Workout of the Day
Every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes:
Minute 1 – 10 Meters of Handstand Walk
Minute 2 – 6-10 L-Pull-Ups (do you best and modify if necessary)
Minute 3 – 20 Double-Unders + 6-10 Alternating Pistols with Kettlebell (as heavy as you can handle)
Minute 4 – 10-15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups (use risers as appropriate with age divisions)
Minute 5 – 1 Legless Rope Climb + 1 Rope Climb – OR – 2 Rope Climbs
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Snatch x 2 reps
Loading per set (by %): 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 80, 80, 80
Three sets of:
Back Squat x 10 reps @ 70% of last tested 1-RM
Rest 3-4 minutes
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A. Done, HSW getting better. Strict HSPU still elusive.
B. Worked to 135#.
C. 245# no misses.
A. Done. Sub ring rows for rope climbs, no rope in the garage.
B. worked up to 130#
C. 215#
D. wife talked me into 5 min of burpees, lol. 88
Forgot to log this yesterday.
A: done
1- all hs walks at 10m, none ub
2- 6 L-pullups each
3- pistols 6 each rd, bw,35,44,44
4- shspu 10,10,10,8
5 – 1 legless each
B: up to 170# no misses (87%)
C: 3×10 @ 275#
Box WOD today. Just too many people and not enough open times today
4×4 front squats at 275,then 1×1 295, fail 315 🙁
21 power snatch 95lb
21 Burpees
21 Pull-ups
15 OHS 95lb
15 Burpees
15 Pull-ups
9 squat snatch 95lb
9 Burpees
9 Pull-ups
10:52 all was good but right wrist hurt on OHS and full snatch caused me to have to drop due to pain. Going go ortho on Tuesday yo have rechecked.
A. Done
B. 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 195, 195, 205
C. 3x10x325
D. For Time 25 power clean 225, 50 alternating pistols, 75 alternating DB snatch 75 14:25
A. Had to modify some working in my garage
Min 1 ha walks not to good today but made a 1 min attempt each time limited room in my garage
Min 2 6 Lpullups
Min 3 20 double unders 10 alt pistols w/15 lb
Min 4 10 strict hspu
Min 5 2 accents from sitting on floor to top of pull-up bar. 8ft
B. 135,135,135,135,155,160,175f,175,175,180
C. 245-3×10
A. Done (no weights on pistols)
B. 95-160lbs.
C. Done @ 225
Modified due to ankle injury. Nicole is not suppose to be reading this since she told me to take the rest of the week off!
A. 24 EMOM
1. 150 rom
2. Bench X3 @ 50%
3. KB X10 (@ 53#)
4. T2B X5
B. Power Snatch: 75/80/90/95/105/110/115/115/115/115
C. 55%/60%/60%
Long walk with my family and our amstaff in a perfect winterland. Nice warmup!
No gym out in the bush, did 6 rounds of;
15 squat
10 pushups
10 pistols
5 strict chins, 1 sec pause at the top
5 strict HSPU
At artic circle it’s minus 20 celsius and ski tracks are best ever seen. Every day two hours and energy levels are high for next cycle 🙂 see you next week….
Nice! 🙂
what a way to start… did one double under and wrenched my back. did a lot of stretching and then…
a. 5 rounds
6 meter hs walk
5/6 l pull-ups
no du’s 6 pistols at 12k
5/6 strict hspu
1 rope climb
did this, and back was bothering me. so did mobility and called it a day. do i blame the caramel popcorn? maybe.
Minute 1 – 10/10reps Handstand shoulder tap per set
Minute 2 – 6 reps per set
Minute 3 – without KB
Minute 4- kipped at the end of the sets and all reps in final set
Minute 5 Towel pull-up 10 reps
B. 25; 28; 30; 33; 35; 38; 40; 40; 40; 40 kg
C. 90kg
A: Done (pistols @ 16kg)
B: 40kg-70kg
C: @ 90kg
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas