Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
60 Second Banded Lat Stretch (each arm)
60 Second T-Spine Pulse on Bench
60 Seconds of Slow Controlled Cat/Cows
Followed by…
Three rounds of:
10 Single Arm Kettlebell Deadlifts (right)
50 Foot Suitcase Carry (right)
50 Foot Single Arm Overhead Carry (right)
10 Single Arm Kettlebell Deadlifts (left)
50 Foot Suitcase Carry (left)
50 Foot Single Arm Overhead Carry (left)
3 Broad Jumps for Max Distance
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets of):
Snatch Lift-Off + Hang Snatch + Snatch High Pull + Low Hang Snatch + Snatch + Overhead Squat
Sets 1-3: 60-70%
Sets 4-6: 75-80%
Sets 7-10: 80+%
*Build based on quality and feel to today’s heavy.
**Perform the hang snatch above the knee.
***Drop and reset after the Hang Snatch (above the knee). Drop and reset again after the Low Hang Snatch (2″” below the knee).
“Individual Quarterfinals Workout 22.5”
For time:
30 Calorie Row
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20″)
10 Snatches (185/125lbs)
Time cap: 7 minutes
Three sets of:
Max Unbroken Strict Press
Immediately Followed by…
Max Unbroken Push Press
Immediately Followed by…
Max Unbroken Power Jerks
Rest 90-120 seconds between sets
*Pick a weight that you can perform 10 strict press with on the first round.
Accumulate 75 Single Arm Banded Triceps Pressdowns (each arm)
*Finish all 75 on one arm before switching to the next.
Athlete Training Notes:
This one is all gas and no breaks. The nice thing is afterwards you can take a look back to the leaderboards in 2022 and see how you stack up against those times. Best times in the world were 2:14 for males and 3:03 for ladies. Those are insane times. Regardless of that this one is a full out sprint. Hammer the row, crank out the burpee box jump overs as fast as you can, then grip and rip on the barbell. Ideally this is a weight that you can touch and go, but we’ll be looking for you to be able to hit it in at most 2 attempts to get the 10 reps.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Additional Strength Option
Three sets of:
10-12 Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press (each arm)
Rest 30 seconds
10-12 Supinated Grip OR Inverted Rows
Rest 1-2 minutes
Additional Cardio Option 1
“Invictus 200 Meter Repeat Test”
For time:
Run 200 Meters @ 100% effort
Rest 6 minutes, and then…
Every 2 minutes, for as long as you can maintain pace (10 sets max)…
Run 200 Meters @ 85% of max effort
To run this test effectively, it’s important that you get a good warm-up and run the initial 200 meter test to the best of your ability. If you hold back on the initial portion, you will increase the volume of the training and change the intended stimulus.
Once you know your max effort, you will run 200 meter repeats every two minutes at 85+% of that time. To calculate your pace, take your max effort time and divide it by .85 to get your threshold time. If you run slower than that time for any set, your workout is over. The goal is to run as many sets as possible under your 85% threshold time.
If your 200 Meter max effort = 30 seconds, you will need to run your 200 meter repeats in 35.3 seconds or less (30/.85 = 35.3).
Compare to 1/16/24.
Grip Strength
Three sets of:
Max Effort Pull-Up Bar Hang (use fat grips if you have them)
Max Effort Plate Pinch Carry (25/15lbs)
Rest 60 seconds between sets
Followed by…
One set of:
3 Minute Farmer Carry (70/53lbs)
Gymnastics Accessory
For 15-20 minutes, work through the following at around 70-80% intensity:
5 Pullovers
6-8 Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squats (each arm) (50/35lbs)
*60-90 seconds of Crossover Double Under practice*
35-54: 50/35 lbs
55+: 35/20 lbs
Additional Cardio Option 2 (Zone 2 Emphasis)
60 minute bike @ Zone 2 Pace
*Try to keep your heart rate around 135-150 BPM. If you don’t have a heart rate monitor then you will aim for 65-75% of 20 minute wattage test.
**If you bike today, then prioritize swimming tomorrow.
Great article. You are a very good author. It was a pleasure to read.