June 23, 2023 – Competition Program

Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Three sets of:
12/9 Calorie Echo or Assault Bike
60 Second Wall Sit
30 Second Bottom of Goblet Squat Hold

Followed by…

Two sets of:
15-20 Banded Terminal Knee Extensions (each leg)
10-12 Bodyweight Bulgarian Split Squats (each leg)

Five sets of:
4 Tempo Front Squats @ 2211 + 1 Front Squat (64-68%)
Rest 2 minutes between sets

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets) of:
3-Position Clean + 1 Split Jerk @ 60%
(Hang Clean, Hang Clean Below Knee, Floor)

Followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets) of:
2 Clean Lift-Off to Knees + Clean + Jerk @ 70-75%

Followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets) of:
Clean + 3 Jerks @ 75-85%

Followed by…

Three to Five sets of:
Clean + Jerk @ 80%
Rest as needed

2018 Clean and Jerk Speed Ladder

Quarterfinal Round:
For time:
1 Clean and Jerk (245/155lbs)
1 Clean and Jerk (255/160lbs)
1 Clean and Jerk (265/165lbs)
1 Clean and Jerk (270/170lbs)
1 Clean and Jerk (275/175lbs)

Time Cap: 1 Minute
*If you finish this in 60 seconds you will rest until the 7 minute mark and then move on to the semi-final round. If you do not finish, you will still rest until the 7 minute mark but then repeat the quarterfinal round again.

Semifinal Round:
For time:
1 Clean and Jerk (280/180lbs)
1 Clean and Jerk (290/185lbs)
1 Clean and Jerk (300/190lbs)
1 Clean and Jerk (305/195lbs)
1 Clean and Jerk (310/200lbs)

Time cap: 2 minutes
*If you finish this in under 2 minutes you will rest until the 17 minute mark and then move on to the final round. If you do not finish in 2 minutes, you will still rest until the 17 minute mark but then repeat the semifinal round again.

Final Round:
For time:
1 Clean and Jerk (315/205lbs)
1 Clean and Jerk (325/210lbs)
1 Clean and Jerk (335/215lbs)
1 Clean and Jerk (340/220lbs)
1 Clean and Jerk (345/225lbs)

Time cap: 3 minutes

Total workout time: 20 minutes.

Spend 25 minutes jogging at a zone 2 pace.

General Training Notes:
Lift and lift fast! We’re going to be hitting some repeat workouts up until games so why not hit a fun speed ladder on a Friday? Please modify the loading as follows if these weights aren’t going to happen. During the quarterfinal round – 60-65-70-75-80%. During the semifinal round: 82.5-85-87.5-90-92.5%. During the final round 90-92.5-95.97.5-100%.

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Tim Coffield
Tim Coffield
June 24, 2023 9:17 am

A. 195
B. 135/ 165-175/175/185-195
C. 155-175 each for the three rounds
2-2:30 each time

Corey Reutlinger
Corey Reutlinger
June 23, 2023 1:42 pm

A. 4 Tempo Front Squats @ 2211 + 1 Front Squat (off 270#): 180#x5
B1. 3-Pos Clean (Hang Clean, Hang Clean Below Knee, Floor) + 1 Split Jerk (off 220#): 135#x3
B2. 2 Clean LOs + Clean + Jerk: 150, 155, 160#
B3. Clean + 3 Jerks: 165, 170, 175#
B4. Clean + Jerk: 180 (failed J), 180, 185, 185#
C. Gym WOD. “Nasty Girls”. 12:43. 3 RFT: 50 Air Squats, 5 Ring MUs, 10 DB Hang Power Cleans @35#. Muscle Ups felt a little better today.

Amy Maschue
Amy Maschue
June 23, 2023 12:24 pm

A. 120
B. 3-Position Clean + 1 Split Jerk- 80/85/85
2 CL LIFT OFF + 1 C&J- 95/95/100
C& 2Jerk – 105
C&J- 110

C. Min 1- 85/90/95/100/108
Min 2- 110/115/118/120/125 (time caped)

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