Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Four sets of:
300 Meter Row
100-Foot Farmer Carry (moderate-heavy weight)
50-Foot Single Arm Kettlebell Overhead Carry (each side)
Rest as needed
Build to today’s 2-RM Push Press
Followed by…
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets) of:
Push Press x 1 rep @ 100% of 2-RM
Four rounds for time of:
28/21 Calorie Assault Bike
21 Toes to Bar
7 Burpee Dumbbell Deadlifts (50/35lbs)
5 Double Dumbbell Snatches
3 Dumbbell Devil’s Presses
Three sets of:
100 Foot Single Arm Kettlebell Front Rack Carry (each side)
30 Banded Lat Pull-Downs
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
Dumbbell Hammer Curls x 12 reps
Followed by…
Dumbbell Reverse Flyes x 12-15 reps
Rest as needed
Every minute on the minute, for 12 minutes (4 sets) of:
Station 1: V-Up x 30 seconds
Station 2: Hollow Rock Hold x 30 seconds
Station 3: Russian Twists x 30 seconds
Athlete Notes:
Grip and more grip in today’s workout. The only break you’re going to get is while you’re on the assault bike! Try to hit the bike each round at a consistent pace, we don’t want to see you sprint the first round then double or triple that time later on. If you can keep each bike to around 1:10-1:30, then you’re doing solid. For the toes to bar, we’re looking for 1-2 sets on the first couple rounds, then maybe 2-3 sets by round 3 and 4. Then when you get to the dumbbell movement we’d like to see you keep moving and try not to stop. If you have to break, take a quick one and get right back at it. Who’s going to go unbroken on the dumbbells??
Warm up ✅
A. Up to 230 then 230×8
B. 16:23 Rx.
C. D. Done
Warm up: done
A. Up to 215 lb today
Testing my wrist and it’s ok 😆
B. 22:24
C. Done
D. Done
E. Done
Glad to hear that about the wrist!
Thanks coach!
A. Up to 75Kg; then 8×1 @ 70Kg
B. 15:18 Rx
C. Done
D. Done
E. Done
A. Built to 285
A2. 275×7/285×1
B. 13:58 RX but did hang snatches by accident 💁♀️
C. Done
D. 35s/25s
E. Done
I actually prefer going to the ground instead of hang so don’t think you made it much easier.
Some might even say it’s harder!
Still outdoor session
A) 50 reps (25 each) 50lbs db
Single arms devil’s squat clean + fsq + pp
B) did that 4-6-8’ amrap and for time workout from the other week with some modifications
500m run
20 bp over db
20 goblet sq
20 alt. sn
20 single arm ohs
20 single arm th
1.: 4 sn
2.: 16 ohs
3: finished at 8’
4: 7:45
C) 3 sets of
1’ wall sit, straight into 30” max jumping squats
1’ rest between
D) 3 sets of
30” goblet squat pulses
30” rest
Looks like a fun one!
The legs are still dead haha
A1. PP: Built to 145#x2. Failed 150#
A2. PP: 145#x1x7, Failed the 8th set.
B. 16:43. 4 RFT: 18 Cal Assault Runner, 21 T2Bs, 7 Burpee DB DLs, 5 Double DB Snatches, 3 DB Devil Presses @ 35#. 🥵
C. 3 sets done: 100’ SA KB FR Carry @ 50# + 30 Banded Lat Pull-Downs
D. 3 sets done: 12 DB Hammer Curls @ 15# + 12 DB Reverse Flyes @ 10#
E. 3 sets done: :30s V-Ups, :30s Hollow Hold, :30s Russian Twists.
Looks like you got it done and a good start to the week!