May 3, 2023 – Invictus Athlete Program

Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm Up:
2 Minute Bike, Row, or Jog
20 Air Squats
20 Reverse Lunges (No weight)

followed by…

2 Minute Bike, Row, or Jog
20 Barbell Front Squats
20 Reverse Lunges (No weight)

followed by…

2 Minute Bike, Row, or Jog
10 Cossack Squat (5 Each leg)
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings

Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes (3 sets) of:
Station 1: 8 Hang Power Cleans @ 50-60% of 1-RM Clean + Max Burpees in remainder of the minute
Station 2: Rest

followed by…

Three sets of:
10 Hang Squat Cleans @ 30% of 1-RM Clean
Rest as needed
(This is meant to be easy and focus on efficiency.)

Every 2 minutes, for 30 minutes (5 sets) of:
Station 1 = 500 Meter Row or 400 Meter Run or 500 Meter Ski
Station 2 = 20/15 Calorie Assault Bike + Max Reps Devil’s Press (50/35lbs)
Station 3 = 100 Foot Sandbag Carry + 20 Alternating Jump Lunges + 100 Foot Sandbag Carry(150/100lbs)

Your score will be the total number of devil’s press completed.

Four sets of:
Triceps Push-Downs x 30 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Barbell Biceps Curls x 15 reps
Rest 90 seconds

Athlete Notes:
A little twist on our standard EMOM today. Station 1 should be something that you can complete in under 2 minutes so modify the distance accordingly. After that you’ll hit the bike and should have right around a minute to crank out as many devil’s press as possible. As you get more tired, that time will slip away so take advantage of the earlier rounds. The last station is something that should only take about 60 seconds or so if you just force yourself to get started. Stay checked in on the rower, transition quickly to the bike, settle in to an aggressive pace there, then crank out those devil’s press. As soon as that station is up it’s all about grabbing the sandbag and getting started.

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Mixed Modal Option
Six sets of:
200 Meter Run
12 Hang Cleans (135/95lb.)
12 Strict Handstand Push Ups
Rest 1:1 or Alternate Rounds with a Partner

Running Option
Five sets of:
800 Meter Run @ 5-10 seconds faster per 400 meters than your 5k PR pace
Rest 2 minutes

Strength Accessory
Three sets of:
Single-Arm Ring Row x 8-12 reps @2111 each side
Rest as needed
AB-Wheel Roll Outs x 10-12 reps
Rest as needed

Additional Work
Three sets of:
Reverse Dumbbell Flys x 15-20 reps
Rest as needed

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