June 15, 2015 – Masters Games

Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation

Two sets of:
Hip Circles

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x 15 reps per side
Band Distracted Lat Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Kettlebell Mash to Heel Cord x 30 seconds per side

One set of:
Crossover Symmtery x Activation Series

Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets), complete:
Front Squat x 4-5 reps @ 75-80%

Six sets of:
3 Clean Pulls to Mid-Patella + 1 Clean
Rest as needed

Five sets for max reps of:
30 seconds of Power Cleans
2 minutes of Rest

* Set 1 – 225/155 lbs
* Set 2 – 205/140 lbs
* Set 3 – 185/135 lbs
* Set 4 – 165/115 lbs
* Set 5 – 155/105 lbs

* Set 1 – 205/140 lbs
* Set 2 – 185/135 lbs
* Set 3 – 165/115 lbs
* Set 4 – 155/105 lbs
* Set 5 – 135/95 lbs

* Set 1 – 185/135 lbs
* Set 2 – 165/115 lbs
* Set 3 – 155/105 lbs
* Set 4 – 135/95 lbs
* Set 5 – 115/75 lbs

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
2 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
2 Thrusters
4 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
4 Thrusters
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
6 Thrusters
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
8 Thrusters
. . . and so on up the ladder

40-54: 135/95 lbs
55+: 95/65 lbs

Optional Additional Session
Three sets for times:
5/3 Muscle Ups
20 Meter Handstand Walk
50 Double Unders
Rest 3 minutes

55+: 8 Chest to Bar Pull Ups; 3 Wall Climbs

Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets) of:
Strict Shoulder Press x 3-4 reps @ 85%+

Three sets, not for time, of:
GHD Hip Extensions with Barbell in Snatch Grip x 8 reps @ 02X1
Rest as needed
Banded Leg Curls x 30 reps
Rest as needed
Banded March x 3 minutes
Rest as needed

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Christine Wells NW 45-49
Christine Wells NW 45-49
June 15, 2015 8:07 pm

Mob complete
A. 140# x 4
B. 105-130#
C. 140(1), 135(3), 115(6), 105(10), 95(13). 142 is my PR.
D. Thru 12’s chest to bar.

A. 1:54/1:48/1:36. Got hung up on the hand stand walk today. It was much easy on the sand at the beach this last weeknd:)

B. 90/95/95/95/95/95#
C. ran out of time but will add this in tomorrow

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
June 16, 2015 5:15 am

Great work today Christine, especially on Part C and D!

Perry Siplon (50 5'9" 165)
Perry Siplon (50 5'9" 165)
June 15, 2015 6:24 pm

A. 205-215
B. 145-195
C. 3/6/8/8/10
D. Through 10’s + 1 C2B
Optional: A. 2:10/2:17/4:52 (multiple misses last MU)
B. 95-140 felt better than last week
C. planks, supermans

Scott DeTore
Scott DeTore
June 15, 2015 6:21 pm

A. Front squat – 300 6 x 4
B. 185-225
D. Started rounds of 12+4 thrusters – misread -butterflied but not chest to bar -sorry

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
June 15, 2015 6:47 pm
Reply to  Scott DeTore

Solid front squat Scott!

Scott DeTore
Scott DeTore
June 15, 2015 6:52 pm
Reply to  Nichole DeHart

thank you Nichole

Albert Police 45-49
Albert Police 45-49
June 15, 2015 6:14 pm

MOB and ACT- done
A. 5reps at 225-230
B. 185-235
C. 2 + 1 miss/4/8/10/11
D. finished round of 10 +12 C2B and 8 thrusters (80 reps)

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
June 15, 2015 6:47 pm

Nice job on D Al!

Gabriel Romero (40-44)
Gabriel Romero (40-44)
June 15, 2015 2:23 pm

A. 250 across
B. 185-245
C. 4/6/8/9/10
that was fun!
D. finished 12’s
probably should have rested more than a few min but oh well

Optional tonight

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
June 15, 2015 6:47 pm

Awesome job!!

Brett W (61,5'11",192)
Brett W (61,5'11",192)
June 15, 2015 12:08 pm

A. 185
B. 135-165
C. 6/7/9/12/14
D. 61 reps; didn’t recover well from C. probably needed more time.

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