Session One
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Two sets of:
Supinated-Grip Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 5 reps
(initiate the movement with the lats, keep your shoulders away from your ears, and keep your elbows in – if you can do 6 reps with perfect mechanics, then add weight)
Rest as needed
Dumbbell Z-Press x 5 reps
(Place the dumbbells on your shoulders with elbows out and palms facing forward. Shoulders should remain stacked over the hips with a flat back throughout the movement. Lock out the movement overhead, directly aligned over the hips and shoulders, without shrugging. A good goal would be to achieve a weight of 20% of your 1-RM Clean and Jerk in each hand.)
Rest as needed
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes:
Split Jerk x 1 rep @ 75-80%
(increase load by 2-5% from last week)
Goal of this session is fine-tuning technique. Like last week, your goal is to assess each of the 15 lifts on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being a perfect lift. Note how many of your lifts achieved a score of 9 or higher – e.g., “9/15 – it took me a few sets to lock in consistent mechanics, but I finished with 4 perfect lifts.”
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 70-75%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 80-85%
*Set 4 – 5 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 5 – 3 reps @ 80-85%
*Set 6 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
Two sets of:
Overhead Yoke Carry x 50 feet
*Keep your elbows locked out throughout the movement, with absolutely NO shrugging. Shoulders have to be locked down in position while walking.
**Athletes should be able to achieve at least a 50-foot overhead carry with their 1-RM Snatch weight, and their goal should be to achieve that distance with their 1-RM Clean and Jerk weight.
Rest 2-3 minutes
Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pulls x 100 feet
Rest 2-3 minutes
Session Two
**See Coach Hunter Britt’s Tips for Tackling 15.3 below!**
“CrossFit Games Open Event 15.3”
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
7 Muscle-Ups
50 Wall Ball Shots (20 lbs to 10’/14 lbs to 9′)
100 Double-Unders
Top scores in the 2015 Open:
Women – Samantha Briggs 633
Men – Ben Smith 630
Go all out here, and compare your result to your 2015 Open score. Do not pace this just because you have a separate portion after it. I don’t care much about your scores on the following triplet, but I want you to understand how it will feel to give everything you have, and then muster up some additional energy after six minutes of rest to grind through something else.
Rest 6 minutes until the running clock reaches 20:00, and then…
Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
Rowing (for calories)
Deadlift (275/185 lbs)
Box Jumps (30″/24″)
Option 1
Three sets of:
Barbell Good Morning x 5 reps @ 2112
Rest as needed
Glute Ham Raises x 6-8 reps @2011
Rest as needed
Option 2
Three sets of:
Forward Sled Drag x 4 minutes
Rest 20 seconds
Backward Sled Drag x 60 seconds
Rest 20 seconds
Loading on the sled: 135/105 lbs
Coach Hunter Britt’s Tips for Tackling 15.3
First, make sure you are aware of what your score was last year so you can set some check points up for yourself, especially if you are someone who is always aware of your time. That way, in the middle of a workout you will not have to wonder if you improved when you reach the 14 minute mark on the clock.
Muscle ups: Go for it on the muscle ups. If you are someone that can get 7 muscle ups done unbroken, do it. When looking at all of the other stations, you can get away with relatively short rest periods. However, with muscle ups, you will be giving up valuable time bringing your body back to the ground, waiting for the rings to stop swinging, (possibly chalking up), and then going through the beginning swings of a muscle ups again.
Stay as relaxed as possible on the muscle ups. Focus on a large, efficient kip, high catches to save the shoulders, and breathing as steadily as possible. It is not necessary to try to move fast while you are swinging around because you can not make gravity work any faster.
Wall Ball Shots: For a lot of athletes, this is going to be where the workout is made. Make sure to relax your arms as much as possible! This is very important, any fashion of relaxing is fine, whatever you like best. Avoid leaving them above your head, try swinging them out in a circular motion to allow your shoulders to relax momentarily.
Double Unders: It does not matter how tired you are getting, do not stop. The only time that you should stop on double unders is if you trip. If you do happen to trip, quickly start back again with double unders. Do not just stand there. When you are done, take the extra second to lay the rope out, not letting it get tangled on the floor.
Overall: The more time you spend moving, the better you are going to do. Move quickly from one station to the next. Try to cut down on transition time and be aware of how much time you are taking your breaks. It is too often that you will see someone bent over with their hands on their knees and before you know it they lost out on 20 seconds of working time. You can accomplish 6 muscle ups, 10 Wall Balls, or 35 Double Unders in that time!!
Best of luck everyone and remember to have fun with your training! Also, make sure to post your results in the comments section so that we can provide support and feedback!
Session 1:
A: Skipped due to time
B: 275 for 10 sets then 295 for last 5 sets. 6/15 this week, happy with this considering how shoulders are feeling.
C. 325/355/375/365/385/410
D: Had to skip due to time (busy day at gym yesterday)
Session 2:
A. Hit an absolute wall during this session. Don’t know if its lack of sleep or diet or what. 357, one rep better than last year and I know I’m much better now so not too concerned about it.
B. 14:45, just had nothing left here. Good day to learn from.
A. SCTBCU used 44# KB w/ pause at top then 53#/ Z-Press Used 55# DBs (need to invest in 65 or 70s) B. 260 Jerks are starting to feel much more comfortable C. Back Squat percentages off of 435. Knees still not ready for all of this leg volume. Iced down the joints last night. D. Yoke Carry and Sled Pulls done Session 2: A. 500 Reps (honestly coasted through this, was not happy with how I pushed myself. In the right environment aka not by myself, I think I can get into the mid-500s. B. 8:29 (Back was tight… Read more »
500 reps is a solid score for coasting through it buddy! Well done!
Tried to stay calm and broke the DU into sets of 50s and WBs into 25s. Allowed me to move right into each movement. If this comes up again should I stick with a similar strategy or try to go all out?
* Still A Day Behind… Going to do 4 days on One Session Today: (So I am going to mix it up a bit- I am going to do the yoke carry and pull at the end) 5# for all of the raises T,Y,I- 10# for Curls A. 5 C2B Strict- No weight again this week, but I think I will add weight next week- 40# for the Z Press B. Jerk EMOM: These felt good today! 145×3- 9-10-9 150×3- 10-10-10 155×3- 10-10-10 160×3- 9-9-8 165×3- 10-9-9 C. Back Squat: 180×5, 195×3, 205×1, 195×5, 205×3 (No Belt), 220×1 w/ belt… Read more »
Warm up done
A. With 35lb DB/no weight for pull ups
B. 255lbs (10/15). Felt solid today
C. Based off 410lbs (295/325/350/325/350/370)
D. No time
Forgot to post yesterday only did morning session due to my shoulders being tight. Shoulder/delt warm up got me a nice pump(underestimated the exercises) A. 2×5 on supinated pull ups(easy should add weight next week) 2×5 w/40lbs DB B. EMOM for 15 w/82kg only got about 7/15 jerks with a grade of 9(shoulders were burnt out this week) C. Squats varied them cause I wanted to work them alittle more due to not being happy with the jerks Set 1- 109kgx5 Set 2- 116kgx4 Set 3-6- 125×4 Set 7(extra)- 132×4 D. Loaded a barbell with 115 and did that for… Read more »
Evening session
A) got 433(53 reps better than last year, still soft on my wallballs though but happy to beat it :))
B) 10:47 RX
C) done
Session 1:
A. Body weight C2B, 30 # DBZ
B. Split Jerk @ 145 Rating 11/15
C. B. Sqt 190-200-215-200-215-230
D. Overhead Yoke used axel loaded with 145# plus chains
A. 50lbs for the z presses and a 40lb vest for the c2b B. 235/235/240/240/245/245/250/250/250/255/255/255/255/255/255 I felt pretty quick and powerful today C. Based off of 415 and went on the high end of each percentage range. All successful lifts Session 2 A. 475 reps, 17 less than last year. I didn’t look at my previous score because I wanted to test my mental strength. I might have paced the WBS a little too much. The MUs were UB, WBS I went UB the first round then 10s from then on out. Dubs I tried to go 50/50 but had… Read more »
Am 10 lbs raise 20 lbs opener A) 6 no weight z press 60 B) 235×5/255×5/265x5reps Better technique: felt super heavy really feeling this week in the scap and delts maybe 2/15 good lifts, depending a lot on strength instead of speed under the bar lately. Not snappy in the AM or when my core is smoked. C) 275/315/330/315/330/350 D) done after everything else for the day 155 on a fat bar plus two 53 lbs KB on bands 135 lbs on the sled Pm session 2 A) (478) 3 rounds + 7MU Last year (475) Took myself to a… Read more »
Session 1
Warm up – done
A) done – love it
B) 9/15 need to be really warm before I hit these nice. First 5 were sloppy
C) done off 425. Mobility weakens my squat for sure.
D) skipped. Hopefully tomorrow
Session 2
A) 477 reps – 7 reps better than the open last year. Excited about an improvement considering I’ve only been training regularly for about a month now
B) 10:05 – what happened? I blacked out. Hahaha
C) tomorrow
Session 2:
15.3 : 3 full rounds ( was glad to be able to do this. Last year in the open I got hurt in week two. So I only did one mu to get a score. ) I could definitely see it being possible for me to be working on wall balls in the fourth if I do a few things different.
21-15-9: 12:28
Deadlifts were rough
Sled drag & pull w/ 45# plate on our little sled. Any heavier and I would have needed to stop repeatedly.
Warm-up, done. 10 lb KB.
A. Done, 35 lb KB for press.
B. First two sets 185, then went 205, based off 265. Stopped after missing 12 and 13.
C. Done based off 305.
Session 2.
A. 214 reps. around 270 in the open.
B. Didn’t do.
C. Only GM @95.
First week doing both sessions after almost a month of barely training. Today felt a little beat up and struggled with MU.
Had to prioritize after I got off work today.
A. 15.3 Redo 422 reps this is a 71 rep PR from the open 351. This workout kicked my butt last year and it frustrated me. Glad I moved a step in the right direction and plan on getting further next time. Shoulders got smoked in the Wallballs.
B. Supinated chest to bar and Z presses done with 45#
C. Split Jerk 220-220-225-225-230-230-230-235-235-235-240-240-240-240-240 10/15 the last 5 at 240 felt solid.
D. Back Squat
285 x 5, 305×3, 325×1, 305×5, 330×3,360×1
E. Good mornings and glute ham raises complete
Damn buddy, that’s a solid improvement!
Session Two
“CrossFit Games Open Event 15.3”
2 Full+7MU+50WB+43DU/ 414 reps. Didn’t do this last year, goal was 400. 🙂
15:15 Rx
Option 1
Three sets of:
Barbell Good Morning x 5 reps @ 2112
95, 145, 165 I AM DONE!
Glute Ham Raises x 6-8 reps @2011
Done x8
Session 1:
A) Done
B) 265 across. 11/15 were 9 or more.
C) 300/320/335/320/335/365 Felt sluggish but pushed through this.
D) Yoke carry and sled pull complete
Session 2:
A) 15.3–495 reps. Same score as last year. Sloppy and fatigued. Just didn’t have it tonight to push to the next level. Feel confident I could see solid improvement from last year when fresh.
B) 9:46
Good job Nate with the volume this week I think hitting you score from last year is impressive. It’s a dang good score, plus you smoked the other workout.
Session 1:
Warmup done
A) Strict C2B done UB
Z-Press done with 35# KBs, same as last week
B) 190-205 (last week was 185-195)
190×4: 9, 8, 9, 9
195×4: 9, 9, 8, 9
200×4: 9, 8, 8, 9
205×3: 10, 9, 9
C) 220/235/255/235/255/275
D) OH carry with 55# KBs
Sled pulls done at 115# on gym flooring
Session 2:
A) 480 Rx (5 MUs and 2 wall balls more than last years 473 score)
B) Skipped for time
C) Option 1: did banded march instead of GHR (don’t have a GHD)
Session 1: A. I used 10# on pull-ups…just noticed it was chest-to-bar ;( DB Z Press, used 35#, heavier than last week, felt good. B. Jerks felt great, went up about every three reps, hit 163#, which is 13# up from last week. Form felt good but then I videoed the last one and can see lots of room for improvement. Here is the video: C. Squats felt good, did percentages 10# under my max. D. Did same as last week. Pulls felt better and stronger, did not increase weight though. Session 2: A. Pretty sure its the same… Read more »
Session 1. A. Weighted Pull ups at 35, & 45 # / Z-Press same as last week 30# . But felt better and mobility is improving B. Skipped, I have tendonitis in my knee and it was bothering me a bit . Jerks really irritate it especially bc thats the leg I step out with C. Backsquats done at 280,300,320,300,320,340 . these felt easy today. D. Went up 20# on the yoke from last week. Used 220, max snatch is 225. Same weight on pulls. they felt easier, probably should’ve went heavier but I was short on time bc I… Read more »
Great job on this Jeffrey! That’s a solid improvement of a good score!
Forgot to post yesterday.. But I’ve done all the work and feel good. I did however sub in a “canga line” wallball and Russian swing workout for the 20, 250s… 8 rounds of 30 Russian swings 70 and 20 Wallballs with the 30… Great day to retest 15.3… Session 1. Warm up done. (Implement in every class now) A. Done B 275 – 10/15 were border line 9s went 15/15 with the lifts though. Just technique was a little slow to start. Best 2 were my last 2 and was double to finish the last min. C. Lower end of… Read more »
Nice work man
Hey Guys, wasn’t able to post the past two days. Hard being gym owner with a ton of personal training and have time to blog. ALSO DOES ANYONE KNOW OF A GYM I CAN GO TO IN THE UK. ILL BE VISITING MY SISTER NEXT THURSDAY 21st of January to 31 of January. I’ll be in Walsal, England. Thanks a bunch. Today’s training – A: Supinated SC2Bx5 @30# DB Z press @50# B: Split Jerkx1 EMOMX15 Top 127kg. Missed 1 otherwise all others were 8/10. 14/15. The one I missed it was just a misgroove on my part. C: Back… Read more »
I’m good friends with Mitch Adams who owns Crossfit Wolverhampton. I think thats not far from Walshall. If its close shoot Mitch an email and mention I sent you, I’m sure training there won’t be an issue.
Thanks @tino Marini. I just sent him a message. Really appreciate it.