Workout of the Day
Five sets of:
Unsupported Seated Strict Press x 4-5 reps
(sit on a bench without back support and press the barbell from shoulder to overhead)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets), complete:
Halting Clean Deadlift + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
Three rounds for times of:
Row 1000 Meters
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Wall Ball Shots
40 Double Unders
Rest 4 minutes
40-54: 20 lbs to a 10′ target/14 lbs to a 9′ target
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20 lbs to a 9′ target/10 lbs to a 9′ target; Chin-over-the-bar Pull-Ups
Three sets of:
Piston Push Downs x 60 reps (30 per side)
Rest 60 seconds
Supine Ring Rows x 8-10 reps @ 2111
(get as horizontal as possible)
Rest 60 seconds
V-Ups x 20 reps
Rest 60 seconds
A. Did reps of 4 this time. Built up to 65kg, but failed on 4th set.
B. Built up to 95kg, but failed last jerk/round
C. This one really drained me. Jetlag from eu didn’t help I think. Forgot times at bix…
D. Simplified cut down to 2 rds, 15 hand release pushups, 20 vups.
Did group class at drop in box. Clean and jerk to 145, then 3rft of 15 power snatches and 15 burpees over the bar.
Then later:
A. 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90×3
B. Did all at 95
D. done
A. 65/70/70/70/70, 4 reps all sets
B. 85/95/105/115/120/125/130/135 (failed at last jerk)
C. Only time for one round: 10:49
A: complete, worked up to 145#
B: comets, worked up to 225#
C: RX, 6:43, 7:03, 7:05
A. 75(5)/85(5)/95(5)105(5)/115(4)
B. 95/105/115/125/135/145/155/155 (jerk gradually feeling better)
C. Only time for two rounds: 8:12, 8:18
D. Will do later.
Major time problems today..
b. 85, 96, 105, 116, 125, 135, 142.6 fail
c. one round, battled DU today 12:28 sigh…tomorrow’s looks fun 16 DU
A. 140×5 for all sets
Out of work late today, sucks.
Did class wod:
5 rounds x 5 PS TnGo at 125
15 min AMRAP
10 HPS 95
5 MU
3 rounds + 2 reps
Finished with D except for Piston Push Downs as I did not know nor did the coaches or YouTube know what they were?
Still don’t know what they are
Here’s a link:
A. Worked up to 125
B. Worked up to 175
C. 8:15; 8:30; 8:40
D. Out of time.
What is a piston push down?? Cannot find it anywhere
A) 55,65
B) 65,65,75,75,75,75,85,85,95
C) only did 1 round as form suffers on wbs. Subbed 1 mile air dyne for row. Did Kipping pull ups and 10′ wbs
D) done plus reverse hypers
A. 90/95/100/105/2 reps@110
B. 95/95/115/115/135/135/155/155
C. Did class wod
A) did with kettlebells
B) worked with 55 and 60kg
C) around 7’30 each round …second one was the best. I am very bad on rowing. Is there any additional program I could do with Invictus? In my opinion If my row gets better I will improve in everything …
D) Done
Follow the optional training sessions on the comp blog, they generally include rowing intervals!
I once asked from Mikko and he replied: Row 20k each week with different ways and it gets better – on top of your plan. Use a lot like 20 times 250 meter w/ 15 sec rest and modify meters and rest. Once a week row 5k besides intervals. I was told that it really does not matter so much which intervals you use but more important is to row a lot to get your legs use to it. Technique is an other thing then, but youtube is full of tips. Generally don’t use high damper settings (between 4 or… Read more »
Hi Olli ! Super thanks for that. I will surely starting rowing more during these the next 6 months. I had in my mind to do it before everything (so it’s good you confirmed:)
An other great way is to do cross country mountain biking in altitude routes and push hard on very climb. I ride 3-7 hours a week and it helps not just with your legs in rowing but for endurance and I like it much more to get out of the dark box 🙂
A) 4 reps all 5 sets @ 72#
B) 83-93-103-113(f jerk)-113 (f jerk)-108-108-108
C) 8:33; 8:18; 8:16
D) Done
C was a continuous wod or We had to do like intervals?
Intervals. That is why I put the 4 min rest
“Three round for time” ? …….
Well it was a hell of a wod Any wat
I got it, says” times”
Sorry about that ….
A. 65/75/80/85/90
B. 75/85/105/115/120/125/130/135
C. 8:18/8:12/9:00
D. Done
A: 50, 55, 57.5, 60(4), 62.5 (3) KGs
B: 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105 KGs (missed jerk)
C: 6:50, 7:18; 7:42
D: Done
So does anyone use BTWB to log their workouts and progress. I’ve tried it , but it just takes to long to log and figure out how to put the workouts in. Wondering if anyone else has had the same issues.
I haven’t heard of it!
Too much work is my experience as well. Works great if your box put the workouts in the system and you just log but for this, it’s too much for me. I do still record benchmark workouts and lifting PRs in BTWB.
A. 30# DB x 5 reps
B. 85/90/95/100/100/105/105/105
C. Did uphill hike 40 min
D. Done
A. 95/105/115/135/140
B. 185/195/205/215/225/245/255/265
C. 7:00/7:31/7:33. Wallballs & row were bad after doing the granite games wod yesterday.
B.155/165/175/185/190/195/205 fail/195/200
C.6:18/6:25/6:53 hell of a breather!
C. Done
Solid times!