Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Complete 10 minutes of stationary bike or rowing
Every 2-3 minutes get off machine and perform….
7-10 Push Ups
5-7 Pull Ups
Followed by….
Two-Three sets of:
Front Leaning Rest x 30 seconds
Ring Rows x 15 reps
Banded Pull Aparts x 15-20 reps
Kettlebell Overhead Carry x 100 Feet
Five sets of:
Bench Press x 5 reps @ 60% of 1-RM
Rest 2 minutes
Every minute, on the minute, for 21 minutes (7 sets) of:
Station 1: 20-22/15-18 Calorie Assault or 17-19/12-15 Calorie Echo Bike
Station 2: 14 Kettlebell Front Rack Lunges (24/16kg)
Station 3: 8-12 Burpee Pull Ups
When the clock reaches 22:00, perform…
Three rounds for time:
20-22/15-18 Calorie Assault or 17-19/12-15 Calorie Echo Bike
14 Kettlebell Front Rack Lunges (24/16kg)
8-12 Burpee Pull Ups
Three sets of:
Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press x 10-12 reps each side
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
Banded Lat Pull Downs x 20 reps
Banded Face Pulls x 20 reps
Rest as needed
Push Ups x Max Reps @ 1011 Tempo
Rest as needed
Athlete Notes:
Just when you thought on the minute work couldn’t get any better, we add in rounds for time at the end and TOTALLY crush everyone. Your goal is to pick an aggressive number on the movements, but one that you know you could hold on to for the 21 minutes. At the end of the EMOM it’s time to grip and rip and see what you’ve got left in the tank. Your goal is to finish the three rounds in under the time it would have taken to finish had we kept going EMOM style. Transition quickly and get started on that next movement, don’t let the clock tick away!
A. 185
B. Similar
D. 150 band pull apart
Warm up: done
A: 155 lbs
B. 17 cals echo
8 burpee spull up
B2: 12:06
C: done
D, done
A. Bench Press (off 185#): 115#x5x5
B1. 7 sets done.10 Cal Echo Bike, 14 KB FR Lunges @ 35#, 6 Burpee Pull-ups.
B2. 8:25. 3 RFT of 10 Cal Echo Bike, 14 KB FR Lunges @ 35#, 6 Burpee Pull-ups.
C. 3 sets done. 12 SA DB Bench Press each side (40# DB).
Warm up ✅
A. 185
B. ✅ w/ 20 bike, Rx lunges and 10 burpee pull-ups
7:50 for 3 rounds
C. Done
Warmup done
A. 70Kg across all
B. Only did EMOM today. Used 17 Echo/14/10
C. Done with 30Kg DBs
D. Done
A. 185/205×4
B. Done with echo bike and 8 burpee pull ups across
Bike cals: 20/18/17×5
17 cals / 14 Fr lunges / 8 burpee pull ups
Definitely didn’t miss these…
C and D. Done