Warm-Up | Performance & Fitness
Three sets of:
2oo Meter Run
Scap Pull-up x 10 reps
Dive Bomber Push-up x 5 reps
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Piked Handstand Push-Up x 6-8 reps
Hollow Hold x 30 seconds
Every 4 minutes, for 32 minutes (8 sets) for max reps:
400 Meter Run
10 Strict Pull-Ups
Max Reps of Strict Handstand Push-Ups or Ring Dips*
*Perform Strict Handstand Push-Ups for sets 1, 3, 5 and 7, and Ring Dips for sets 2, 4, 6 and 8.
bonus snatch work e90 sec
high hang snatch 110-110
hang snatch 120-125-130
Snatch 135-140-140-145-145 1rm is 170# 145 is 85%
A. e4mom run 400 10 strict pullups odd shspu with red band even strict ring dips
hspu: 10-6-6-4
ring dips 8-6-5-4
Warm up DL/DT
9/9/9/9/9/8/7/8 Shspu = 68
Warm up ✅
A. Every 4 mins (Strict Handstand Push-Ups’s odd (with plate of 15kg), ring dips’s even)
8, 18, 5, 16, 6, 16, 8, 12
Total – 89
Good workout, time to get stronger shoulders on SHSPU. On this WOD if we try to run slower to recover, we get out of time. So keep your pace
Wod every 4′ :
– strict HSPU : 71 rep
– strict ring dips : 92 rep
A) subbed .6 mile Echo bike for runs (raining enough that running would have been a cold mess)
59 reps
Pretty stoked that I could keep up with the 10 strict pull ups! They got smoked by rd 8.
A. Ran 400m on Assault Runner
10-15 reps per round for each
Warmup done ✅
A. Every 4 mins RX (SHSPU’s odd, RD’s even)
Total- 123
Death to shoulders! At least they get a little rest when you’re running!
B. Travis’ core workout #2