Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Every minute, on the minute, for 16 minutes (4 sets of):
Station 1: 60 Second Bike @ Warm Up Pace
Station 2: 100 Foot Single Arm Overhead Carry (each arm)
Station 3: 5 Ring Pull-Ups + 10 Toes to Rings OR 5 Pull-Ups + 10 Toes to Bar (syncro if team)
Station 4: 10 Line Facing Burpees (syncro if team)
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
3 Incline Bench Press @ 60%
*Focus on FAST reps.
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
3 Bench Press @ 60% + 25% Band Tension
*Focus on FAST reps.
Individual Option:
For time:
40 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
20 Bar Muscle Ups
30/20 Calorie Row
30/20 Calorie Echo/Assault Bike
40 Power Cleans (135/95lbs)
Team Option:
For time:
60 Strict Handstand Push-Ups (split however, 1 holds handstand, 1 works)
20 Syncro Bar Muscle Ups
30/20 Calorie Row or Echo/Assault Bike
30/20 Calorie Echo/Assault Bike or Row
60 Power Cleans (135/95lbs) (split however)
*For the row/bike, one partner starts on the row, one starts on the bike. Once they have both finished they will switch machines before moving on to the power cleans.
Five sets of:
6-8 Dumbbell Z Press
Rest 30 seconds
6-8 Supinated Grip Bent Over Barbell Rows
Rest 1-2 minutes
Three to Four sets of:
10 Weighted Stationary Dips + Max Non Weighted Stationary Dips
Rest 30-60 seconds
10-12 Feet Elevated Ring Rows
Rest 1-2 minutes
Three sets of:
Max Dumbbell Incline Tate Press
Rest as needed
*Aim for 15-20 reps each set.
Athlete Training Notes
Last workout of the week is going to be based off an old team regionals workout from 2016. If you have your team, grab your pairs and race through this. If you’re hitting this individually then we’ll be looking for 2-3 sets on the first 40 strict handstand push-ups (modify to something you can achieve that in). After that it’s 2-3 sets for the 20 bar muscle ups (something like 8/7/5 would be ideal). Then we’ll hit the row and bike at a slightly faster pace than what you’d hold in an EMOM (that’s why we record things so that you can remember paces you hold – EMOM’s are great for learning your individual pacing!).. then we’re down to the gut check. Stay over that barbell and keep moving! Singles aren’t a bad thing as long as that barbell isn’t sitting there too long! Just chip away and you’ll be at 40 before you know it. For the team variation you’ll have one person working while the other is holding. Quick sets and quick rests is probably going to be your best strategy unless you have a ringer that can hit 40-50 strict handstand push-ups in a row. Just remember though that while you’re going the other person is holding a handstand and burning out their shoulders in a different way. After that you’ll move to the bar muscle ups where you’ll want to aim for 2-3 sets to get the 20 reps. Make sure you’re locked out at the top together. After that one person goes to the bike and the other to the row. The bike took longer at regionals but basically you should aim for both machines to be about 90 seconds of work or so. Switch machines and it’s another 90 seconds of work before moving to the barbell where you’ll want to knock out chunk sets. Aim for 5-6 reps and a quick transition each time. If you’re down to singles then you need to be switching fast. The teams that can stay disciplined here are going to do well!
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Running Progressions
At warm up pace:
1-Mile Run
Followed by…
Two rounds of:
50 Foot High Knees
50 Foot Butt Kickers
50 Foot Carioca Right
50 Foot Carioca Left
50 Foot High Skips
50 Foot Reverse Skips
50 Foot Broad Jump (quick jumps)
Followed by…
Every 5 minutes, for 20 minutes (4 sets of):
800 Meter Run @ 5k Pace
*Walk during rest*
Grip Strength
Three rounds for time of:
200 Foot Farmer Carry (70/53lbs)
200 Foot Plate Pinch Carry (25/15lbs)
*Must be at least 50 feet unbroken.
Additional Swimming Option
Six rounds for time of:
25 V-Ups
15 Down Ups
50 Meter Freestyle
50 Meter Breaststroke