Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
Pectoral SMR with Lacrosse Ball
x 60 seconds per side
Ankle Pulses x 15 reps per side
Trap 3 Raises x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Three sets, not for time, of:
Bar Muscle-Ups x 1-2 reps
Alternating Dumbbell Snatch x 8-10 reps per arm
Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold x 45-60 seconds
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Front Squat x 2 reps @ 80% of 1-RM
Three rounds for time of:
8 Thrusters
Rest 2 minutes, and then …
Three rounds for time of:
Kettlebell Swings x 25 reps
Double-Unders x 40 reps
40-44: 6/4 Muscle-Ups/155/105 lb Thrusters; 32/24 kg KB
45-49: 4/2 Muscle Ups/135/95 lb Thrusters; 32/24 kg KB
50-54: 3/1 Muscle-ups/115/75 lb Thrusters; 24/16 kg KB
55+: 9/6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups/95/65 lb Thrusters; 16/12 kg KB
A. Done with BMU attempts..they have left me!!
B. 138#
C. 5:54 (jumping mu’s, 75#)//5:10 44#KB
Mobility Done
A: Done RMU. DB-Snatch @28kg
B: 115Kg
C1: 11:10 Rx
C2: 9:13 Rx
I’m going to hit open 15.2 at Saturday so did this one today. Had to rush because of multiple meetings so did only session C as scaled
3RFT: 8 pullups, 8 dips, 8 thusters (50kg) – time 4:30
Time: 6:30 with 24kg kb – biggest one at workplace gym
A. Done, subbed ring dips for bmu #30 db
B. #125
C. 3:30 and 9:15 rx
Mobility completed
A. Jumping bar MU
DB Snatch@50
45 second nose to wall HS
B. 300
Ca. 6:15Rx
Cb. 5:55Rx
I have a question, u can ring muscle ups, but not bar?
Correct, Mike. I have been drilling ring muscle ups very hard since the beginning of January. But, I have not spent much time on bar muscle ups. So many weaknesses…so little time. 🙂
Several people have assured me that bar muscle ups are easier than ring MU…but, that hasn’t yet been my experience.
I’m with you! Hard on the MUs since January but no bars yet. I’m pretty sure today will be the day 🙂
Right?! Today is always the day.
Get ’em, Mike!
Nice, I almost got them but between practising ring MUs my hands had enough. If they are in 15.2, tomorrow is that day 😉
That’s awesome guys. I’m on the other end. Rings are more difficult, bar is automatic more matter how tired I am. I know if you struggle with chest to bar, bar muscle ups are difficult. I know this too, if you have a steel bar vs powder coated its easier to get that hard pull. Good luck guys!
Thanks Mike!
It gets worse for me. 🙂
I have pretty solid C2B butterfly pull-ups and a steel bar to pull against.
I am dangerously close, but, haven’t figured out how to shoot my hips open and it feels like I am blocking myself with my knees.
It was the same problem for a long time on the rings and I was sort of hoping the ring success would transfer to the bar. But…not yet. Continued success to you, too!
A. Done
B. 155-225-245-265-285-285-285-285
Eased into this one today
C. 6:30 & 7:42
Knock on wood all my little Ailments are going away and this is feeling much better
Mob Done,
A. Done (1st every bar MU with 2 bands. Still long way to go
B. 175/175/195/195/200/200/200/200
Did group fundraiser WOD today
A-Accidentally did comp workout with no pistols-knee issues but getting better!
Rounds 1-10 rx, 11-12 2shspu, 13-14 0shspu
C-30C Rows
1:08 (D6)
1:00 (D5)
Everyone Keep Pushing Hard in Open!
A) done B) all at 265 C) a5:35 b6:26 (1.5 pood kb)
A. Done
B. 165#
C. 7:09, 5:13 RX 55+
A. Done
B. 255 across
C. 9:11 – (12) C2B & (8) 155 Thrusters
C.2 6:27 – 70#KB & (50) Doubles
Thanks Invictus!
A subbed 2C2B, snatches @ 25#, 60/45/45 sec
B. 125#
C. Subbed 2C2B +2 ringdips, 75# – 3:14
35# KB – 5:50
mobility and activation- completed
a. bar muscle ups- attempts, and assisted
dumb-bells snatch to 30#
hs hold completed
b. at 145- let’s call this today’s 80%
c. no muscle ups, did 8 ctb and thrusters at 85- 4:50
kb at 16k- 5:40
back pretty tight, looking forward to rest day. watched my buddy goodwillie get his first bar muscle up today! and second, third etc. i have hope!
A. BMU attempts, 50# dbs for snatches, 60s HS holds
B. 215
C. (45-49) 5:45/8:25
I’m a bit sore and tired today so I took it a little easy so I’ll be ready for 15.2 on Friday
A – handstand holds and db snatches (35#) done; didn’t want to irritate shoulder so skipped bar MUs
B – done at 145#
C –
Part 1: 2:55; just did 1 MU and thrusters at 85# (MUs are feeling better all the time 🙂
Part 2: 4:27; 16kg on kettle bell
A. Bar MU attempts, still so close but didn’t want to risk ripping, snatch with 45#. HS walking.
B. All at 135#
C. 3:15/4:27. I did Russian swings to save my back and shoulder. MU felt awesome, I like 2’s:)
A. did 3 c2b pull ups for muscle ups, 50# db for snatches
B. 185#
C. 6:01, 10:13 didn’t start to string together du’s until the second round. First round took 4:30,
MOB completed
A) Completed with banded muscle up transitions
B) 145#
C) 3:14/5:28 RX
A. Completed. Bar MUx2 55lb db HS hold
B. 205
C. 5:14 @135
6:46. This one was a gasser
Mob completed.
A. Worked on bar MU. Was able to get 1 today ;( Since I tore my pec on these in October it has been slow coming back. 45# on DB; could have been heavier but the next one in the Box is 70# and I felt like that was too awkward today.
B. 200#
C. low fuel today with work and family commitments! Did 2 rounds of each and wasn’t concerned with time. Did belly button 2B for MU and 135# thrusters (155# felt heavy!) but was able to go UB on DU both rounds.