One set of:
“General Running Warm-Up”
Approximately 50 feet each of:
High Knees
Over-the-fence, forwards
Over-the-fence, backwards
Bunny Hops
Suicides, remain forward facing throughout
Followed by,
Run x 400m
Followed by…
Three sets of:
Jumping Pull-up x 4 reps
Barbell Kang Squat x 6 reps
Barbell Thruster x 8 reps
Followed by…
Three sets, increasing your pace as you go, of:
Burpee to pull-up bar target x 4 reps (perform a burpee and then jump and touch a pull-up bar that is slightly above your reach)
Shuttle Run x 100ft
“CrossFit Games Open Events 23.2A and 23.2B”
Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
5 Burpee Pull-Ups
10 Shuttle Runs (1 rep = 25 feet out & 25 feet back)
*Add 5 Burpee Pull-Ups after each round.
Immediately following 23.2A, athletes will have 5 minutes to establish:
1-RM Thruster (from the floor)
A. 108 reps
B. 165#
128 reps – 237 lbs thruster
112 REPS – 165lb Thruster
119 reps
137 lbs
4 rounds + 33 of 35 reps
155# Thruster
A. 5+13
B. 135lbs
117 RX and 215lb Thruster
Active recovery row for me today. Too much soreness to tackle this one today. That will come tomorrow!
250 cal row
4351 m
Got 6/30 burpee pull ups
Then a 215 thrusters (failed 220)
Great work mugu! You crushed it!
4+0, #175
Great work luke!