One set of:
“General Running Warm-Up”
Approximately 50 feet each of:
High Knees
Over-the-fence, forwards
Over-the-fence, backwards
Bunny Hops
Suicides, remain forward facing throughout
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Foam Roller Sprinter Hold x 20 seconds per side
Calf and Hamstring Stretch x 20 seconds per side
“Holiday 5k Time Trial”
For time:
Run 5k -or- Row 5k
Compare results to July 4, 2022.
Our preference is that you run outside. If you’re running outside, note the course as this will be something we come back to each quarter as a good test of your aerobic capacity.
5k row- 21:08
5K Run on TM
(It’s 10 degrees and snowy.. forget outside.)
Great work janelle! Hope
You have a great thanksgiving!
Thanks Mike! I hope your day was great!
A: 5k Row @19:59.4
Turkey trot with the family this morning! Have a great thanksgiving friends!
Did 10 sets of:
10 pull-ups
10 dips
Couple hours later.
Run 3 miles. Took 31:05. Had to mix in some walking. Shins were hurting. Gotta get down from 220 to 195 lbs. Feel great strength wise but running is rough right now.
Happy Thanksgiving Invictus Crew!
A. Crossfit Games Open Event
AMRAP 7 min – RX 84 Reps
3-6-9…Thrusters @ 65# – UB, UB, UB, 6/6, 9/6
3-6-9…C2B – kipping singles
***Tied my all-time PB in 2019, 2 reps more than 18.5
B. E2M for 16 min
Dead Stop BSS + RDL x 8 @ 4111/leg – 16kg KB
Sup Grip Bent over BB Row x 10 @ 2111 – 65#
L-Sit x 15.15.15 (10s work/5s rest)
***Those BSS+RDL were a little awkward and tough on the right glute!
I happened to do a 5k yesterday, new PR at 21:59
5k row this morning: 18:15
That’s a ridiculous 5k row time knowing how much mine hurt this morning!!
It hurt, not gonna lie 😅
5k run (treadmill) – 24:01. Beat last time by 32 secs
Nice work on a PB!! 👊🏻
Rowing warmup done ✅
A. 5k row
Messed around with the drag factor for this one and dropped down to 5 from 8, not sure if it’s easier or harder overall but certainly required a much higher SR to keep the time on track.
5 secs slower than the only other time I’ve done this, but I remember doing this a few months back and had to give up as I was too broken!
Happy Thanksgiving day 🦃 to all our American friends from 🇬🇧!!
Wow – that’s fast Al, nice work!
Thanks Logan 👊🏻 feels like I have to take myself into a dark place and see what I’ve got!!
Great work! That’s an incredible 5k time!
Thanks Mike, not quite as quick as your PB but felt good none the less!!