May 1, 2015 – Regionals Program

Workout of the Day
Primary Session
Every 90 seconds, until you fail to successfully complete the complex:
Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat
(snatch must be taken from above the knee)

Men’s Loading (in lbs): 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255, 265, 275, 285, 295
Women’s Loading (in lbs): 125, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180, 185

When the clock reaches 18:00, complete the following for time…

For time:
30 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
15 Burpee Muscle-Ups

Three sets, not for time, of:
Bent-Over Barbell Row x 8 reps @ 21X0
Rest as needed
Reverse Hypers x 20 reps @ 1011
Rest as needed
Hollow Hold x 60 seconds
Rest as needed

Optional Additional Session
Two sets of:
Row 2500 Meters @ 80-85%
10-Meter Handstand Walk
10 Alternating Overhead Pistols (45/33 lbs)
10-Meter Handstand Walk
Rest 5 minutes
*During rest, spend two minutes per leg in hip flexor/quad stretch of your choice.
PROGRAM NOTE – Today, tomorrow and Monday will be much lighter volume. We anticipate that the Regionals workouts will begin to be announced as early as Monday, and we’ve driven you hard for the last four weeks. The dip in volume is designed to have you feeling strong, healthy and confident as the Regionals workouts are announced and we begin testing those events.

SCHEDULING NOTE – Monday will be a swim session – nothing else. Plan to train hard on Tuesday and Wednesday, recover on Thursday, and then train hard Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We will keep that schedule through your Regionals weekend.

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Mitchall Heady
Mitchall Heady
May 2, 2015 4:33 am

Had team training so I built to a heavy single. I haven’t had anything more then 265 lifted so I have been doubting myself and needed assurance.
A-85- 205 -225- 235 -245 – 255 – 265 -275 -285pr with no misses.
B-We did the 30 ‘ s workout from 2013, got 15:20
C- 30 strict hspu
15 burpee muscle ups
Completed in 6:05
went 20/5/1/1/ 1/1/1
D- walked 400m with a 160lb sled

Lauren Gravatt
Lauren Gravatt
May 2, 2015 12:32 am

A. Built to 160! PR! Almost had 165, definitely OH but lock out wasn’t quite there.
B. 8:09 – I didn’t adjust any rings before hand and due to class was stuck on rings waaaay to high for me. Oh well, def something to practice having not perfect rings.
C. Done

Fun! 12:39, 12:41

Nathaniel Olsen
Nathaniel Olsen
May 1, 2015 11:52 pm

A) Up to 245. Missed 255.
B) 3:05 Went 20/6/4 on shspu. Mus felt great.
C) Done.

A) Each round finished around 11:15. Overhead pistols are feeling great. Lots of improvement in this.

Dylan Weller (Canada West)
Dylan Weller (Canada West)
May 1, 2015 8:54 pm

A. Up to 245, just missed 255… very excited about this, max snatch is 250
B. 3:26
C. Complete

Additional session complete

Andi Turner
Andi Turner
May 1, 2015 8:14 pm

A) worked up to 160. Failed 165 behind me. I know I can do more.
B) 7:28. The hspu took me 3 minutes by themselves! Is there a tip or secret I missed that has got all you girls KILLING these shspu?!?! Are you guys practicing with the new standard? (The heels above the tape) Or just the box like last year?
1 rd- 13:31. Row was 10:13 and took my time starting hsw due to class.

Lacy Baumgart
Lacy Baumgart
May 1, 2015 4:58 pm

A. Up to 140# got under 145 but took it to the knees not a great snatching day:(
B.4:56 I like burpee muscle ups
A. 14:37-15:01 handstand walks were 15 meters and all unbroken so excited!! Struggled a little with the pistols but was happy I could even do 1 @ 33# but I got them all in

Andy Rosenbaum
Andy Rosenbaum
May 1, 2015 3:40 pm

A. 225, this felt actually pretty good. 235 felt heavy just deadlifting
B. 4:00 (hspu as 23/7)
C. done (are these reverse hypers like on the machine? weight recommendation)

Espen Hellesøy
Espen Hellesøy
May 1, 2015 3:31 pm

Session 1:
A. Up to 265/120kg. All time snatch PR!

B. 8:12

C. Done

Session 2:
A. 11:22, 11:31

Laura Tobias (Northwest)
Laura Tobias (Northwest)
May 1, 2015 12:41 pm

Session I: A. snatches are by FAR my weakest lift (current PR is 143#), so instead of only doing 2-3 rounds i decided to start the ladder at a lower weight so i could get more reps in. to my complete surprise, i was able to hang snatch 150#! i got 155# up overhead but couldnt stabilize and dropped the weight behind me. i know i have it in me to make that lift! ended up going 105-115-120-125-130-135-140-145-150-155(f). B. 6:13 RX. SHSPU went 20/8/2 (fell off the wall, so mad!) and took ~1:18. burpee MU done at relative good pace… Read more »

Lauren Gravatt
Lauren Gravatt
May 2, 2015 12:28 am

20 UB SHSPU?? Excellent!!!!

Laura Tobias (Northwest)
Laura Tobias (Northwest)
May 2, 2015 8:33 am
Reply to  Lauren Gravatt

Thanks lauren! Congrats on your snatch PR, so strong!

Holden Rethwill
Holden Rethwill
May 1, 2015 11:44 am

Been taking it easy and doing what I could do to rest my back the last few days (massage, hot tub, stim, etc).. Woke up feeling good today.. Did a lot of SHSPU, light weight lunges, and Airdyne the last couple days, all stuff that didn’t bother it.. Session 1 today: A. Warmed up with about 15-20 reps at 95-135#.. it all felt solid and didn’t aggravate my back at all so I went into the programmed work and it continued to feel good.. Up to hit 225 solid (ties hang PR), then failed at 235.. Tried it again after… Read more »

Laura Tobias (Northwest)
Laura Tobias (Northwest)
May 1, 2015 9:42 am

Just curious how you guys warm up for these strength ladders. Do you just build to the starting weight (i.e, 185/125) and start the clock then or are you guys warming up the heavier loads later on in the set as well?

Shane McBride (North Central)
Shane McBride (North Central)
May 1, 2015 9:21 am

Session 1
165-265 *15lbs PR
(26/4) strict HSPU
15 Burpees MU’s

Laura Tobias (Northwest)
Laura Tobias (Northwest)
May 1, 2015 10:35 am

Whaaaaat?! So so fast, incredible! Awesome work

Shane McBride (North Central)
Shane McBride (North Central)
May 1, 2015 10:57 am

thank you!

Ruben Martinez
Ruben Martinez
May 1, 2015 8:50 am

A. 225, failed 235 then hit after time which times my pr hang.
B. 6:21, these tricep fatiguing workout are a huge weakness!
C. Done



Bobby Petras
Bobby Petras
May 1, 2015 8:11 am

A) ended up with a PR Hang Snatch at 220lbs

B) 4:21 (25 SHSPU unbroken, really wanted 30)

C) Done

Will do optional later if I have time.

May 1, 2015 7:52 am

A-up to 255 which is a hang snatch PR started @165 so I finished @17:10 then began B @18:00
B- 3:21 rx
A2- this afternoon

Shannon Zimmerman
Shannon Zimmerman
May 1, 2015 6:56 am

Morning Session:
Optional A) Hey that was fun! Rounds took somewhere around 14:00 or less with rows at about 11:00 (not sure if that was the right pace or not) and a stop to put my knee sleeves on for pistols. UB HS walks until the 4th one I tumbled 2 ft away from the finish. OH weighted pistols felt super easy and fast today! Last time they hurt my hip flexors but I’m guessing the row got them good and warm.

Gemma Lee (Asia)
Gemma Lee (Asia)
May 1, 2015 4:58 am

A. up to 150# and a very close miss at 155# – With my 1RM being 155#, I’m happy with this
B. 14:11 – 30 sHSPU took 6:50 but I’ve never done that many sHSPU in a day or in that time frame, etc. etc. a huge improvement for me! 🙂

Laura Tobias (Northwest)
Laura Tobias (Northwest)
May 1, 2015 4:05 pm

Wooo nice job on those shspu!

Gemma Lee (Asia)
Gemma Lee (Asia)
May 1, 2015 9:09 pm

Thanks Laura! Now time to link them more than 3 now haha

Filip Yang
Filip Yang
May 1, 2015 4:44 am

A: 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255, 265, 275 done. Stopped there. Think that’s a hang snatch PR 🙂 At least for this complex.

B: 5.20.

C: Done

Optional, A: 2500m row in about 9.40, unbroken HSW, regular pistols. Same for both rounds.

May 1, 2015 7:55 am
Reply to  Filip Yang

Awesome job man

YOOSIK'CrazyTiger'KIM (Asia)
YOOSIK'CrazyTiger'KIM (Asia)
May 1, 2015 4:37 am

A. Up to 225lbs
B.4:19 (SHSPU UB 🙂

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