Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
Banded Hamstring Floss x 15 reps per side
Foam Roll Hamstrings x 30 seconds per side
Inchworm Walks x 3 reps
Two sets of:
Prone Leg Lifts
x 10 reps
Bird Dogs x 10 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
Banded Deadlift @ 60% x 2 rep @ 10X2
Three sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps
and then …
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Split Jerk x 2 reps @ 70-80%
(if possible, use blocks)
For 30 minutes, rotate through the following three stations on the minute:
Minute 1 – Row 12/10 Calories
Minute 2 – Push Press x 6 reps
Minute 3 – 1-2 Rope Climbs (15′)
You’ll hit each of these stations 10 times.
40-54: 135/95 lbs Push Press
95/65 lb Push Press
Three sets, not for time, of:
Glute Ham Raises x 8 reps
Rest as needed
Sumo Stiff Leg Deadlifts x 8 reps @ 10X1
(use straps for these if you have them)
Rest as needed
2-Minute Banded March While Hugging a D-Ball Medicine Ball or Heavy Sand Bag
Rest as needed
Optional Additional Session
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (5 sets of each interval), complete:
Interval 1: 1 Pause Front Squat @ 24X1 + 2 Front Squats @ 20X1
Interval 2: Strict Handstand Push Ups x 8-10 reps
50-59: Use a 2″ riser for the strict handstand push-ups
Use a 4″ riser for the strict handstand push-ups
*If you do not have strict handstand push-ups, try performing 4-5 strict eccentrics @ 50A1.
10 minutes of Assault Bike at 60%
and then …
Eight sets of:
90 seconds of Assault Bike
Rest 90 seconds
A. 205#
B. 85-105-125# jerk balance
150-175# split jerks
C. Fun little 30 min Emom. 2 rope climbs ea time.
D. Done. 185# on sumos. Used green bands on banded March and held slam ball.
Oh and I bet no one else got antiqued today with chalk! Lol…guys thought it would be funny since I turned 44 today!
Happy late birthday!
did the mobility and activation
B-175 to 205
C-Done 2 rope/min
D- skipped out had to get back to work
A. All sets at 155#
B. Subbed new rope climb technique time here for jerks
C. Fun EMOM, I subbed 6 power cleans at 95# for push press, 2 rope climbs each round. New technique much faster and efficient, this was good practice!
D. Deads 125#, banded march w/ 30# wall ball, 8 GHD.
I’ll need to hit optional tomorrow.
A. 165# x 8
B. Instead of jerks I worked on Back Squat and went up to 225.
C. Done – instead of a bar for push press I used #40 db and that felt grear for my elbow. Amazing how much better it felt today after therapy yesterday.
2 rope climbs every round.
Will do D. and the additional work tomorrow bc I ran out of time.
Warm up
A. 225×8
B. 155,155,160,160,160,160
C. Yes
M & A done
A. 255
B. 185
C. Done at 135 and 1 rope climb
D. Done. Wasn’t sure what weight to use for sumo deadlifts. Went lightish at 185