Workout of the Day
Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
Band Distracted Anterior Pec Stretch x 30 seconds per side
Foam Roll T-Spine with Hold x 30 seconds
Banded Hip Circles x 8-10 reps each direction
Two sets of:
Upper Band Pull Aparts x 10 reps
Horizontal Band Pull Aparts
x 10 reps
Six sets of:
Narrow-Grip Overhead Squat x 1 reps @ 3311
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets), complete:
Halting Snatch Deadlift + High Hang Snatch + Mid Thigh Snatch
Loads should be between 70-85%, build over the 10 sets.
Three sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squats x 6 reps each leg; rest 45 seconds between legs
Rest 60-90 seconds
Strict Pronated Grip Pull-Ups x Max Reps
Rest 30 seconds
Weighted Pronated Grip Pull-Ups x 2-3 reps
Rest 60-90 seconds
Three sets of:
Banded Figure Four x 15 reps each leg
Rest as needed
Banded Lateral Leg Raises x 15 reps each leg
Rest as needed
Anterior Loaded Step Ups x 6 each leg
Rest as needed
*Choose box height based off of your height. Your leg should be at about a 90 degree angle or greater when standing on the ground (not breaking parallel).
A. 55 kg, 60kg, 65kg, 70kg, 75kg, 80kg – narrow grip overhead squat
B. 50 – 60 kg / last set mid thigh fail/ halting snatch deadlift, high hang snatch, mid thigh snatch
C. 24 kb
14 – 2 weighted 10kg
11 – 2 weighted 10 kg
10- 2 weighted 10 kg
M and A done
A. 95, 105, 115, 125, 125, 135
B. 125, 130, 135, 140, 145 all sets of 2 then did 150 but missed second hang snatch twice
C. 53 lb kettle bells. 11/3, 9/2, 8/2. 16 lb kettlebell for weights.
D. Done. 135 lb anterior load
Once again, completed at a Globo gym where the knurlings on the BB stop 6″ from the collar. Used straps and moved my grip in.
M&A-done or at least improvised with similar movements
A. 95,115,135,155,175,195,205-PR for narrow grip
B. 135-165- lil sketchy but hit most lifts
C. Rdl’s with 55#. 12/40×2,10/35×2,8/30×2-
D. Improvised similar movements
A) pvc, 35
B) worked up to 75
C) did strict pull ups – singles
Wod with class. Air dyne 1 mile, 40 single arm kbs 25#, air dyne 1 mile, 40 kbs, air dyne 1 mile. 13:20
M/A done
A. 55/60/65/70/75(f),80 getting much better at these with the grip where it should be
B. 55/55/60/60/65/65(f 1 rep )/70/70/75/75(f 1 rep)
C. 35#db (1 set on bad ankle/3 sets on good)
No pull ups (elbow)
D. Green band/30# WB for step ups
M&A done
A. worked up to 125#, not super narrow but improving
B. worked up to 115# and stayed there
C. somehow I allowed myself to do the squats with no weights at all. Just getting back after a bit of an hiatus. 5/5/5, 2/2/2 @ 26#KB
D. done
Mobility done.
A. Done. Noticeable improvement in flexibility today.
B. Done. Stayed light, 70% or less. Feeling out of practice with the snatch as my hand had been hurting for a few months with the snatch grip. Two weeks pain free now, hope it doesn’t come back.
C. Squats done. Pull-ups 15 then 2 @ 26#, 14 then 1 @ 26#, 13 then 1 @ 16#
D. Goofing around after class with Pistols and Burpee Pistols. I cannot do these but fun trying.
Mobility: done but felt stiff (went to climbing gym last eve for a social outing)
A: Narrow grip OHS – up to 75# and that was a struggle today.
B: Mostly stuck around 115# (70%) last few sets at 125# . High hang was limiting factor, no misses but was far from moving quick and crisp.
C: Bulgarian splits with 2 x 62# KNs. Did ample pullups last eve. did a few supinated pull ups and a few snatch grip behind the head pull ups
D: Banded work done with blue (ironwood) band. Step ups with 2 x 54# KB
A) Wendler OHS 70×5,90×5,105×3,130×5,150×3,165×5
B) 105-120
C) pull ups 8/8/8…..weighted 20lb 3,3,3
D) Did just the 45b bar. Have been having trouble with step ups and lunges, would this be a mobility issue? At the bottom of the lunge I have a hard time rebounding up without a forward thrust( Also should I not do the wendler OHS program that I have been doing for the past 2months or do the narrow grip on top of the wendler? Thanks:)
Mobility done
A. Up to 245#
B. 165#
C. Done/15-15-13 pull-ups/weighted w/55# KB x 3
D. Done/Ant. Load w 135#
A. groundhog day; sq therapy 35# bb to medball…did a very long descent. Was reminded in L1 it takes 3-5 years to fix-only 2 more to go if I’m lucky.
B. (125); 85, 85, 85, 96, 96, 96, 100.4, 100.4, 100.4, 105
C. 15# dbs, 6/10#(2), 6/8#(2), 6/5.5#(2)
D. 26# kb, single strand red band for both
Mob Done
A. 85/95/105/115/125/135/145
B. 75/75/85/85/85/90/90/90/95/95
C. 26# PU 10-6-5 10#PU 3/2.5/2.5 🙂
D. Ran out of time today
A – went up to 125#. Hands same as last time – barely inside outer knurling. Slow improvement. Just don’t want to go heavy.
B – 105-115#. Worked form. Did not increase. Want to get these right.
C – Bulgarians with 53# KB. Increasing gradually now. Pullups: 22/14/13 for strict rounds. Weighted 2/2/2 with 53# KB around waist.
D – Anterior step ups with 145# on bar in front rack to 16″ box.
MOB done. Added some GHDs and Reverse Hypersonic too.
A. 120-130-140-150-160-170#
B. 108-113-117-120-123-125-127-129-132 (slipped out of hands on mid thigh)- 132#
C. 65# Bulgarian; 10:9/8 strict max reps; 4 (15#) / 2 (20#) / 3 (15#) weighted max reps
D. Done. 75# weighted step ups
Another fun day!
Iron Scap Protocol, Reverse Hyper work 7 sets 12 reps and GHD Sit-ups 7×10
Mobilit and Activation Done
A. 135/135/155/165/175/175 hand on outside finger gauge.(Super Set 1 MU each rnd)
B.135×2/140/145/150/155/160×4 (Super Sert 1 MU each Rnd)
C. BSS w/ 70# KB/
1st sets of strict PU – 12/10/10
Weighted with 25# DB x3 each set
D. Done with Green band, step ups with 2 30# DB front racked.
M & A Done A. 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110 b. Still working on getting under the bar and snatching correctly all sets at 55# I feel happy and frustrated at the same time. I am super happy that my snatch technique is getting better and that I can actually do a squat with it, not so happy that I have to use such a light weight. Work in progress I keep telling myself. C. Did our Box’s Wod today: Jackie for time: 8:11 1000 meter row, 50 thrusters @ 45# and 30 pullups. E. Done green band and… Read more »
M&A Done
Added 100 and 75 UB DU
A-Up to 125
B-3×125, 4×135, 3×145 (missed last mid thigh)
C-24kg KB for BS, 13, 12, 11 SPU, #25 for weighted PU
D-Done then added airdyne bike 5 rounds at 1 min on and 2 min off with about 115 calories burned.
A. #145,145,155, 160,165,175
B. 50,53,55,57,59,60,62,64,66
C. 16/3 #26, 15/2 #26, 15/2 #26
D. No time
A did all sets with 30kg and starting to see some results. Feels bit easier in earlier sets.
B started at 40kg went 45, 50kg for rest of sets.
Did wod with class. JT finished in 6:24
Then did BSS at 12 kg per arm, chins were 8 then 2 with 5kg, 8 then 3 with 5 kg, 8 with 2 with 5 kg
Didn’t do all of D as class was using rig, so did step up anterior load at 50kg and ring hamstring curls
Mobility done
A) 33-38-43-48-53-53
B) 53-53-58-58-63(f)-63-63-68
C) BSS w/2-18# KBS x2; 2-26# KBS (left knee is the limiter on these)
sPU/#PU 8/1 (15#); 7/2 (10#); 6/2 (10#)
D) Done; step-up with 53# (again left knee and strength in left is the limiter)