Warm-Up | Fitness
One set of:
“General Running Warm-up”
Approximately 50 feet each of:
High Knees
Over-the-fence, forwards
Over-the-fence, backwards
Bunny Hops
Suicides, remain forward facing throughout
followed by,
Run x 400m

Followed by…

Two sets:
Barbell Strict Press x 2 reps
Barbell Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlifts x 4 reps
Barbell Muscle Snatch x 6 reps


Every 6 minutes, for 36 minutes (6 sets) for max load:
500 Meter Row
400 Meter Run
3 Squat Snatches

Total the load successfully lifted for the three repetitions of each set, then sum all of those loads for your overall score.

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