January 30, 2015 – Masters Program

Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation

Three sets of:
Scap Pull-ups x 6-8 reps
DB Ext Rotation x 8-10 reps @ 2011
CrossOver Symmetry Pull Downs x 5-8 reps

MEN & WOMEN 40-55
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets), complete:
14′ Legless Rope Climb x 1 ascent
(switch to 2 standard climbs if legless is not possible)

Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets), complete:
14′ Rope Climbs x 1-2 ascents

Five sets of:
3 Jerk Dip Squats + Jerk
(Use Jerk Blocks)
Rest as needed
*Perform three controlled dip squats then on the fourth dip, Jerk the bar overhead.
**Increase load by 2% on last weeks results

Every 2 minutes, for 14 minutes (7 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 6 reps @ 70%
Stationary Dip x 6-8 reps @ 2011
*Set 2 – 4 reps @ 80%
Stationary Dip x 6-8 reps @ 2011
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 90%
Stationary Dip x 6-8 reps @ 2011
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 95%
Stationary Dip x 6-8 reps @ 2011
*Set 5 – 2 reps @ 90%
Stationary Dip x 6-8 reps @ 2011
*Set 6 – 4 reps @ 85%
Stationary Dip x 6-8 reps @ 2011
*Set 7 – 6 reps @ 75%

“The Chief”
Against a three-minute running clock, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
Power Cleans x 3 reps
Push-Ups x 6 reps
Air Squats x 9 reps

Repeat for a total of five sets, resting 60 seconds between sets. Pick up each set where you left off when the last ended.


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Liz 51 Denver 115#
Liz 51 Denver 115#
February 6, 2015 9:56 am

A. warmed up with leg climbs 3 round, rest legless
B. done up to 110#
C. done up to 140#
D. 19 +7 Rx

Jodie (F, 40-44)
Jodie (F, 40-44)
February 2, 2015 1:23 pm

MOB: Done
A. 6 legless (not all the way up to 14′ feet, but as close as I could)/4 leg assist
B. 105/115/120/125/130 (just scared to get under more weight)
C. 130/150/170/180/170/160/140
D. 20+3 (scale: 85lbs)

Litsa Olsson
Litsa Olsson
February 1, 2015 12:12 pm

Mobility done.
A,B skipped (shoulders)
C. 215/250/280/295/280/265/230
D. 21+16
Still working out as much as I can while giving my shoulder some rest. Did yesterday.

DTH 42 (6'3" 200) MA
DTH 42 (6'3" 200) MA
January 31, 2015 9:24 am

A. Done
B. Up to 220
C. Up to 250
D. 25+1

Shaun K (F 58)
Shaun K (F 58)
January 31, 2015 9:15 am

MOB Done, love it
A) Done, with legs.
B) 92#/97#/102#/107#/112#
C) 136/156/175/185/175/166/146# + 7 unbroken dips each round on stationary bar
D) 22+6 RX
For some reason I had a blast doing rope climbs! Not usually my favorite.

Sasha Novak
Sasha Novak
January 31, 2015 5:20 am

Mob done
A. Done
B. 70-80-90-100-110 kg (110kg jerk was really easy)
C. 140-160-180-190-180-170-150kg + 8 ring dips all sets
D. 30 reps RX

Trey Heyward 46yo
Trey Heyward 46yo
January 31, 2015 3:36 am

Mobility Done
A. Got 7 & 3/4, Last climb 2′ from the top had to grab with my legs.
B. 170/180/190/200/210 up from last week.
C. 245/280/315/335/315/300/265, All dips unbroken on jerk blocks.
D. Skipped: Had to coach class.

Dale Fortes (M 42)
Dale Fortes (M 42)
January 30, 2015 8:30 pm

Mobility completed
A) RX’d
B) 135, 185, 185, 205, 205
C) 280, 320, 360, 385, 360, 340, 300
D) ran out of time
Fantastic programming!!!

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
January 31, 2015 8:10 am

Thanks Dale!

leticiaficek (F, NW, 44)
leticiaficek (F, NW, 44)
January 30, 2015 8:29 pm

A – attempted legless each time but struggled to get all the way up to 14′
B – 115#, 125, 135, 145, 150
C – 150#, 175, 195, 205, 195, 185, 165 (5 dips each round)
D – A-C took a lot longer than expected and had to go out of town for weekend. No time. Dang! Really would’ve liked to do this.

Aimee Sargent
Aimee Sargent
January 30, 2015 7:46 pm

Mobility and Activation completed
A. No rope at home, couldn’t get to a box today.
B. 95/105/115/125/130*, no blocks. First time hitting 130! Doing the jerk dip squats really helps my technique…wish I had the blocks today to just drop the bar.
C. 125/145/160/170/160/155/135, 6 dips all sets w/makeshift station with dining chairs stacked with bumpers! Aww yeah!
D. 17 rounds + 8 reps

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
January 31, 2015 8:10 am
Reply to  Aimee Sargent

Awesome work Aimee!

Aimee Sargent
Aimee Sargent
January 31, 2015 12:18 pm
Reply to  Nichole DeHart

Thank you Nichole!

January 30, 2015 7:40 pm

Mobility done.
A. 8 Legless climbs.
B. 160, 170, 180, 190, 200F
C. 175, 200, 225, 235, 225, 210, 185
D. 20 + 1

Perry Siplon (49 5'9" 165)
Perry Siplon (49 5'9" 165)
January 30, 2015 7:18 pm

A. Done.
B. 135-175
C. 225/255/275/295/275/255/245, with 8 dips/set
D. 24+7 1st timer

January 30, 2015 6:47 pm

Mobility = Done
A. No Rope – home gym, ceilings too low
B. 135, 155, 185, 215, 215
C. 275-6, 315-4, 345-2, 365-1, 345-2, 325-2, 290-4 (failed to get all reps on last two sets) + 8 dips after each round at tempo
D. 22+3+6+3

ronalde (45yo)
ronalde (45yo)
January 30, 2015 6:31 pm

Mobility Complete
A. Two legged climbs
B. 195,195,195,200,200
C. 290,335,375,395,375,335,290
D. 23+2

Kelly Moore
Kelly Moore
January 30, 2015 6:21 pm

A. 5 leg less (elbow:( )
C. 235-270-305-320-305-290-255lbs
D.20 rounds 14 reps @ 135lbs

January 30, 2015 6:08 pm

F NW 50-54
This was a great day for me!!!!!!
A. Never tried legless before but I was able to do it!!!!
B. All rounds 95#
C. 135, 155, 175, 185, 175, 165, 145 all felt solid. Did 7 dips each round.
D. 24 rounds.

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
January 31, 2015 8:11 am
Reply to  aprilw4

Awesome work on the legless rope climbs April!

January 30, 2015 6:03 pm

A. 8 legless
B. 85/107/117/127/137 (f) hit jerk blocks on dip. :-/
C. 145/170/190/200/190×1/175×1/155×4
D. 21
Did Tuesday’s workout yesterday, tired legs!

January 30, 2015 6:00 pm

A. Done
B. Up to 210
C. Done off 320
D. 26

Dawn (49 F NW)
Dawn (49 F NW)
January 30, 2015 5:23 pm

A. 4 legless attempts, about half way, finished the last 4 with 2 regular climbs each minute.
B. up to 142#
C. 150/170/195/205/195/185/160 6 dips each round, had to break last set 4/2
D. I feel like I really sucked at this workout! My legs were on fire today. (40-54) 20+12

Liz 51 Denver 115#
Liz 51 Denver 115#
February 6, 2015 10:03 am
Reply to  Dawn (49 F NW)

What about 20 reps sucks? You killed it!

Joe M47
Joe M47
January 30, 2015 4:12 pm

A-5 legless 17 ft, 3 standard (year since doing rope climbs felt ok)
B-Up to 225
C-Up to 335, 7-8 tempo dips each round
D-21 rounds-right side lower back on fire!
Also got in a few muscle ups no misses-year or so since attempting last MU.
Visited friend box today. Interurban Athletics In Kent, WA

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
January 31, 2015 8:11 am
Reply to  Joe M47

Awesome work Joe!!!

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