Sam Dancer making heavy weights look light

Want To Get Strong This Off Season? Join the 2024 Invictus Offseason Cycle
Written by Holden Rethwill 

It’s that time of year to build some muscle and gain some strength. If you’re someone not heading to semi finals this year then we’re talking to you. Join the Invictus Offseason cycle to set yourself up for success next season. 

2024 Invictus Offseason Cycle  

From June 3rd to August 11 Invictus will be running our preliminary offseason cycle. This 10 week cycle will be focused primarily on building our base as we head into the 2025 season. 

What will the focus of this cycle be? 

The focus will be on building strong foundations in order to have all of our athletes feel confident in the following areas: 

  • Strength training
  • Aerobic capacity
  • Gymnastics skills
  • Low impact metcons that allow you to recover from day to day 

Strength Is the Price Of Admission 

We say it all the time that strength is the price of admission, so whether you’re looking to make it a stage further next year or just be the fittest version of yourself: focusing on getting stronger during this offseason will benefit you immensely. 

This cycle, we will emphasize a lot of powerlifting principles and accessory work while also sprinkling in some olympic lifting and gymnastics technique work.  

Join the 2024 Invictus Offseason Cycle

Come along with us over these next 10 weeks to help you get jacked and freaky fit! Sign up for Invictus Athlete today and start the building blocks for your 2025 season. 

Invictus Athlete graphic with Joshua Al-Chamaa

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Chris Love
Chris Love
May 19, 2024 12:55 pm

Will this be on the Invictus masters as well or just the athlete program?

Last edited 3 months ago by Chris Love
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