Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Against a 12 minute clock, perform the following at ascending effort:
10/7 Calorie Bike or Row
50 Foot Bodyweight Walking Lunge
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings
50 Foot Bear Crawl
15 Air Squats
Set 1: 3 reps @ 60%
Set 2: 3 reps @ 70%
Set 3: 2 reps @ 75%
Sets 4 and 5: 1 rep @ 80%
Rest 2 minutes between all sets.
*No touch and go.
Three sets of
Bench Press x 9 reps @ 65%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
At the 0:00…
Three rounds for time of:
20 Dumbbell Squats (50/35lbs)
20 Toes to Bar or GHD Sit-Ups
Rest until the running clock reaches 10:00, and then…
Three rounds for time of:
15 Dumbbell Bench Press (50/35lbs)
15/12 Calorie Echo/Assault Bike
Rest until the running clock reaches 20:00, and then…
Three rounds for time of:
10 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35lbs)
10 Strict Pull-Ups
Three sets of:
20-25 Single Leg Banded TKE’s (each leg)
Rest as needed
Conditioning Training Note
This workout is all about achieving a good pump. The goal is unbroken on the dumbbell squats and then 1-3 sets for the toes to bar. The faster you go the more rest you get before the second portion. For that one we’ll be looking for unbroken on the dumbbell bench press and then hammer the bike hard. See if you can press while you’re breathing hard! Our last one is a slowed down version of Fran. We’re expecting you to be pretty pumped up at this point so the goal is 1-2 sets on the 10 thrusters and then 1-2 sets on the strict pull-ups. Use a band if you need to in order to keep the intensity high!
A. 145/175/195/200/200
B. 85
C. Forgot to time myself but finished with any 4 minutes rest for each 10 min rounds.
이 “헤즈볼라 공격 감지해 조치”헤즈볼라는 이 군사기지 11곳 공격전면전으로 확대 가능성은 낮아치솟는 연기25일 이스라엘 공군기의 공습을 받은 레바논 남부 마을 키암에서 폭발과 함께 연기가 치솟고 있다