Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Every 4 minutes, for 16 minutes (4 sets) of:
10/7 Calorie Bike
10 Burpee Broad Jumps
100 Foot Double Overhead Kettlebell Carry (53/35’s)
*Increase intensity each round.
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets) of:
High Hang Snatch x 4-5 reps @ 30-50%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets) of:
Power Snatch + *Pause Snatch
+ Snatch @ 60-65%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets) of:
*Pause Snatch + Snatch @ 70%+
*As you lift the bar, stop at the knee for three full seconds before continuing your lift.
Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (6 sets) of:
3 Weighted Supinated Grip Strict Pull Ups
Followed by…
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes:
Max Reps Unbroken Strict Pronated Grip Pull Ups
Four sets of:
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
15/12 Calorie Ski Erg OR Row
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Rest 1:1 or Alternate with a partner “you go/I go” style.
Rest until the clock reaches 20:00, then…
Four sets of:
10 Dumbbell Bench Press (50/35 lbs)
15 Toes to Bar
10 Dumbbell Bench Press (50/35 lbs)
Rest 1:1 or Alternate with a partner “you go/I go” style.
Every minute, for 12 minutes (3 sets) of :
Station 1: Front Leaning Rest x 30-45 seconds
Station 2: Hanging Knee Raises x 30-45 seconds
Station 3: Russian Twist x 30-45 seconds
Station 4: Rest
Accumulate 400 meters in a Farmer Carry in as few sets as possible (53-70/35-53).
Athlete Notes:
Today’s workout is going to be a nice mix of some push and pull. We figure with beach season coming up we might as well get some good work in while also getting everyone beach ready! Each of the 8 total sets of the workout is meant to be a sprint, so if the weight or the reps are too high to go unbroken, drop them to a number you can hit in 1 set and then try to hold on to staying unbroken. The first one is going to be some great handstand push-up volume accumulation as they’re extra tough coming off the ski erg. Hit the first 10 unbroken, ski hard, then see what you’ve got! The second section is all about the beach muscles. You’ll probably have a great pump going into this section so try to hang on to the dumbbells and hang on to those toes to bar!
Warmup done
A. 40/45/50Kg
B. 24Kg
C. Row and 7 SHSPU – 1:45/1:35/1:43/1:41
30Kg DB – 1:07/1:11/1:13/1:11
D. Done
E. 4 stops
Holy smokes 37 UB pull-ups!! Nice work
Thank you. Pull-ups are definitely a strength for me. Your times were smoking fast! No idea how you go so quick. I was just trying not to drop the dumbbells on myself.
Seconding that holy smokes!
A. top sets 165/175/185/195/195
B. 55lbs
C. W/row 1:08/ 1:03/ :58/ :58
:37/ :42/ :40/ :42
D. Done
Damn those are smoking fast times
You were moving!
Joined the morning class as a warm up and pre workout: 5 rounds for time of: 20 pull ups 30 push ups 40 abmat sit ups 50 air squats Rest 3’ after every round 29:30 (inc. rests) Every round pull ups went ub and felt quite smooth, so that’s good. A) 40-50-50 for the hhsn 60-65kg for the complex 70kg for the last 5 sets Snatch wasn’t strong today B) Skipped C) RX and everything ub done, oh sweet pump it was nice D) finished during afternoon walk in the park, absolutely beautiful weather E) did not do, I’m doing… Read more »
Glad you liked it! You need a old school, red wagon to carry all your stuff to the park haha.
A. 95
A2. 135/155×2
A3. 185
B. 50lb/10/10/10/10
C. RX but 1 minute rest between rounds on first part and 60lb DBs second part since class had all the 50s
10 SHSPU/15 cal ski/10 shspu
10 db bench/15 t2b/10 db bench
Possibly one of my favorite workouts in recent memory
All unbroken last couple bench sets got rough
D. Done
E. Done 3 breaks
Who doesnt love a good pump session!