Three sets of:
Assault Bike x 60 seconds
Kettlebell Suitcase Deadlift x 5
Kettlebell Suitcase Carry x 50 feet
Kettlebell Side Bend x 15
(Perform entire complex on right side, then switch sides before getting back on the bike for set two)
Followed by…
Every 2:30, for 15 minutes (6 sets) of:
Deadlift x 2 reps @ 88-92% of 1-RM
Against a 3-minute running clock…
30/22 Calories of Assault Bike
Max Reps of Double-Unders
Rest 3 minutes, and repeat for a total of 3 sets. Note the total number of double-unders completed in each set, and then sum them for your total score.
A. DL E2’30”
2x 345, 345, 345, 345, 345, 345
B. DUs 112+126+144=382
A. 345,365,365,375,385,385
B. 373 Rx with Echo. Agree with others that the wheels came off on the last round – took half the time to get the first 10 DU on the 3rd round
Yesterday’s metcon
This was a good grinder. I like these kind of workouts! I look forward to hitting the deadlifts later as well!
Don’t know my current DL pr
A) 365/365/385/385/405/405
Round 1- 139
Round 2- 103
Round 3- 76 was riding the struggle bus
Total 319
A. 240#//245/250/250/255/255
B. 61/80/80=221
A. off of 355#
A bit slow but good form
B rx on echo bike
bike 1:35-1:35-1:32
du 67-48–57 172 total
A. Ok 91% of 1RM
B. No assault bike, so used a spinning bike instead
1:40 + 106
1:31 + 129
1:29 + 113
A. Pulled muscle so I laid off- 255,225
B. 108,117, 130
A. 2×2 @ 440, 2×2 @ 450, 2×2 @ 445
(Eh…not as good as last week’s pulls but kept it in 88-90% range)
B. Swapped DU for 8″ box jumps (working on DU’s) 75x, 76x, 85x = 236x
A. 405#
B. 34+24+27 = 85
Dubs under fatigue is definitely an area I can improve upon
Good workout to retest later
A. 455# all sets
B. 111 + 110 + 53 = 274…wheels fell off the DUs in the third round, had a 1:15 left to do them.
A: 345
B: 121 + 142 + 147 = 310
Total is 410
Deadlifts @ 295
52 + 38 + 70 = 160 DU’s total
Tried a different strategy on the Echo bike each round. First round moderate pace ~63 RPM, couldn’t do all the DU’s unbroken. Second round slower pace ~60 RPM, all DU’s unbroken but not a lot of time. Third round hard pace for 15 cals ~72 RPM then recovery pace for 15 cals ~60 RPM, couldn’t do all DU’s unbroken but had lots of time.