Session One
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
followed by…
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Two sets of:
Supinated-Grip Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 5 reps
(initiate the movement with the lats, keep your shoulders away from your ears, and keep your elbows in – if you can do 6 reps with perfect mechanics, then add weight)
Rest as needed
Dumbbell Z-Press x 5 reps
Rest as needed
Every 2 minutes, for 24 minutes (12 sets) of:
100 Meter Sled Push
(light to moderate – should take between 30-45 seconds)
Session Two
Three rounds for time of:
21 Calories of Assault Bike
15 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
9 Bar Muscle-Ups
Rest until the running clock reaches 20:00, and then…
When the clock reaches 20:00…
Three rounds for time of:
21 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
15 Ring Dips
9 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 6″/4″ Deficit
Three sets of:
Dumbell Floor Press x 10-12 reps @ 31X1
Rest 45 seconds
Ring Biceps Curls x 12 reps @ 3021
Rest 45 seconds
Banded Pull-Aparts x 30 reps @ 21X0
Rest 45 seconds
I did the rest of Monday’s that I did not finish up.
Cal Row/MU: 1 round + 8 Muscle-ups
Split Jerks: Stayed at 90% (165#)
Back Squats: Done from 225#
Shoulder Press: 75/80 x 3/75# Went down on last set because I failed last rep on set 4.
Could not get to rope climb/push press.
Session 1:
Delts: 8
Bis/tris: 20
Pullups: 40
Zpress: 70
Sled push: not done (raining)
Session 2:
A) 10:45
B) 11:54
Iron scap
Are you coming to live? Will you become a member of the gym?!
About an hour and a half north, I will be able to come in on Saturdays.
Session 2
A. 9:47. Not sure why I broke on last set of bar muscle ups.
B. 16:34. Shoulders were cashed on this one.
Made up for yesterday’s back squat I missed.
Session 2
8:03 – used rower, no AB yet
13:30 – sore shoulder so did first round to 9″ deficit and did the last two with no deficit. Strict HSPU are getting much better, but still very weak with deficits.
I bet using the rower made your pull a little tired for the muscle ups
Session 1
Warm up done
A. Done
B. Done
Session 2
A. 9:45 Rx. Assault Bike and deadlifts are a tough combo!
B. 14:03 Used a 9″ deficit
C. Done
Session two
A. At school so no assault bike. Subbed 21 burpees because realistically I need to work on my slow ass burpees more than I need biking or rowing
9:53 deads ub bmu 4-2-3/3-3-3/3-2-2-2
B. 17:53 w/ stationary dips. 1 miss on dshspu. The only thing keeping me moving through this was knowing that everyone else was dying on this one.
C. Done
CTB – 20/24 kg
Z press – 24 kg
No sled.
Sesión two
A. 16:43. MU’s in 3s PR two, hard time on those.
B. 18.38, cramped my neck after the first round of dips, so stopped for a couple of minutes, then the HSPU took forever. I think the cramp was because I took my shirt off after the first workout and it was cold outside, so I wasn’t warm enough starting the second WOD.
Is your neck feeling better now?
Yes, Hunter! Thanks.
Fortunately I think it was only because I cooled down to much after first WOD. No pain or anything right now.
A. C2B and ZPress – done (20# C2B/ 40# DBs on Z Press) B. Back Squats from yesterday: 170/185/195/210/225 – it’s raining here, so couldn’t push our sled outside. C. Bike/DL/Bar MU – 11:42 – one day me and that bike will learn to tolerate each other…it is getting better though D. This workout became about overcoming adversity and problem solving during a workout. Strict Deficit HSPU are a huge hole in my game and I was determined to figure out something today. My time was terrible (30min), but I did every single one of those HSPUs. I also figured… Read more »
Did front squats from yesterday.
Snatched up to 215. Quads were feeling super fatigued. Form was getting sketchy.
Metcons: 7:14 Subbed Bar muscle ups for 9 strict chest to bar pull ups. Still nursing a pec injury. Can’t kip.
12:20. All strict at 7″
Session 2
A. 11:46 Rx
B. 13:47 did 3 strict at 6″ deficit. Had to kip the rest with the deficit. A little pissed off with the performance but I’ll tag my lickings and get better everyday. See you guys tomorrow.
Any strategy, technique, or advice on assault bike in general? …we just got them a couple months ago… and it is not getting any easier to say the least
Get the wheel turning at full speed as quickly as possible and settle into your pace from there. The longer you stay on the bike the worse it gets
Push with your legs pull with your arms and don’t rock side to side. Stay type and embrace the pain 🙂
AM session
Did the snatch work from yesterday
235 – 2 rep hang
255 – floor
Conditioning from today
Couldn’t do the deficit for strict hspu. That’s outta my league.
Session one
warmup done
A. c2b/z press done
B. snatch from yesterday: 230 hang snatch 225 snatch…idk my pull felt weird haven’t snatched in a few weeks so not too worried about it
C. front squat from yesterday
D. sled push emom. just used an empty sled and went as hard as I could. currently trying to remember how to walk
Its one foot in front of the other, you’ll get it 🙂
Z press. .16kg…getting easier!
Weighted pull ups 3kg..getting easier too!
T; y; I raises done with 1.5kg weight
Wod a…10.25 bar muscle ups unbroken and deadlifts
Wod b…8.23…got so frustrated with wall balls! My arms and shoulders were fried after first round too many no reps for my liking!!!!!!
Accessory work done…floor press with 12.5kg
Awesome work keeping those bar muscle-ups unbroken!
Thanks :–)
Session I
A. Done
B. Snatch from yesterday
235 Hang Double – 255 Sn
Session II
Metcon: 8:29(did 225/275/315,15/10/5) – 20:30 last set of HSPU were a disaster
Upper: Done
Was this supposed to read 10:30?
Lol no, it took me minutes…mostly hspu
Session 2
A. 7:22 w Row – All UB
B. 13:13 – singles for HSPUs. Awful.
Ive really been neglecting my posting duties ;( I have been keeping up with the WODs though AM Sesh –Warmup done– A. Body weight and 2×35 Kbs B. No sled so I worked up to a moderate double on deadlift (365) C. Did a modified version of Saturdays Run/SHSPU WOD; -Run 400M -10 SHSPU (8″) -Run 400M -20 SHSPU (4″) time was 10:11 PM Sesh A. 8:14 (best that bar MUs have EVERRRRR felt!!) did 6 in a row at the start of the last set, my confidence is not very high on these so I guess I didn’t push… Read more »
Haha Nice work buddy. Keep on top of posting!
Did today accessory work, but I think I tweaked something in my hamstring/glute so I’m staying away from anything too strenuous today.
Look after yourself dude. Make sure you’re good for 16.3
thats the plan, hoping I can recover to hit it by the weekend
Session 1
A: 45# pulls ups and 55# DB’s for z press.
B: Completed
Chest to bar with 25#
Zpress with 35#
Metcon A
11:25 RX
Metcon B
9:20 RX
12 rounds of sled push done