Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Two sets of:
Barbell Shoulder Opener x 45 seconds
Pec Smash x 45 seconds per pec
and then . . .
Three sets of:
Bamboo Press x 5-6 reps
Rest as needed
Three sets for times of:
Double Unders x 50 reps
Handstand Walk x 30′
Rest 90 seconds
Three sets for times of:
Double Unders x 30 reps
Handstand Walk x 15′
Rest 90 seconds
Progressions for Handstand Walk:
Handstand Leg Taps x 12-16 reps
Assisted Handstand Walk x 15-20 meters
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete:
Snatch + Overhead Squat
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete:
Snatch @ 80+%
As many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes:
Hang Power Snatch x 3 reps
Burpees over the Barbell x 6 reps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 9 reps
Box Jumps x 12 reps
40-49: 155/115 lbs
50-54: 135/95 lbs
55+: 95/65 lbs; Chin-Over-the-Bar Pull-Ups; Step Ups allowed
DMA done and press.
A. Skipped to give shoulders a rest. Did shoulder touches on Monday.
B1. 95lbs, didn’t too heavy. Still working on OHS/mob, so just bar for now.
B2. Stayed with 95lbs.
C. 4 rounds and scaled/continued with 95lbs.
In B1: Do I work up in weight (i.e.70%75% etc.), as part of the 5 sets or warm up till say 80% (2-3 sets) and then do 5 sets at 80%?
Dubs and HS walks
Class at home box which included snatch+ OHS plus WOD with burpees over box and thursters
M&A done
Used 45# bar and 26# KB for bamboo press
A 2:15 2:15 2:30 Dubs and walks were all over the place today
B1 all power due to knee bothering me. so I did power and then hang power every 2 min
95-115-135-155-175 F
B2 all power and at 155 tried to make them perfect
C. 4 rounds plus 2 155# for HPS
Felt good to move around today
Mobility done. Used 15#+18# KBsfor bamboo press
A 1:50/1:32/1:10
B1 83/88/93/98/100
B2 105/110/115/120/128 (3# PR!!!)
C 3 rounds plus 1. Snatch 105 (power snatch pr is 109 from ground); used 24″ box. Man I struggle with chest to bar (any pulling really) and my hands are still ripped up from 16.3.
Yay good work Jenny!
B115/135/145/155/165- then 175/175/185/195/205 best my snatch has felt in months which is strange because I redid 16.4 yesterday
C. Started and realized I could not do C2B because my lat still hurts from muscle ups so I did 3/6/12 and snatches felt great lost track of rounds
Awesome to hear Al !!
Tons of mobility done On the shoulder and pec!
A. You know your CNS isn’t quite on par when you miss 4 times in the first 15 dubs. 1:04/0:46/0:37
B. 115/120/125/130/135#, 135/140/145/150(m)/150#
C. 5+1….115# hang power was the hardest part…again, CNS didn’t quite feel up to par today!
A. About 1 min per
B. 155, 165, 175. 185, 185, 185 x 5
C. 5, 155 got heavy had to go to singles
Mob done
A. 6:03 HSW UB
B. 125×3/130×3/135×4
C. 85#
D. 5+3
Mobility done.
A. Just under 7 min total.
B. 115- 135, 145
C. 4 +2 @135 Had to stay light and from the ground. Lower back didn’t feel good from the hang, probably from 16.4.
Nice to get a full day training in again!
M&A- Done
A. 3 sets Dubs/Leg Taps 2:50, 2:25, 2:00
B. Snatch + OHS- built to 105#
Snatch @ 80%- 110#
C. 4 Rds + 1 (used 115#)
Mob and warm-up completed
A. :40, :37, :37, broke on 1st set of dubs cuz why not :/ Everything else unbroken. Damn, did 50 dubs but only walked 15′. Making up with some 30s
B. 155, 165, 175, 175, 185
B2. 185×5
C. 4 rounds + 5 125 reps
Did all 3 all good
Fsq every 30 secs @80% for 5 mins
Jerks @75%145
Snatch +Ohs built up to 135
Snatch@80% 120
Wod 4+1 very sore today
Beach ☀️
First the pool, now the beach….jealous!! ?
How nice!
Mobility done
A. 3X50 dubs and handstand holds done
B. 65, 95
Mobility done.
A. 3 sets of 50 dubs/5 wall walks – 1:43/1:46/1:52
B&C. Skipped, my body isn’t ready
Did our box WOD – Tabata Tuesday — Row: 830/Box Jumps: 8/Wallballs 20#: 6/AbMat Sit-ups: 15
Mobility – done
A. DU’s and 15′ HS walk – 1:25/1:15/1:15
B. Snatch & OHS – 75/85/95/105/115
Snatch – 5@105 lb.
C. 10 min. AMRAP – 5 rounds plus 2 – Pull-ups felt a little rusty. Haven’t worked on them since they appeared in the OPEN.
5 rounds! Nice Barry, I felt sluggish today, first day back since 16.4
Nice work Barry!
A. Did D & A- Feeling really tires today-It was a struggle- I had to push-Thinking because I lifted on Sunday
Skipped Bamboo
Skipped-Did 30 + 30 DU getting better-Excited about that
B. 100X4-110X3-Did Learned better form dipping lower then fast feet under the Split-WOW it was an eye opener.
C. #85
C1. #95-Fell on second rep-
C. was slow hang in there though-dropped on 2nd rep of second set on hang snatch.
Thinking active recovery tomorrow and Thursday off
Parent teacher conferences yesterday and today. Working until 8 PM. No gym for me today.
Fighting a cold… but getting better. Hope everyone has a good training day! I am jealous I can’t work out.
A. Done with HS leg taps
B. Did the jerks (just saw we weren’t supposed to). Can always use the work, so glad to do them. Up to 175#
C1. Snatch/OHS 95, 105, 115, 125, 130
C2. Snatch 135, 140, 145, 155, 160
D. 3+17 at 135# (which felt really heavy today!)
M&A done
A. 1:32/1:46/2:02-dubs went good, nothing ub on hs walks
B1. 135,155,165,175,185
B2. 155
C.3rds+9reps- had to do hps in singles