April 17, 2015 – Team Invictus

Workout of the Day
Primary Session
Every 90 seconds, until you fail to successfully complete the complex:
2 Front Squats + Jerk
(take the weight from the rack…if you drop it after the jerk, strip it, clean it and get it set-up prior to the next 90-second interval)

Men’s Loading (in lbs): 275, 285, 295, 305, 315, 325, 335, 345, 355, 365, 375, 385
Women’s Loading (in lbs): 175, 185, 195, 205, 210, 215, 220, 225, 230, 235, 240, 245

When the clock reaches 18:00, perform the following…

Three rounds for time of:
20 Meter Handstand Walk
10 Muscle-Ups

Three sets, not for time, of:
Chinese Rows x 5 reps @ 21X0
Rest as needed
GHD Hip Extension with Overhead “Y” Hold x 8-10 reps @ 2012
Rest as needed
Weighted Prone Plank x 75 seconds
Rest as needed

Same as last week…increase loading/reps.

Optional Additional Session

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Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 75-90%

Build in load from 75-90% throughout the ten sets. (Same as last week…but starting and finishing a little bit heavier.)

Every 4 minutes, for 40 minutes (10 sets):
15/10 Calories of Assault Bike
10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
10 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

Similar movements to last week. This week I want you to fly through all the movements as quickly as possible, and then rest until the next 4 minute interval. Please note times for each set. Goal is speed…and consistency.

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Clare Warren
Clare Warren
April 17, 2015 10:59 pm

A. worked up to 185. My back didn’t feel all that well so I didn’t push it any harder.
B. We didn’t have time

Optional session
A. Worked up to 145
B. 2:30, 2:34, 2:42, 3:12, ?, 3:14, 3:32 (5 CTB) I tore my hand, 3:42.

Heather Hippensteel
Heather Hippensteel
April 17, 2015 10:55 pm

A. Failed jerk at 210
B. 8:54

A. 55-67kg
B. Completed – that was miserable

Nuno Costa
Nuno Costa
April 17, 2015 10:47 pm

Morning session
A. Did not go well, missed 285 – body wasn’t feeling it
B. 5:32
C. Did not do

Afternoon –
A. 80, 80, 80, 80
85, 85 – FH 85- FG, 85
90 – FG
95 – FF

B. 1:58, 2:00, 1:59, 2:08, 2:15, 2:17, 2:17, 2:16, 2:18, 2:31 – almost ripped on last set, came down on 7

April 17, 2015 10:16 pm

A. 175/185/missed 195
B. this was all a struggle today. Even hs walks felt hard. I felt really fatigued. Attempted 7 mu every round made 4/3/3, 16:48.
Skipped the optional conditioning today bc my body was feeling too tired. (Did Wednesdays work yesterday because wasn’t able to do Wednesday)

Molly Schaefer
Molly Schaefer
April 17, 2015 10:11 pm

A. Worked up to 175-and couldnt hit the jerk. Front Squatted it over 4 attempts out of stubbornness but wasn’t happening today. B. Had to skip due to time constraint Optional A. Did 115-125 HS + Snatch, felt fast on them so went past 90% for 3 sets B. Really working on butterfly c2b so tried to keep it in sets vs singles 2:28 (8 C2B), 2:26 (9 C2B), 2:43 (5 C2B), 2:59 (7 C2B), 2:43 (4 C2B), 3:12 (5 C2B), 3:05 (5 C2B), 3:23 (5 C2B), 3:23 (5 C2B), 3:28 (10 C2B) such a mental workout-enjoyed it (now that… Read more »

Isaac Farias
Isaac Farias
April 17, 2015 10:08 pm

A. Started at 225 and made it to 275. Failed the split jerk at 285.
B. 4:15
C. Done
A. Worked up to 195.
B. 2:01/2:10/2:15/2:30/2:43/3:15/3:20/2:45/2:40/Could not finished the las round, got a cramp.

Mika Ingley
Mika Ingley
April 17, 2015 9:40 pm

A. Up to 325 mobility sucked
No time/space for MU/HSPU with clmp class
-Hit 225 on snatch complex made hang at 235 missed full
Times on 40min emom
2:59 2:39 2:42 2:46 2:42 2:45 3:08 3:30 dnf dnf 3:24 did 5kbs and 5c2b for dnf rds so I wouldn’t be in the way for shramo who was using same equipment as me. Finished at around 3:30 for both of those two rds. Should have eaten more food before this I bonked pretty hard

Kim McLaughlin
Kim McLaughlin
April 17, 2015 9:19 pm

DId the optional session first because that’s the only way I could fit it in my schedule: A. Hang Snatch + Snatch: 123 – 138. Better at staying on my heels now I need to work on finishing…I’m leaving it out in front…still B. Fun: 2:20, 2:30, 2:36, 2:57, 2:51, 3:05, 2:59, 3:10, 3:05, 3:15…..I was trying to keep all of them under 2 min but the clock was going too fast the last few rounds. Primary Session: A. Made 185 and the front squats for 195 but missed the jerk out in front. B. Worked on HS Walks and… Read more »

Cj Martin
Cj Martin
April 18, 2015 8:40 am
Reply to  Kim McLaughlin

“The clock was going too fast…” – one of the best comments ever.

Taylor Shramo
Taylor Shramo
April 17, 2015 8:23 pm

A. Started at 225 and made it to 275
B. 11:20

A. Worked up to 215
B. 2:18/2:35/2:32/2:40/3:12/3:30/–/3:08/3:30/2:54
(Went to eye level on KBS, had to skip round 7 because my back seized up so I spent the round rolling out and stretching, then tore on round 8 doing the pull-ups — soooo great workout all around)

Jack Bernstein
Jack Bernstein
April 17, 2015 7:24 pm

A. 295.. oops
B. 6:15

A. 235
B. 1:46/1:41/1:35/1:40/1:49/2:02/2:09/2:08/2:24/2:08
(I cheated and did my kb swings to eye level. except the last two I went almost over head. but not quite over head according to Bryce. so I lost to everyone!)

Lisa O'Kane
Lisa O'Kane
April 17, 2015 5:52 pm

A. Hit 175, missed 185.
B. 14:40, MU were fast and felt good, HS walk was approx. 20 ft. due to space and was slow but getting better. Way more control and some better distance each time.
C. Completed.
Optional (10 minutes later)
A. 135 hang+full snatch
B. ran out of time(had to do everything in one session today) Will try to do it later tonight or get some type of conditioning if possible.

April 17, 2015 2:57 pm

A. 295. Miss 305 jerk
B. 6:01

A. 235 hang snatch+snatch
B. 1:50/2:07/2:14/2:31/2:47/3:00/3:11/3:11/3:25/3:10

Nik Hecht
Nik Hecht
April 17, 2015 2:41 pm

A. 275,285,295,305,315,325,335, (f) 345#
B. 5:42
C. Done
Optional session
A. 200,200, 210,210, 220,220, 230, 230, 235, 240 missed full
B. 1:55, 1:57, 1:58, 1:58, 1:58, 2:01, 2:02, 2:12, 2:15, 2:06

Cynthia Lam
Cynthia Lam
April 17, 2015 10:46 am

A. Hit 205# !!- Barely missed the jerk on 210# didn’t drop underneath enough so I couldn’t straighten my arms.
B. Didn’t complete all 30MUS– Hand stand walks were awesome but MU were off today. Completed 10, then missed what felt like 300.

*optional cond.- working night shift tonight. Will make 7am class if I feel good.

Melissa Hurley
Melissa Hurley
April 17, 2015 10:06 am

#175 hit/183 missed slightly in front. I think I could have it with a second attempt (and belt LOL)

13:49 on handstand walk(14mats) and muscle ups. Rings shorter, helps a lot. Happy that I could walk and do 30MUs under 15mins.

10-15mins later

Burpee box jumps/KBS/C2B every 3mins (ran out of time, 5rds started slowing down on C2B, felt better falling to ground on burpees)

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