no time!!!

May 3, 2016 1:00 pm
Reply to  Alan Hicks

Thanks for the encouragement bro!

Bryan Miller
Bryan Miller
May 2, 2016 7:25 pm
Reply to  Kyle

LOVE those fatgripz, they seem to really help me

Barrett Danz
Barrett Danz
May 2, 2016 8:40 am

off season am
A. FS- built up to 345
B. CC- 205-225-245 x 4’s
-265-275×3-285 x3’s
*kept it a little light and working on getting rid of this early arm bend i developed in the clean 🙁
C. Done w/ 135-155
D. Done but did banded makeshift reverse hypers as I don’t have that machine

May 2, 2016 9:07 am
Reply to  Barrett Danz

B. x3’s?

Barrett Danz
Barrett Danz
May 2, 2016 11:49 am
Reply to  Kyle

Yep did it wrong 🙁 missed the clean AND jerk part just did jerk…

Charlie Wells
Charlie Wells
May 2, 2016 7:20 am

Hello! Great session today! Front sqaut. ..worked from 65kg up to a new pb of 100kg! So happy I am over that hurdle!!!!!! Clean complex a..40 , 45, 50kg touch and go Complex b..55, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75kg (did an extra set as mucked up numbers..wanted to finish on 75kg…All touch and go up to 70kg which I was happy with) Clean lo and dl..87.5kg Glute bridges at 35kg Posterior chain circuit…done (subbed in good mornings for reverse hypers at 35kg) Emom of rowing..done.. Cals..16, 16, 15, 15, 15, 14, 14, 14… I had to drop deadlift weight at… Read more »

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
May 2, 2016 10:45 am
Reply to  Charlie Wells

Wait until you discover those hamstrings, numbers are going to shoot up. Keep up the great work!

Leif Erik
Leif Erik
May 2, 2016 6:51 am

OFF-SEASON PROGRAM Session One A. Front Squat – up to 140 kg FS, (86 %), felt Heavy today, B1. (Power Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk) x 4 reps: 70/ 90/ 90 kg – B2. 1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Clean & Jerk: 95/ 101/ 106/ 110/ 101 kg B3. 2 Clean Lift-Offs + 1 Clean Deadlift with Tempo Descent @ 140 kg C. Three sets of: Barbell Hip Bridges x 8 reps @ 70 kg, could lift more, but have done it before so just wanted to try, D. 2 Minutes of Banded Marching:… Read more »

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
May 2, 2016 10:44 am
Reply to  Leif Erik

Haha unfortunately not but I was there and it did happen, he just moved really fast 🙂

Alan Hicks
Alan Hicks
May 2, 2016 6:49 am

Session 1:
A- did all the highest percentages. Got 385# for 1!!! 20# PR!!!!! That was my back squat back in February!
B- 135/155/185# // 205/225/255/265/275# // 335/335/345/355# felt strong!
C- 135/165/185
D-elitefitness Orange band // elitefitness white band // 250#
Session 2:

Jeffrey Perez
Jeffrey Perez
May 2, 2016 7:49 am
Reply to  Alan Hicks

O.O great job bro!

Alan Hicks
Alan Hicks
May 2, 2016 8:29 am
Reply to  Jeffrey Perez

Thanks buddy!

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
May 2, 2016 10:43 am
Reply to  Alan Hicks

Damn!!! Awesome work Alan thats a huge PR!!

Alan Hicks
Alan Hicks
May 2, 2016 1:04 pm
Reply to  Tino Marini

Thanks Tino! I have never felt better physically or mentally! May the gains train continue!!!

Bryan Miller
Bryan Miller
May 2, 2016 7:26 pm
Reply to  Alan Hicks


Noble Tucker
Noble Tucker
May 2, 2016 5:02 am

Session 1
A. 5×205/4×235/3×250/2×265

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
May 2, 2016 6:21 am
Reply to  Noble Tucker

It should have been…
Power Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk
Power Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk
Power Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk
Power Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk

Noble Tucker
Noble Tucker
May 2, 2016 6:28 am
Reply to  Tino Marini

Okay perfect, that’s what i did. I just wrote it in a weird way. That was a lot harder than it looked

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