One set of:
“General Running Warm-Up”
Approximately 50 feet each of:
High Knees
Over-the-fence, forwards
Over-the-fence, backwards
Bunny Hops
Suicides, remain forward facing throughout
Run x 400m
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Wall Ball Kang Squat x 8 reps
Wall Ball Mountain Climber x 16 reps
Box Step-Up x 16 reps (8 per side)
“Teamwork Rox”
Teams of two complete the following for time:
*Station 1 – 800 Meter Run and 1000 Meter Row
*Station 2 – 800 Meter Run and 40 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
*Station 3 – 800 Meter Run and 50/40 Calories of Assault Bike
*Station 4 – 800 Meter Run and 75 Wall Ball Shots (14/10 lbs)
Each teammate must complete both tasks at each station before either teammate is allowed to begin work on the next station.
Time Cap = 40:00 – please adjust distances accordingly.
did roxy #1 from last week 28:39 rx
RX. 37:31
Spent a bunch of time getting my gear on and off. Ran the first 800 on the Assault runner. Decided that sucked too much and ran outside at 14 degrees with a nice little wind chill. Still better than that stupid runner.
Everything was hard.
RX Solo
A: 34:10
I swear the last 3 rox workouts have been in the rain
38:29 Rx
46:00m roughly ha
800m air run
1000m row
40 dual db box step over 35s
40 dual db c&j 35s
50 GHD
32:48 rx
45:04 Rx. Everything except row and Airdyne done outside in the rain. All runs done unbroken, which is a first since I started up again 5 weeks ago.
Weakness Volume
EMOM for 10 sets
5 Strict Pull Ups
5 T2B (kipping)
Bike for Cals*
257 Cals
*Started bike immediately after T2B so more like 1’30” bike per round. Stayed zone 2 @ 65 rpm for 9 sets. Went hard in set 10
No box, so subbed burpees with lateral bench jump overs
Echo bike
800 run 1k row
800 run 40 burp bjo 20”
800 run 50 cal bike
800 run 75 wall ball 20#
That was fun!
Whats a good 1000 meter row alternative?
There are conversion charts for subbing runs or bike or ski for rowing. You can google them. Like it’s usually an 800m run for 1000m row.
Warmup done ✅
A. Solo Rox
Rx apart from 50 cal hand bike
Had in my head each bit had to be 4mins to get under 40 mins total and it wasn’t until near the end I realised there was only 8 parts not 10! 🤦🏼 Good job really as the BBJO’s weren’t done in sub 4 mins, but got it back on track by going 40/35 on the WBS 👍🏻
B. 1 hour of yoga bit later on
Is this like a «I go, you go» ore do both work at the same time ?
Yea I’d say you both start at the same time on station 1 on the different exercises and then you switch over and move on when the other person has finished 👍🏻
So, if doing this solo, it’s:
Run 800m
Row 1000m
Run 800m
40 BBJO’s
Run 800m
50 Cal Assault Bike
Run 800m
75 Wallball
Just want to make sure this is correct?
Yep that’s the way I was going to do it solo Eddie 👍🏻
Thanks. Maybe if I ride my bicycle instead of run I’ll end up somewhere near your time. 🤣
Haha, no you’ll be fine, I honestly thought it wasn’t as bad as it looks!!