Warm-Up | Performance
Two sets of:
Row x 90 seconds
Broad Jump x 3 reps
Followed by…
Three sets of:
“Plate Clean Warm-Up”
Kang Squat x 5 reps
Plate Ground-to-Overhead x 10 reps
Fast-Feet on Plate x 15 reps
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat
*Sets 1-3: 7-8 reps
*Sets 4-5: 3-4 reps
These sets should be challenging. If you reach the top end of the range, increase the load until you’re unable to do so.
“Charley Horse”
For time:
50/35 Calories of Assault Bike (or 75/50 Calories of Rowing on Concept 2)
25 Front Squats (175/115 lbs)
25 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Barbell should start from the ground.
Compare results to April 26, 2024.
A. 135-160-185-205-215×3
B. scaled to 135 same as last time in 2023 with echo bike 10:41 87 deg in the shade with the swamp cooler last time in april of 23 9:59.
8@ 100/120/130kg
4@ 145/150kg
7:57 Rx
1min quicker than April. Consistency with training paying off. Thanks Invictus team for awesome programming.
A: 60/60/70/80/90
B: 13.39 rack / 45kg / row
Back Squats
8 x 155lbs
8 x 165lbs
8 x 175lbs
4 x 190lbs
4 x 210lbs
Charley Horse: 9:53 RX
35 Cals Assault Bike
25 FS from ground at 115lbs (10-10-5)
25 Burpee BJO (20″)
A. 70-75-80-85-87% of 1rm
B. 10:15 with row, slightly better than previous one
6:55 ab
2:30 ab/2:15 FS/2:10 bbjo
your cardio is off the charts – all that running on your hill clearly paying massive dividends
A. 150kg/2
B. 14:12 rack
10:28 (row 75)
A. 100kgx8, 115×8, 130×7, 140×5, 150×3
B. 9:27 with FS from rack
9.53 rx