Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes, complete:
Interval 1 – Hamstring Pulse against rack x 30 seconds per side
Interval 2 – Banded Good Mornings x 45 seconds
Interval 3 – T-Spine Stretch on a bench
x 45 seconds
*Set 1 – 10 reps @ 65% of 1-RM
*Set 2 – 8 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 – 6 reps @ 80%
*Set 4 – 4 reps @ 85%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 6 – 1 rep @ 95%
*Set 7 – 1 rep @ 100+%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
If you need more work on barbell cycling, then perform the following:
For time:
5 Ground to Overhead
10 Ground to Overhead
15 Ground to Overhead
20 Ground to Overhead
40-44: 205/135 lbs; 185/125 lbs; 155/105 lbs; 135/95 lbs
45-49: 185/125 lbs; 155/105 lbs; 135/95 lbs; 115/75 lbs
50-54: 170/115 lbs; 155/105 lbs; 135/95 lbs; 115/75 lbs
55+: 135/95 lbs; 115/75 lbs; 105/65 lbs; 95/55 lbs
Use one barbell and work on quickly changing out the plates to get the right weight combinations.
All Age Divisions
For time:
Row 1000 Meters
50 Thrusters (45/33 lbs)
30 Pull-Ups
Three sets of:
Incline DB Bench Press x 6-8 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
Weighted Strict Pronated Grip Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 2-3 reps
Rest 60 seconds
L-Sit Hold x 30-45 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
A) 170/195/210/225/235/250/265 (5# pr)
B) 17:51rx. ( I understand I should have gone much lighter to cycle through faster but really wanted to see if I could handle the heavy weight in singles. I did but wayyyyy too long)
D) 8:40rx. ( row 4:04, thrusters 25/10/10/5, small sets of butterfly pu’s) Felt like I had nothing left in my legs:/
M&A complete
A. DL 280, 325,345,370,390,415,435 – all good (matched old PR couldn’t go past that today)
B. skip
C. Jackie 8:27 (row 3:28, thrusters 3:00)
D. complete later
Here’s a short clip of how much fun we had today…Big Andy sliding down the bench to ride the Rody! ???
DMA Done
A. 235, 285, 315, 365, 405, 435, 455 Started slow wasn’t sure what I could do, no belt no olys
B. Done @ 65 due to shoulder separation.
C. 9:18 Slow on the thrusters due to shoulder.
D. Bench w/25lbs (shoulder) CTB @ body Weight L-sit scaled
Mobility done
A. Deadlift 10@185, 8@235, 6@255, 4@275. Decided I had enough of that!
B. 7:34
C. Jackie 8:40
D. After completing the two above forearms smoked! Did just a round and that was it!
DMA Done
A. 250/290/310/327/345/370/395 (10# Pear. went up pretty smooth)
B. 7:53
C. 7:11 (10 seconds over PR, which i’ll take after A and B. Moderate intensity row at 3:50, Thrusters unbroken with deliberate rests on top but went too slow here in hindsight, Pull ups in 15/10/5 (42 seconds for the pull ups)
D Incline bench with 95# plus 4x yellow bands, C2Bs with 25#, L-sits done
Mobility done.
A. Started at 245 for ten and worked up to 385(100%.) Felt good so Andy got me to try 405. Hit it for a 20# PR!
B. 6:37. Did the 185, 155, 135, 115.
C. 7:34. Pretty sure a new best for Jackie.
D. Done 45# incline, etc…
Here’s a pic of our masters crew today. Cheryl, Al, Barry, me, Ed and Andy. Always a blast!!
Looks like a great group there! Fun!
Congrats Kincaid!!!!
Thanks Nichole! All this great training is paying off.
M and a done
A deads at 90,105,110,115,120×1,125×1, 130x 1fail. Really struggling with deads at mo.
B skippped
C jackie @7:18
D completed 2sets of each
Mobility – done!
A. Deadlifts 150/180/220/235/245/260/270
B. Cycling G2O – 8:40 felt pretty good on these.
C. “Jackie” 7:59
D. Inclined bench 25 lb.dumb-bells/C2B’s using 10 lb. plate/scaled L-sit
Worked out at CF All-Stars today. Very nice box and great group to work out with. Thanks!
Mob done
Yesterday had 1st ever cortisone injection in the knee…dr. said to take it easy the next few days so I racked my brain to come up with a workout that would be challenging but would rest both my shoulder and my knee and decided on Michael (rowing version).
Three rounds of :
Row 800 m
50 back extensions
50 GHD situps
How is it feeling today?
Knee is feeling pretty good now….2-1/2 days post injection! Shoulder is about 85% I’d say! Planning on resting it 1-2 more days and hoping it will be good to go!
M&A done
A. 265,310,330,350,375,395- back in the little gym with bad equipment, Skipped out on ME set. I didn’t think I could keep my grip
B. Skipped this too, for the same reason(I hate this place)
C. Jackie- I timed each task separately. Row was 3:42(tried to keep 1:50 pace), thrusters were 2:03(unbroken),pullups were all strict@2:45
D. 50#db x8, bw strict c2b x3, :30-:20/:10,:20/:10 l-sits
A. 5 lb. pr at 430
B. 6:40 (all singles)
C. 6:55
D. out of time
Did 800 M light jog warm up
Did a little mobility
First really back from comp
165-185-195-210-220-235-265- #20 PR-YAY!
Did single snatches for Cycling just kept adding weight-Got to #110 its been awhile for that so happy with it.
Slow Jackie-really paced-First WOD since comp-Feels good to be back.
Struggled a little this week. Body was really tired from the weekend still.
11:20-Pull-ups were a little hard to stay on the bar today.
D-#35 dumbells
Strict Pull-ups do not have Strict C2B
L-sit my max hold was 15 seconds
Congrats Cheryl!!!
Mob done
A. 275, 320, 340, 365, 385, 405, decided to not try 415.
B. Done but my phone timer never started. Definitely not brag worthy.
C. 6:35
D. Skipped but subbed 3x50ft HSW 3×5 4in deficit Paralette HSPU
A. 165/185/205/215/225/240/240# stayed at 95% today
B. Not enough time for this today
C. 7:07 Rx and a PR 🙂 (paced the row and finished in 4:13, thrusters unbroken and done about 6:05; pull-ups 15/8/7 and all butterfly)
D. Done
Congrats Letica on PR!! I’m doing tomorrow, I’ll be happy if I can be anywhere near that time, not sure I can hang on for UB thrusters, but it’s all mental for me:)
Thanks and good luck Holly!
Congrats Teesh on the PR !!!
Nice job!!!!!!
Mob done
A – 300, 350, 375, 405, 420, 440, 465
B- 10:33 (used 205 185. 155 135) that got my heart rate up and breathing hard. 🙂
C – 6:41
D – done
Post – Rev Hyper 4×15 and Some COS
A) 145-165-175-187-197-210-220 PR Match I did attempt 225# but failed
B) I almost talked myself out of doing this BUT I know it’s something I really need to work on so I did it at 55+ weights 95-75-65-55 (6:30)
C) First time doing “Jackie” (9:04) *Really wanted to go UB on thrusters ended up 30-10-10 (shoulders blew up); pull-ups 10-10-5-5
D) Incline db Bench 20/20/25#; strict prone grip C2B 10#-8#-5# *The only ones that were true C2B were the 3 with 5#; L-sit holds :40/:30/:30
A. Back felt off….Did Bench Press
EMOM 10, sets of 2 at 265#
B. 5:25 Rx, alternated snatches w c&j last set in 5’s
C. 7:06 , (3:38 row, unbroken thrust, 10/10/10)
D. Done
Good idea to do bench, I should have done that. I skipped deads too and I ended up just walking around pestering everyone.
Super fast on B Matt. Nice work.
A. 10x110kg, 8×130, 6×150, 4×160, 1×180, 1×195, 1x215kg 474# all time PR @ 155.5# (i have been skipping the deadlifts the last few weeks on fridays but knew today i would be nice and light and would be a good day to crank some Slayer and go for triple bodyweight)
B. skipped
C. 7:30 (last time was 8/2014 at 8:19 so this was a nice PR)
D. skipped ran out of time
Nice work today Sean (3x BW!)
Great job on DL. Impressive.
Thats impresive deadliftng
did mob and act
A. did a few and did feel good so skipped it
B. 5:45 at the 185/155/135/115- that 205 version the younger folk did must have must have been a bear.
C. 6:32- that was my first real Jackie ( I did nasty double Jackie last year) I may have paced too much on rower
D. 2 sets and ran out of time.
Unbroken on Jackie! Well done !
Good workout all around Al. Fast on B and C.
good work, felt the same on jackie, paced too much on rower, thrusters were actually easy, lol
I was so smoked after the ground to over head I went slow on the row for survival reasons but I never ended hitting the wall.