Session One
Nine sets of:
Banded Bench Press x 3 reps 50% Bar Weight of 1-RM Bench Press + Bands
Rest 90 seconds
Bench = 200 lbs or more, use Doubled Mini Bands
Bench = 199 lbs or less, use Double Micro Mini Bands
*Sets 1-3 – Close Grip
*Sets 4-6 – Middle Grip
*Sets 7-9 – Wide Grip
Followed by…
One set of:
Bench Press x 8 reps @ 73%
“2014 CrossFit Regionals Event 6”
For time:
50 Calorie Row
50 Box Jump-Overs (24″/18″)
50 Deadlifts (180/120 lbs)
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
50 Ring Dips
50 Wall Ball Shots
50 Deadlifts
50 Box Jump-Overs
50 Calorie Row
Two Sets of:
Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows x 6-8 reps each
Rest as needed
Viking Sloth Press x 8-10 alternating reps
Rest as needed
Same as last week. Establish familiarity and increase load if possible.
Two sets of:
300-Foot Sandbag Carry (no stopping)
Rest 4-5 minutes
Session Two
For time:
Run 1600 Meters
Rest 3 mintues
Run 1200 Meters
Rest 2 minutes
Run 800 Meters
Rest 1 minute
Run 400 Meters
Session One
Take 20 minutes to build to today’s 3-RM Bench Press
“2014 CrossFit Regionals Event 6”
For time:
50 Calorie Row
50 Box Jump-Overs (24″/18″)
50 Deadlifts (180/120 lbs)
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
50 Ring Dips
50 Wall Ball Shots
50 Deadlifts
50 Box Jump-Overs
50 Calorie Row
Get in a good cool down, just like you would at Regionals.
Session Two
“2014 CrossFit Regionals Event 7”
For time:
64 Pull-Ups
8 Overhead Squats (205/135 lbs)
Rest until fully recovered, and then…
Five rounds for time of:
30/20 Calories of Assault Bike
40-Foot Handstand Walk
(must be performed in 20-foot unbroken sets)
Off season
Session one
Bench – 9×3 @135 + bands, 1×8 @200
Regionals Chipper – 20.13
SA Row @90lbs, SA DB Strict Press @45lbs
Subbed the sandbag carry for KB FR carries as we don’t have any sandbags, used 2x24kg.
Session 2
Swapped the running for “Maupin”,
800m run
49 Push ups
49 Sit ups
49 Air Squats
It’s after 8am in Africa and still no programming for the 18th… Where is it?
Kind of a mix and match day. Felt good after all the lifting yesterday but wanted to be conservative and avoid tweaking anything on the last day of the week Session one Dakota games qualifier metcon: amrap 9 10 cal row 10 box over 10 hspu got 7+1 good for 5th/3rd overall? Banded bench: 125 plus two blue bands on each side 8 rep at 180 One arm row 6×100 Viking press 10 each arm with 5lb plates both sets Watched girlfriends softball double header/work on nonexistent tan Session two aka ego check 3rnft 20 walking lunges 40 lb db… Read more »
Regional prep- Sunday training (because I’m unable to train on Mondays)
– 15 min Emom of hang snatch bc I always need snatch work, went up to 65kg – midline and really just everything feeling a bit sluggish and tired
– front squat triples 4×3 85kg. Stayed super light
– decided to do regional event 6 from 2013 not all out, no pressure : 100 du + 50 hspu + 40 TTB + 30 STOH + 90 ft lunge = 10:25
– accessory shoulder and ab work
– I’m ready for a rest day
Are we holding bottom of squat for sloth press or are we seated?
A.3RM bench 150 B.“2014 CrossFit Regionals Event 6” Got through 16 box jumps at the 21:00 mark (old cut off), finished in 26:20. Getting MRI on R knee this week. Keeps locking on me and is really painful… especially below parallel and jumping. Took box jumps slower than normal and really tried to punch out those ring dips so they would pass regionals standards. C.biked 12 minutes to cool down Session Two A.Done 1.5 hours after morning session ended. “2014 CrossFit Regionals Event 7” OH squats UB, cleaned it up. 3:45. Mostly butterfly with some kips thrown in B. 11:48.… Read more »
Since I was a day behind I’m going to post Fri/Saturday work together even though it was done Saturday/Sunday Fridays work: Back squat 145/165/185/205 225/235/245/255(f) wow I didn’t have any legs today! 2 hang clean+ jerk 145/150/155 2x C&J 155/160/160/165/165/170 beltless 1x C&J 185/195/205(f) sat under it but just couldn’t stand No pulls or deadlifts I have to watch my back Barbell cycling 6x 135-:24 145 :34 155 :44 165: 1:00 Gymnastics: done had to add an extra minute of rest each round and the 6″ dhspu 4-3-2-2 ouch!! 400 run+20 ghd 2:28/2:24/2:24/2:23 Saturdays work No bench press it flares… Read more »
Awesome work girl! ?
Competition at Crossfit Oslo today, team event for all the Levels. Back on track on monday,
Session 1
185x doubled red band
275 f on 8
B) regional slay session: 23:23
5 cals on rower at 21:00 min time cap
Used 185 on DL cause I’m lazy
50 rep explosions!!! ?
C) hand over hand sled drag 50ftx3 at 75 lbs
Then 2 sets of row at
85/alt z press at 53 lbs
100 plus pound sand bag on right shoulder 300ft
225 pound meat ball, bridal carry 300 ft
100 plus pound sand bag on left shoulder 300ft
A]125+mini bands
B]27:17 forgot to look at 21:00. Deadlifts were a harder than usual because of yesterday.
C & D- done
Sandbag carry “anyhow” or bear hug?
Bear hug
“2014 CrossFit Regionals Event 6” (27:28) – that was tough.
A. Done at 70# and then 102# for 8.
B. Blech. 32:45. Just tired. Recovered quick though.
C. Put 15# on each bar for sloth press and then 30# DBs for row.
D. 80# bag cause that’s all I have. Im tired!
Offseason Friday session one
A. 95/115/135/155 then 165/175/185 then 200/210/220 then 225/230/235(f)
Went 2 for 4 in set of 230 and then shut it down after first attempt at 235. Pull felt a little forward
Crushing the weight! Looking strong
Regionals prep Two sessions with an hour and a half between for my kiddos soccer games 🙂 Session 2: A. Pull up/OHS: 2:29 (40/10/8/6) regionals 2014 score was 2:14. Wish I would have had someone to race, I think that might have helped me with a bit more urgency. B. Bike/HS walk: 11:52 Not used to training super early (7am… I know not that early, but 8:30 is usually my early for training ?). Session 1: A. Bench: worked up to 165 which was surprising. I can’t remember the last time I benched! B. 50’s chipper: 26:21 to finish the… Read more »
Regional prep program A. Bench press x3 reps 145# I don’t bench very much and it shows 😉 B. The 50’s – did it with a 21 min cap. Got back to the rower and got 13 Cals. my dips could definitely be better. Chest and triceps dead. C. 64 pull up+ 8 OHS – 2:45 I did this workout this winter and improved :45 seconds today. D. Bike and hs walk – I don’t know really. I didn’t time it. Maybe 14 min? I did this right after the last wod, the hs walks were all UB. I need… Read more »
Looks like you had a great day!!
Thank you!
Session 1:
A. 150+ red bands/ 230×9
B. Pistols for WB’s, HR Push-ups for rings dips- 28:52, about 75% effort
C. Bike ride
D. Stretched for 30min, almost have the splits! (New goal)
A. 165lb + purple Band
186.5 X 8
B. 28:15 (accidentally used 185lb for DL) (all step ups on BJO to protect injured knee)
I felt a little slow and run down after yesterday. Still trying to get used to this volume.
C. 75lb (8,8,10) / Sloth Press (added 0,2.5,5lb to each bar)
D. Complete
A. Run – this afternoon
Session 1
Early morning session
I was so tired in my legs haha
Regionals wod event 6
Time 23:39
Got 47 box jump over in 21 min cap
I tried to mimic regionals. Always flipping the box after 10 jumps. Dropping barbell deadlift in 10 reps.
Session 2
Db row done
Did sots press in stead of sloth haha
Sandbag carry done
C then I did the wod from comp blog
3 rounds
9 mu
15 shspu
21 t2b
Changed run into 1000 meter row. Going running 5 k later today.
Overall time 19:36
Wow! That is a lot of volume! Great job. Has your body been feeling recovered after two sessions every day? I’m struggling a little bit and hoping my body gets use to it.
That is a solid score to finish on for the fiftys
Session 1:
A- 150 with green band. // 220#X8