Workout of the Day
Every two minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 45-55%
*Set 2 – 5 reps @ 55-65%
*Set 3 – 3 reps @ 65-75%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 75-85%
*Set 5 – 2 reps @ 80-90%
Every two minutes, for 4 minutes (2 sets):
Back Squat x 10 reps @ 70-75%
*Percentages based off of 1RM
Two sets for max reps of:
Wall Ball Shots x 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Kettlebell Swings x 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Strict Pull-Ups x 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
A. Squat
77/90/105/115/120 kgs
B. Workout
30/30/15 (pull up avec la descente)
Notes: reprise après Trek GR20 Corse
A. Based on hypothetical 315 1RM (broke my foot a few months back @ 395, haven’t squatted heavy since)
All reps; felt strong throughout.
B. 1 Set Unbroken for all
WB(20) – 33, 29
KB(55) – 26, 26
Strict Pullup – 8, 7
A. Based on BS 275#
5 X 155
5 X 165
3 @ 195
2 @ 235
2 @ 245
B. 20# WB 18 15
55#KB 32 26
PU 12 11
Just realized I missed the timed squat set. Oops 🙂
You’ll have another chance next week!
Luke (M/35)
A.Based on 300#
B. 20# WB, 53# KB
Set 1: 33/31/16
Set 2: 28/30/14
Anika (F/34)
A.Based on 190#
B. 14# WB, 35# KB
Set 1: 29/32/12
Set 2: 30/32/12
Nice work, guys!
A: BACK SQUAT 1RM = 285#
1st @ 155 * 5 REPS
2nd @ 185 * 5 REPS
3rd @ 215 * 3 REPS
4th @ 245 * 2 REPS
5th @ 255 * 2REPS
B: BACK SQUAT @ 75% = 215#
C: WB with 20# to 10ft 1st 30rep 2nd 28reps
KB Swing 24kg 1st 32reps 2nd 31reps
Strict PU (pronator grip) 1st 14reps 2nd 12reps
Glad you liked it, Juan! Great job!
1st@ 121
B: @ 165
C: WB with 14 to 9ft 1st 23rep 2nd 23reps
KB Swing only 35kg 1st 25reps 2nd 30reps
Strict PU 1st 11reps 2nd 11reps
Awesome job, Emily! Way to push those swings and get 5 more in the second set!
Because of back squat in Oly I did 3 sets of:
halos@26lbs x 5 reps each side.
Split squats @2x35lbs dumbells 6 reps each leg
Russian step ups @2×20 lbs dumbells 10 reps each leg.
With 53lbs kettlebell and 12lbs wallball.
Squat, squat, squat! What did you hit for your squat in Oly today?
We did 6×3@ 80% my 80% is 125# 🙂
A. 175#x5, 215#x5, 245#x3, 275#x2, 295#x2, 205#x10x2
Was conservative on %’s today – first time back squatting since injuring the ol’ ankle. It wasn’t very happy but it’s getting better.
B. 129 total reps, swings @ 55#
Ah the ankle. How’s it feeling? Back to full ROM?
Ankle is getting better every day, thanks for asking! ROM is like 90-95% of the way there. Mobilizing, icing, and being cautiously confident about movements are all helping.
M, 33, 227#
B. 53lb KB, 25lb to 10′, thin blue band
25, 25, 8
25, 26, 8
Great, Jason! Have you posted your training goals?
Is there a dedicated goal thread or should I just post it with my next workout?
Post it with your next workout.
Haven’t tested 1RM in a while and these last two holiday weeks were rough, so I was a bit conservative and went off 310. I did 315 for 2 at the end of the LGFG.
1 – 5×155
2 – 5×185
3 – 3×215
4 – 2×250
5 – 2×285
2 sets of 10 at 215
31, 35, 9
24, 26, 7
20# ball, 32kg KB
Hi, Kico! Thanks for posting! What are your goals for this year?
So many goals! Where to start?! To be at 100%. Injury and nagging pain free. Get much better at gymnastics and bodyweight movements, and waaaay better at endurance, specifically running. All of the above will be helped by getting lighter and leaner. I’d like to keep a consistent nutrition and mobility plan as well. Hopefully I’ll be able to FINALLY break 2 hours in a 1/2 marathon and possibly do a sprint triathlon this year! What do you think? Too much?
Like you said, a lot of those can be knocked out by getting lighter and leaner. What is your first step toward that goal?
a) Based off of 215
1. 115
2. 135
3. 160
4. 180
5. 195
2 sets for 10 reps @ 160
b) Set 1 – 28, 25, 9
Set 2 – 27, 22, 9
Wall ball #15
KB 26kilos
Crush, crush, crush!
Based on a 325lb 1rm
175, 205, 235, 265, 285
2 sets of 235
Wall Balls 29, 20
Double Kettlebell Swings 16kg each 30,25
Strict Pullups 20, 16
Great job, Noah! When can we work in those bar muscle-ups? 🙂 Maybe in a warm-up?
I have been trying to work some ring muscle up progressions a couple times a week.
Bs off 315
Wb 34/32 20#
Kbs 31/30 24kg american style
strict pu 15/10 (grip shot)
152 total
Grip what? 🙂 Nice job, Matheus!
Haven’t tested my 1rms since starting performance in August. Played it conservative at 345 since I’m nursing an MCL sprain.
Invictus, I would love love love to see more of this linear progressionesque strength programmed!
Awesome! More coming your way!
I especially enjoyed today’s workout and I hope we do more of these types of workouts in the future. Fun stuff today at Pt. Loma.
Great to see you today, Mary!
WB 23/23
KB 20/17 @ 62lb
Strict – 9/7 blue band
Wendler Squat:89(5)/111(5)/134(3)/167(5)/189(5)/211(9)
How’s the shoulder feeling? Do the pull-ups bother it?
They don’t bother it per say, but strict would be a lot of strain on them. I ready to chuck the band for kipping. I printed the hollow/rock article the other to work on my form. Hopefully that will kick me over the hump. After 4 months I went from purple to this point, so I feel good with that.
A: BS (conservative 1RM of 315)
5 x 155 / 185
3 x 225
2 x 255 / 275
10 x 225 / 225
B: WB (20#/10′) – 29 / 28
KBS (55#) – 30 / 27
SPU – 17 /12
After 2 weeks of running only, looking forward to some sore legs. Squat sets of 10 were rough. MWOD tonight!
Great job, Andy! Don’t get overzealous with the MWOD…evidently one of our followers injured himself with aggressive foam rolling! Mobility is a great addition and I love K-Star!
Great job! I like how you added in your own A1 :). Is Oly a goal for you?
Nah, I got bit by the bug after watching Jon North vids. Joined up with mashelite online team for about 9mo. re-occuring back injury and new baby on the way has got me more focused on staying healthy instead of max performance. I loved power cleans in high school back in the 80’s and was one of the strongest even though I was skinny. All the Coaches said “oly” lifting was dangerous so I never persued it. On to the next episode.
m32/ 178cm (5’10)/76kg Bergen, Norway Hello! This is my first post here, so I think its apropriate with an introduction: I’m not completely new to this program. I tested it last year, but found that doing it 6 days a week was to rough for my body. Until now my main goal was performing well in OPEN. I still want to do well in the contest, but I also want to be able to express my fitness in other areas. This involves skateboarding, skiing and running. Are there any recomended schedule for training and rest days? Back squat (1RM=125kg) 5*70kg… Read more »
Michele or one of the others may be able to give better advice but, my schedule is..
Mon-Tue: Invictus
Wed: active recovery
Thu-Fri: Invictus
Sat: active recovery
Sun: off day
That seems to work well for me but, everyone’s different with their needs.
Welcome back, Ola! I don’t think you necessarily need to set training days each week, especially if you work in a gym and have regular access to equipment. What I recommend is that you listen to your body! I usually plan to go Sun-W pretty hard then do an active recovery or easy day on Thursday, train hard Friday and take Saturday off because that’s what works best with my schedule but I’m not dead set on that either. If I find that I need to rest earlier in the week, I do and then don’t feel bad about it.… Read more »
Haven’t tested my 1RM squat in awhile
Can’t wait for testing day! Make a mental note about the wall ball and KB so you remember to go heavier next time. Congrats on being stronger than you thought!
Me too! Thanks! Note made:)