Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Three sets at ascending effort of:
12/9 Calorie Assault Bike
50 Foot Bear Crawl
50 Foot Double Dumbbell Overhead Carry
10 Burpee Pull-Ups
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets of):
Split Jerk
Sets 1-3: 2 reps @ 75-80%
Sets 4-6: 2 reps @ 80+%
Sets 7-8: 1 rep @ 85+%
At the 16:00 mark…
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets of):
Bench Press x 4-5 reps @ 70-75% of 1RM Bench Press
For time:
25 Deadlifts (315/225)
50 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
100 Toes to Bar
*Double Unders*
You may partition the deadlifts, handstand push-ups, and toes to bar anyway you like, however anytime you break on either movement you must perform 50 double unders.
Three sets of:
12-15 Bilateral Dumbbell or Kettlebell Rows
Rest 30 seconds
45-60 second Chinese Plank
Rest 1-2 minutes between sets
Athlete Notes:
Today’s workout is going to be a test of muscle endurance and strategy. Since you’re able to partition the movements however you want, we’ll be looking for big sets, especially with the double under penalty every time you break. Each person is going to have a little different strategy going into this depending on their strengths. The goal is to beat the time cap on this workout, but this is one where unless the weights are too heavy or you simply cannot do handstand push-ups, we’d advise trying to hit it as prescribed and practicing some higher skill higher volume movements.
A2. 185
B. 6 rounds
5 dl / 10 db oh press #40s/20 ttb/50 du
Rounds 3:19-4:27
Warm up: done
A: 205-220
240-245 lbs
Then; 185 lbs bench press
B: cap + 50 toe to bar
SHSPU got me
C: done
A. Spllt jerk- 105/110/115 then
Bench 4×5 with 110
B. 21:32, had to sub sit ups on this one. My hands are torn up from the 54 C2B on Friday and 80 C2B yesterday🤷♀️
A. 225/x3/245×2/275/295
A2. Didn’t bench today shoulder was bothering me a little
B. 15:44 RX
29 SHSPU/DU/40 T2B/DU/21 SHSPU/25 T2B/DU/15 DL/DU/10 DL/26 T2B/DU/9 T2B
Fun stuff didn’t really go in with a plan except to start was hspu
C. Done
Warm up ✅
a. Up to 285, percentages based off 315
then, bench @215
b. 10:14 RX
UB deadlifts
alternated between HSPU and T2b
hspu 30/20
T2B 30/22/18/16/14
C. Done