Complete rounds of 12, 9, and 6 repetitions for quality of:
Calorie Row
Dive-Bomber Push-up
Followed by…
Three sets of:
Banded Good Morning x 20 reps
Seated Pike Double-Leg Lift x 20 reps
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets) of:
Banded Deadlifts x 10 reps @ 45% of 1-RM
Rest 30 seconds
Weighted Prayer Stretch x 60 seconds
Stand with the bar as fast as you can. Lower the bar to a deadstop and repeat for all reps. The band tensions should add about 45% of your 1-RM Deadlift tension at lockout.
For time:
1000 Meter Row
50 Toes to Bar
30 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (20″ box; 50/35 lb DBs)
1000m row
Knees ti elbows
20kg dumbells
A. 165 .. 25lb db
B. 8:20
No toe to bar 50 vups, 20inch box with 55lb db
Done at 205 with a short blue and red band.
This got tough towards the end!
B. 11:17
More abs were still sore from the 50 on Saturday!
Good work friends!
Dl 120lbs
A. ☑️
B. 11’05’m
A. E3M for 12 min Banded Deadlift x 10 – 85#,95,105,115 (blue band) Weighted Prayer Stretch x 60s @ 15# DB ***After the first 2 rounds I figured out that my elbows were flaring outward and once I pulled them in (aligned with my shoulders) then it really hit the lats and all those muscles not just the shoulders B. For Time – 12:09 1000m Row – 4:24 50 T2B – 25/10/10/5 30 DB Box Step Overs @ 20″/35# DBs – 10/10/10 ***Thought about switching out the T2B for V-ups since I just did the open workout yesterday, but what… Read more »