Partner T-Spine Stretch x 15 seconds
followed by …
Band Distracted Pec Stretch x 45 seconds per arm
60 Seconds T-Spine Mash & Hold on a foam roller
Banded Face Pulls x 20 reps
Rest as needed
Y-T-W Exercise x 5-6 reps each (can do this on the floor on prone on a bench)
Rest as needed
60 Seconds Prone Plank Hold
200 Meter Nasal Breathing Only Jog
5 Scap Push Ups + 10 Push Ups @ 111
400 Meter Nasal Breathing Only Jog
10 Single Arm DB Overhead Squat (5 per side)
200 Meter Nasal Breathing Only Jog
5 Hawaiian Squats per side
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Snatch x 1.1 reps from low blocks @ 78-83%
*Set the block height to where the bar sits at mid shin. Please build over the course of the 8 sets. If you do not have blocks, then perform this as a hang snatch from mid patella.
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets of):
Back Squat x 6 reps @ 76%
Against a 4 minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
15/12 Calorie Echo/Assault Bike
50 Foot Farmer Hold Dumbbell Walking Lunges (50/35lbs)
5 Dumbbell Devil’s Presses (50/35lbs)
50 Foot Farmer Hold Dumbbell Walking Lunges
15/12 Calorie Echo/Assault Bike
Max Toes to Rings in the remaining time
Rest 2 minutes between sets and repeat for a total of FOUR sets.
Against a 4 minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
15/12 Calorie Echo/Assault Bike
50 Foot Farmer Hold Dumbbell Walking Lunges (35/20lbs)
5 Dumbbell Devil’s Presses (35/20lbs)
50 Foot Farmer Hold Dumbbell Walking Lunges
15/12 Calorie Echo/Assault Bike
Max Toes to Rings in the remaining time
Rest 2 minutes between sets and repeat for a total of FOUR sets.
**If strength is your primary need right now then substitute today’s metcon for the strength accessory option in the additional sessions.
Three sets of:
6 Tempo Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlifts @ 1111
Rest 90 seconds between sets
General Training Notes:
The snatch work continues! Please be mindful of your set up position. Make sure the hips are down, chest is up and shoulder blades engaged. Imagine you are pulling the barbell to the wall behind you versus to the ceiling above you. Please video if possible! Back squat conditioning is more like power squats versus aerobic squats. 🙂 The % is up this week with less reps but one more set so you’ll average close to the same rep scheme from last week … but with a slightly heavier load.
Onto your conditioning! We are keeping the cals the same for both age groups today but reduce the calories to 12/9 if the bike will take you longer than 70 seconds. Ideally the bike takes you 60 seconds or less on the first two sets. This will allow you to get off the bike and immediately go into your walking lunges. The lunges should be unbroken but please make sure to lightly touch your knee to the group versus crashing the knee to the ground. The devil’s press should be steady; no need to be blazing fast on these. Just be methodical with the movement. If this movement cases you shoulder pain then please subsitutue with 5 burpees + 10 dumbbell push presses. You’ll go right back to your lunges where you should still be able to maintain an unbroken cadence (outside of turning around at the 25′ mark). Ideally you’ll have around 30 seconds to knock out your toes to rings. Please adjust the rep scheme if that isn’t the case. The intention of todays workout is to get some single leg volume in along with a non complex gymnastics movement that allows you to continue to crank out reps even when tired. 🙂
**If strength is your primary need right now then substitute today’s metcon for the strength accessory option in the additional sessions.”