Workout of the Day
Three sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps
Don’t worry about weight, just focus on mechanics.
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets), complete:
Hang Snatch + Snatch from Below the Knee
(pause for one second at the mid-thigh, and one second below the knee before each lift)
Build over the course of the six sets, but the focus should be on perfect mechanics.
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes:
Min 1 – 30 Double-Unders + 3 Bar Muscle-Ups (or Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups)
Min 2 – Ring Push-Ups x 8-12 reps @ 1111
Min 3 – Toes to Bar x 10 reps
Run or row for 15-20 minutes – speed based on feel, if you feel good, push the pedal, otherwise just enjoy some fresh air (or the inside of your gym if the weather doesn’t allow you to be outside)
PLEASE RESIST THE URGE TO DO MORE…we will do the “12 Days of Christmas” tomorrow because some have expressed concern that they won’t have gym access on Wednesday.
– Congratulations to all of you who participated in the 2014 Invictus Athlete Online Competition. Great job on hitting the workouts, pushing each other to be better athletes and holding your own with the young kids. The Online Competition had 15 data points, which should provide a good assessment tool to help you see where you are performing well, and where you still need to keep some focus. This is a perfect time to look back on your past few months of training and assess how you’ve improved, where you are now, and where you would like to be when February 26 rolls around. You will be receiving an email in the next few days asking what you would like to see on the upcoming cycle, which starts January 5th. We want to optimize this program for all of you who participated in this initial off-season program, so please give us your feedback! We will address common needs and areas of weakness communicated to us…as well as addressing those we notice ourselves. 🙂 Please help us make this program as good as it can be for all of you!
I’ve been sick, so I am a bit behind.
B. up to 75lbs
C. Perhaps being sick did me some good! Strung together 14 UB Double unders! Most prior was about 6! Did banded bar Mu. T2b and ring push-ups RX
D. Rowed
A: 70kg
B: up to 70kg
C: done
D: rehab work tonight
A. 115# across
B. 155#, 165#, 175#, 180# 3x
C. Pass. Dubs & Bar Mu’s unbroken( woof)
D. Did some accessory work: Lower back gets tight during Hi reps on Snatch and DL. So did some straight leg DL & GHD sit ups.
Any other suggestions to imrpove this weakness Nicole?
Hmmm I wouldn’t do GHD sit ups, it is going to tighten your hip flexors even more then they probably already are. I would actually have you focus more on opening up your hip flexors, they may be super tight and causing that low back to fire up. I would spend extra time working on those guys!
Thanks Nicole!!
A. 95
B. Worked to 95 and stayed there
C. Bar MUs until round 4 and failed
D. 1500m row
Here is a couple photos of my ankle!!
A. 75/95/95
B. 65/75/95/115/125/135f
C. 25 DU’s/3 C2B
Push ups X8
T2B X10
D. did not complete
With Saturday’s WOD I severely twisted my ankle on the first run!! ;( I have an ankle that is twice the size of my normal ankle and is black and blue from my toes to about 5 inches above my lateral malleolus (ankle bone) and all along the inside of my foot!! The weights were not completely the issue today – it was ankle stability! I will try and post a pic later.
Oh my gosh your ankle looks super swollen! Please please please lay off of it for one week and see if the swelling goes down!
With the holidays and my work load I will not be available to do many of the workouts as it is . . . the timing to rest is perfect!! Though I would much rather not have another injury
A. 135,155,165
C. No bar at home to do bar muscle up’s 🙁 so scaled
30 doubles & 6ctb
12 ring push up
10 ttb
D. 15min on bike trainer pumped biggest gear I could and keep a cadence above 80 somewhere around 3.35 miles, but not sure how accurate that is no matter what my heart rate was up 🙂
A. Did three sets at 125
B. Worked up to 155. Felt good. Worked on technique
C. Completed. All Bar MU x3
D. 15 mins in Assault bike. Nice pace
A. Did snatch balance on accident. Worked up to #85
B. Only worked up to 95#, still protecting my back, it’s getting better but scared to push it. Heading to Mexico on Friday for a week of kite surfing:)
C. Completed, did BMU’s with a band.
D. Ran for 18 minutes, moderate pace
Have so much fun in Mexico!
A. Worked up to 135
B. Spent time in bottom position.
C. Complete w/C2B
D. 20 min row, 4450m
A: 125 all sets
B: worked up to 145 last 2
C: completed and did chest to bar
D: 15 mins on air dyne
New to the Masters Training. 46yo, 5’9″ 185. Looking forward to the progress and training.
A. 135 for all sets.
B. Worked to 135#. Worked on speed under the bar.
C. Completed all reps doing bar muscle ups.
D. 18:23 run. Just worked out like that. Actually found a hill in Florida and incorporated it into the run..
Welcome Trey!
A. 55/75/95
B. Up to 105
C. Done, goat stringing CTB butterfly…my mind just won’t do it
D. 5 min cool down row
a. to 95
b. to 75
c. completed
d. row 3000 meters in 15: something.
“please resist the urge to do more” this made me laugh, how did you know?
I got roped into 12 days to Chrismas first.
1 – deadlift @ 150kg
2 – MUs
3 – Box jumps @30′
4 – Push ups
5 – Pull ups
6 – Power Cleans @60kg
7 – Hips ext
8 – GHD
9 – Wall balls @ 30kg
10 – burpees
11 – DUs
12 – Squat Snatch @60kg
A: Done @60kg.
B: Done @50kg
C: completed some Clean & Jerk up to 100kg.
First day back in the gym after being sick for five days, happened right after the second competition wod so I didn’t get to finish the last one.
A. 115, 135, 155
B. Lower back was feeling tight so did not do snatch complex, just continued working on jerks up to 195.
C. Done. Bar MU unbroken but really felt weak from being sick.
D. Skipped. Felt good to be moving again but part C was enough for today.
Hope you are feeling better Hoke!
A. Went to 175
B. 135,145,155,165,175,185
C. Done
D. Will run later
A. done all at 75#
B. 45/55/65/70/70/70
C. subbed med ball V ups for TTB and BMU since hands are still a bit shredded 🙂
D. Row for 15 mins, 2995m
A. Done
B. Up to 60kg
C. Done
I will start my off week tomorrow and gona take a flight to Lappland to downhill and cross-country skiing fo a week with family. Going to be back on 31st and will apply to new cycle also. Merry Christmas and be well!
Have so much fun!!!