Workout of the Day
Dynamic Mobility and Activation
One set of:
Wall Slides x 10 reps
Two sets of:
Y’s, T’s, W’s x 8 reps each
Foam Roll T-Spine x 30 seconds
Take 12-15 minutes to establish your new 3-RM Overhead Squat
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Snatch x 1 rep @ 73%
and then . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Snatch x 1 rep @ 78%
and then . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Snatch x 1 rep @ 80-83%
If you feel good and the weight is moving well, then continue to a heavy single resting 2 minutes between attempts, no more then 5 attempts.
Three sets of:
Single Leg Deadlift x 5 reps per leg
Rest 2 minutes
Overhand Supine Sled Pull x length of rope
Rest 2 minutes
One set of:
Banded Good Mornings
x 50 reps
Four sets of:
Barbell Glute Bridges x 8-12 reps @ 2012
Rest as needed
Deadlift to Knee x 12 reps @1111
Rest as needed
Glute Ham Raises x 8 reps
Rest as needed
One set of:
Banded Hamstring Curls x 50 reps
Masters Athletes – Want to be featured on the Invictus Blog or Social Media? Tag us on Instagram (@CrossFitInvictus) in your photos and videos for a chance to be featured and to share your awesome accomplishments with the Invictus community!
B. 58KG, 62KG, 66KG
C. 135# SLD, 200# SLED PULL,
Mobility Done A. 185# (3RM PR – stopped there as my left elbow is still not 100%; on the 175# set as I was dropping the bar to my back rack, the bar slid down off my sweaty back and both wrists got a little tweaked as the bar slid down…little sore tonight but I think they will be fine). B. 119, 127, 135#. (My left knee was really been bothering me since last week so didn’t really push it, attempted 145# but was hurting to push through the floor and also catching it). C. 135# SLDL, 135# on prowler… Read more »
Back from work trip. First time back in the gym in 6 days.
A – 175#. Had more, but hit 15 minutes and wrists were getting a bit sore.
B – 120#, 130#, 140#. Then dropped down to 115 and worked speed drills getting under the bar faster (was at the Oly gym today).
C – 155# SLDL
D – Out of time. May do before or after tomorrow.
A. 255 for three rep PR – felt good so went for a 1 rep max too. 300 lbs – new PR
B. 165, 175, 185
C and D. DNP – Had to do two workouts for an online comp.
Great work Scott!
M&A Done
A. 190#
B. 135#, 145#, and 155#
C. Each Rnd SLDL @ 145# and 90# on Sled
D. Bridges @145#, DL to knee @315#, GHRx8, Hammy Curls w/ green band
Mob & Act done
A) 73-83-93-103-113 (failed to get overhead)-108(f)-108
B) 68×5; 73×5; 78×5; 83(P.S.)-83-88-93(f)
C) SLDL 83#; 90# supine sled pull with tire sled; 30# on prowler at gym with heavy rope. Hard to keep your body from sliding once it gets heavy enough : )
D) BB Glute bridge 75/75/95/95; DL to knee 135/155/135/135; Glute ham raises 4×5 reps
Mob Done
A. 65/85/105/115/125/135
B. 75/85/90
C. skipped rope pull, no rope
D. BGM done GB w65#, GHR 6 reps X4
I did the wodapalooza snatch / MU workout today. I thought I would get a score of 2 because I haven’t ever done a 95# squat snatch. When I started doing Invictus at the end of August I hadn’t ever done a squat snatch. So today… I PR my squat snatch 95# did it 8 times! Super stoked with this. M& A done. A. OHS for 3 reps 120# B. Skipped because of Wodapalooza C. 80# DL and 80# sled pulls D. BGM done- BBGLR- 80# DL to knee 150# GH Raises done Banded Hamstring curls done. Nichole – here… Read more »
Great work Tracy! I am so happy for you and your snatch improvements!!!
Thanks for uploading the video of your c&j. The biggest thing I see is the bar being really forward on your pull. I want you to focus on engaging your lats and pulling that bar into you. It should be brushing your hips AND THEN you jump. Right now you are starting to jump while that bar is still at mid thigh. Does that make sense?
Thanks for the advice Nichole. Yes I know what you mean. pull the bar back towards me and don’t let it get away. Lats engaged. Will work on this.
M&A done
5 min HSW Practice
A-135 with 3 sec hold at bottom (testing shoulder)
B-135, 140, 145 no misses-Shoulder held up but I was very nervous each lift.
C-135 1ldl and 225 sled pulls
D-BGM and BHC done
Bo GHD so did 5min 20/10 Tabata leg lifts and 5 min 20/10 Tabata crunchea 174.
No knee DL today
M&A done + some other stuff
A. 170# Shoulder mobility continues to be the weak link
B. 120-130-135 then worked up to 155
C. Skipped
D. Holy Hammies! done…
M&A done
A. Up to 185 with close grip
B. 140,150, then 155-175
C. 175 on sldl & 135 on sled
D. Red band, 135,135, 8x, red band
Mob and Act done
A. skipped. Knees sore again last few days. Worked on weaknesses for 15 min.
B. 86, 92, 98 then 100, 105 (pressed for time, only 2 attempts).
C. DL – 95, sled with 60#
D. Done, 95 DL, glute ham raises with assistance. Banded HS curls done but did individual legs so my right leg wouldn’t do all the work.
At 4:30 am I could not figure out what deadlift to knee was. Had to process on my way to the gym, and laughed at how dumb I am before coffee.
Elissa the comment about the DL cracked me up. I don’t function without coffee. LOL
Me either! 🙂
A. 165 x 3, the 3 rd one was a bit shaky but I got it!
B. 105/110/115 then 125/135 fx2/130f
C. SLDL 55/ sled 135
D. 125 dl/ equipment didn’t allow for glute ham raises so did back extensions
Great work Karen!
M and a done
A I’m gonna start by saying I’m really happy. Lol. My 1 rm was 80. I did 80for 2 last week, this week doing 3rm did 83 and went for 87 but only got 2.
B Snatch started at 47kg, then to 53 then last 5 min did at 58kg. Couple reps on 58 were average so stopped there.
Did class wod of the chief today.
3 p clean @61kg
6 push up
5 x3 min round, 1 min rest between. Got 91,92,91,91,92 reps
Then did 50 banded good mornings.
Great work today Quinn!!! And the Chief is a great workout, that one originated from Invictus!
Thanks Nicole. Very happy with way training has been going. Got big comp next week in Auckland. Battle of the fittest. First individual comp and a big one at that. Starts Friday so thinking Monday Tuesday wods and then rest till Friday. Looking forward to next cycle. Definitely doing it
Did the snatch wodapalooza wod first, then
A. 165#
B1. 125#
B2. 135#
B3. 145, 145, 155, 160, 165
C. DL at 115#. No sled
D. Done
A. Got to 155#x3; felt good and would have tried 165 but had already taken 15 minutes.
B. 105# for 5; 110# for 5; 115 for 5; then 120/125/130/135/140f/140f/140# and a 3# PR 🙂
C. SL Deadlifts at 85#, flute hams done, barbell flute raises done w 85#, good mornings done.
Congrats on the Pr!
Thanks Karen!!
Solid work Leticia!
Thanks Nichole!
Thanks Elissa!
Nice work Teesh!
Mobility completed.
A)145#. Failed at 155 on the third rep.
C)135# SLDL. First time using a barbell. 220# SSP
D)Completed. 95# BBGB. 185# DL2K.
“We don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.” A. 75kgs. Feeling better with these. B. Annoyed at my lack of consistency when I get to 80% with snatches. After failing 2-3 times, I changed to just getting 5 reps done at 80%. They got more consistent after the 2-3 fails. Kept going afterwards for singles. Snatched 75kgs, but failed 77.5kgs twice and stopped (91%) C. Given up on single legged deadlifts. Sorry… Did 135kg emom instead, 10 reps. D. Focused on learning how to do Glute Hamm Raises. Watched more videos… Read more »
Upload a video of you doing glute ham raises and snatching so I can take a look at your technique.
Dynamic Mobility and Activation done
Someone recently mentioned cold and flu season. It is in full swing here in Chicago
A) 165, Tried 185 twice and failed.
B) 120,135,150 (was all over the place on these, power snatched all but one of these, shoulder and hip is killing me)
C) 115 for the deads, no sled so used 2 green bands attached to the rack and pulled those for 15 reps.
D) Done. only did 3 sets of the middle part. 115 for glute bridges, and for the Dead lifts (those were alot harder than I thought they would be).
Take care of your shoulder and hip!