Session One
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls
x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Two sets of:
Supinated-Grip Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 5 reps
(initiate the movement with the lats, keep your shoulders away from your ears, and keep your elbows in – if you can do 6 reps with perfect mechanics, then add weight)
Rest as needed
Dumbbell Z-Press
x 5 reps
Rest as needed
For time:
4 Legless Rope Climbs (15′)
8 Clean & Jerks (225/155 lbs)
3 Legless Rope Climbs
6 Clean & Jerks
2 Legless Rope Climbs
4 Clean & Jerks
1 Legless Rope Climb
2 Clean & Jerks
Session Two
Ten sets of:
Wall Walk + Handstand Walk
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Take 15-20 minutes to today’s 1-RM Split Jerk.
Four rounds for time of:
8/6 Muscle-Ups
15 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
For 16 minutes, rotate through the following two stations on the minute:
Minute 1 – Weighted Pull-Up x 2-3 reps
Minute 2 – 10/7 Ring Dips (full ROM, slight pause at top)
You’ll hit each of these stations 8 times.
Three sets of:
Box Bridge Handstand Push-Ups to Deficit x Max Reps
(you choose the deficit, but goal should be a minimum of 10 reps on the opening set)
Rest as needed
Session 1: Delts: done 12 lbs A) 20lbs KB B) 40 pullups / 70lbs KB zpress C) 18:58 (clean and jerks were slow) rope climbs were quick…cause I got a lot of active rest while sucking through the c&js Session 2: A) done B) 135/155/185 275 (285f) my jerk has gotten awful lately don’t know what’s going on. Used to be so easy for me I feel weird when I’m doing the movement. It’s really odd. C) 7:45 (did MU in sets of 4) Splits: 1:30/3:17/5:15/7:45 D) 53lbs (pullups) X 3 / 10 dips E) strict HSPU to a 4.5… Read more »
Session 1
C.12:22 rx
Session 2
B. New PR 345 +5 lbs.
C. 11:09
D. Done w/ 30 lbs medicine ball
Happy Tuesday you guys!! I. Rear Delt WU – done A. Jerk Balance – 85/85/105 – stayed light and worked on speed B. 1RM split jerk – worked up to 220 today. Feeling more solid overhead now… fingers crossed for a max overhead squat or something this week 😉 C. 4 RFT MU/Thrusters – 6:21 – goal was to do UB sets of MU and thrusters. So my transitions between thrusters and MU were probably too long (30ish seconds)…BUT I did UB sets of MU until the last freaking round and went 4-2. Still an endurance improvement! D. Legless/Clean and… Read more »
Happy Tuesday to you as well!! Glad your thrusters were unbroken!
A. Jerk balance ✔️
B. 1rm for the day 325
C. Leg less rope climb and clean and jerk wod
19:57 FML. Huge weakness here with the leg less rope climbs. New goal is to be able to do 10 leg less in 5 minutes. May not be fast for some of you freaks, but we gotta start somewhere
A. Weightlifting programming done from my weightiting coach. C&J triples and pulls and push press
B. PU – 70# , 70#
Z- Press 40# , 40#
C. Did last Monday’s Legless rope climbs
Min1. 2 Legless
Min2: 1 legless
Session 2:
A. Done
D. 8:40 RX . holy triceps guys! Happy about this time.
E. Done . But started to bother my lower back a bit so I stopped at 2 sets.
Session 1
A. Done
B. 27# and 38# on the c2b, 45# on the z-press
Did a little Clean and jerk session
C. 15:34 – legless rope climb all fast no problem, clean and jerks got very heavy
Session 2
A. Done
C. 7:48, had a goal of going unbroken at least on the muscle ups, had to break up the last set to 5-3 and the last to sets of thrusters to 9-6
D. Worked up to 55# on the pull ups, tried to kip fast on the ring dips, kipping dips are a big weakness.
How did the muscle ups feel after the rope climbs for you?
Didn´t feel anything, my pull is good, I was struggling with the ring dip, that´s usually where I fail.
Session 1: Rear delt done with 5# A. Holy crap my biceps are sore from yesterday!!! Went to 5# this week. B. 20# DB on c2b. 35#s on z-press b Did jerk balances and split jerk. I have more time in the morning. Jerk balances stayed light 155# C. This was tough. Did not do Rx. Started at 145# but went down quickly. First 2 reps of rope climbs were Rx then climbed as far as I could with no legs then legs. Arms are smoked!! 18 something. Went to 135# for C&J. Session 2: Done an hour later. HS/wall… Read more »
Take care of the biceps tonight after all that tonight!!
session one
delt warmup done
A. done
B. sc2b 15/20 zpress 50/50
C. really bad at legless rope climbs so worked on them for about 15 minutes. Got about 10 in
session two
A. dnd
B. 45/115/135 then went 225/255/275/295/315/331 for a 6 lb. pr
C. 9:37
Just hit the conditioning today.
Thrusters – Muscle-Ups
Rope Climb – Clean & Jerk
Hello! Still rather unwell so went in this morning and did what I could… A. Done B.done. increased to 6kg weight for pull ups from 3kg C. Done. I did not time myself though I just worked through the numbers and dropped weight to 65kg (and that felt more like 80kg haha) that’s the most legless rope climbs I’ve done even if it took me a long time! I was totally wiped out after c so worked through the thrusters and coupled them with muscle up transitions and finished with 8 x 7 banded ring dips I am sorry I… Read more »
Go by feel and don’t overdo it Charlie. You want to go into the final week feeling good!
Yes I will tino thinking about resting tomorrow as today has wiped me out completely. .. May do some light bits on Thursday if I am feeling any better. Will see how I feel in the morning.
Saw the video of your 16.4…well done!
For session 1 part c are those squat clean and jerks?
Power is good.
Session 1:
A- done
B- sup SPU 53# // db zpress 65/75#
C- RX 13:35. This was fun. Definitely should’ve pushed harder.
Session 2:
Session 2.
A. Wall walks done
B. Jerk balance at 185#
Jerks up to 330. Wasn’t feeling snappy today.
C. 8:09 thrusters unbroken. 8, 4/4, 3/3/2, 3/2/3 on muscle ups
D. Skipped shoulders were feeling fried
E. 8, 10, 8
Session 1
A. snatch from yesterday, up to 185×2… feeling yesterday.
–Warm up done–
A. Done w/ #5 plates
B. BW(fat grips) + #35 KBs
C. 8:47- my rope only goes to 12 ft so I did 5-4-3-2 reps instead of prescribed
***CJ and the whole Invictus coaching staff; you guys are awesome and you are doing some incredible stuff!!! I can begin to thank you guys enough for the progress I have made. I am a loyal Invictus athlete for life! Ignore the naysayers and stay true to your crew- “everybody wants to tear the top dog down”
Thanks for your kind words buddy.
Trying to do some catch up Session 1 morning A Did the hsw and max strict hspu from yesterday Hsw always unbroken and straight into hspu got 1) 20 2) 20 3)10 4) 10 B Then the thruster muscle up metcon from today It was really hard specially after the hspu pump haha Time 7.59 I know I cam be faster. Everything gwas still unbroken but slow hahaha Session 2 Rope climb and clean and jerk Time 8.27 wanted to be sub 8 clean and jerk felt heavy Session 3 Work up to 1 RM split jerk Took 140 kg… Read more »
Incline TYI – 5lbs
A) 30lbs
B) C2B – 65, 70
Z-press – 55, 55
C) 16:20 – cut the C&J reps in half
Session 1
A. bicep opener:20# tricep opener:10#
B. 40# on sup pullups, 50# on z press
Solid jerk session Noble. 255 is there!!
Appreciate the positivity! Keep up the great programming guys!
A. Done
B. Done
C. 12:34
A. Done
B. Jerk balance @ 155
C. Built up to 265
D. 13:20
Programming is awesome found some buddy’s at gym to do with me, I have been training alone for a while. Training with people is a huge difference and help!