January 23, 2018 – Performance

Three sets of:
Back Squat x 6 reps
Rest 3 minutes

Increase the weight you used last week by at least 5%. If you missed your squatting sessions in the last two weeks, select a weight that will make your final 2-3 reps of your final set extremely difficult.

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
10 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
15 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
20 Calories of Rowing

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January 27, 2018 1:49 pm

A. 215, 225, 235×6. First time squatting in a while.
B. 2+29.

Janelle Hudgin Winston
Janelle Hudgin Winston
January 26, 2018 11:24 pm

A. 135, 165, 180 – 180 was very heavy.

B. 4 rounds RX.
Was surprised by the pain! Had 9 sec left but couldn’t get off the rower. Just slid to the floor and tried to breathe.

January 24, 2018 1:17 pm

A. 245 / 255 / 265

B. RX 3+3 Struggle was real on the BJ’s

January 27, 2018 1:49 pm
Reply to  MROD

Glad it wasn’t just me.

Ryan Bliss
Ryan Bliss
January 24, 2018 6:32 am

Murphy’s law. I did squats yesterday so they were programmed today.

I did the clean complex from the day before and today’s metcon.

1RM of 185 – struggled to maintain good form today so I didn’t push it.
A1: 95/95/105/105/115/115
A2: 125/135/145
A3: 155/165/175

Scaled to 80lbs for thrusters and moved at more of a walking speed while I heal up from the strep.
B: 3 rounds exactly.

Ylva Akerø Hjørungdal
Ylva Akerø Hjørungdal
January 24, 2018 2:02 am

My first “real” workout involving legs and back squatting since my disc injury before Christmas… So, nothing special, but I am trying to just ease into my workouts again: A: Lots of warmup sets at 45-55 kg, 3 sets 6 reps at 60kg. Felt good, but my legs were shaking after! B: Just 3rds… It felt like my body was protesting, and that it was scared to let me do things with high intensity. Within the first round my legs felt like jello, and I felt totally fatigued/destroyed after this workout, but at least I slept for 9 hours after,… Read more »

January 23, 2018 7:22 pm

A. Squats early am to 275, felt too heavy
Bench 5×6-8 235lbs
10 Goblet squats #70kb
15 box jumps “24
20 calorie row

Chad Evans
Chad Evans
January 23, 2018 6:24 pm

A. Pause Back Squats
5×5 w/ 3 sec pause

215, 215, 215, 225, 225

B. 4rds + 6 BJ

Luke Tipton
Luke Tipton
January 23, 2018 6:15 pm

A. 245, 260, 270
B. 4 + 4 (w/ stepdowns)

Run 4 miles

Steve Bielmeier
Steve Bielmeier
January 23, 2018 5:35 pm

A. All sets with 225
B. 3 rounds Rx

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
January 23, 2018 3:32 pm

A. All sets done at 160# (5# more than last week) only got 4 reps on the 3rd set…reps 4-6 were tough on the first 2 sets
B. RX – 3 + 22 reps
All UB…my rows were fairly slow as usually(1:34/1:40/1:43)….but it all felt good.
50 Abmat sit ups
50 roll to candlestick
50 rev sit ups
50 abmat sit ups
Rest day tomorrow….

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
January 23, 2018 4:13 pm
Reply to  Candy Olkey

Great work today!!

Trion Horgan
Trion Horgan
January 23, 2018 2:37 pm

A. 235/245/255

B. Rx’d 4+9 with 10 Cal assault bike instead of row. Holy quads…. Bike probably wasn’t the best sub for row today.

Colton Davis
Colton Davis
January 23, 2018 2:30 pm

A- 275/305/315/330
B- 4+ 13 cals pissed I didn’t finish 5 rnds Box jumps went to shit

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
January 23, 2018 3:27 pm
Reply to  Colton Davis

Holy Hell…awesome work Colton!!

Chad Evans
Chad Evans
January 23, 2018 3:49 pm
Reply to  Colton Davis

Nice job on both Colton!

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
January 23, 2018 4:12 pm
Reply to  Colton Davis

Destroyed B!!

Matthew Swartz
Matthew Swartz
January 23, 2018 1:44 pm

Me: 235 each set
Misses: 95 each set
Me: 3 rounds + 21 rx
Misses: 2 rounds + 5

She did 10 th @55, 15 bj @21 (weird plate stacking), 400m run with the dogs which involved pee breaks and car sniffing so that slowed her quite a bit ?

January 23, 2018 1:07 pm

A. Up to 6x130kg/285lbs
B. As Rx’d 4 rounds + 5 thrusters

Accessory core work:
Emom for 5min: Icecream Maker 3x
Emom for 4min: Min 1&3: 10ghd sit-ups / 2&4: 30sec weighted hollowbody hold
5min of handstand practice

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
January 23, 2018 3:26 pm
Reply to  Steven

Gonna have to look up icecream maker…..I LOVE ICECREAM!

January 23, 2018 3:28 pm
Reply to  Candy Olkey

Haha well this particular flavor becomes less tasty after a couple of sets

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
January 24, 2018 1:40 am
Reply to  Steven

Looks like something I need to try this weekend…I’ll let you know the flavor when it’s over…

David Franco
David Franco
January 23, 2018 10:44 am

A. 185lbx6/215×6/225×6
B. Rx weight. Missing 9cal to complete 3rd

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
January 23, 2018 10:42 am

Early morning strength session (C&J) today and I decided to follow it up this afternoon with
today’s B:
4rds + 10 Rx
I agree with Chris M that the 2nd round of box jumps was quite revealing. Felt great though, probably the strongest I’ve ever felt on 95# thrusters

jorge gonzalez
jorge gonzalez
January 23, 2018 10:44 am
Reply to  Joey Maltais

dude, those 4 rounds are legit!

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
January 23, 2018 10:56 am
Reply to  jorge gonzalez

Didn’t let myself rest much except for a few seconds before the thrusters. Probably shouldn’t have stopped at all!

January 23, 2018 1:07 pm
Reply to  Joey Maltais

Man, maybe I need to do this strength program after I’m fully healed up! You are absolutely killing it!

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
January 23, 2018 4:02 pm
Reply to  thelonghorn

Thanks!! I did go in « fresh » though, didn’t do a bunch of heavy back squats right before the wod like you guys 🙂

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
January 23, 2018 3:24 pm
Reply to  Joey Maltais

Soooo excited for you and all of your gains Joey…I absolutely knew you had this one…..great job!

Jérémy Dagorn
Jérémy Dagorn
January 23, 2018 9:50 am

A. 6×205# / 6×225# / 5×245#
B. Shoulder to overhead 95# instead of thrusters : 3 rounds + 10 S2O/15BJ/4 cal

Soccer game tonight.

Ryan Bliss
Ryan Bliss
January 24, 2018 7:20 am

How’d the game go?

Jérémy Dagorn
Jérémy Dagorn
January 24, 2018 9:43 am
Reply to  Ryan Bliss

Well, injured by the end of the first half (harmstring). Hopefully, the recovery won’t be too long. Lost 11-6 (Indoor soccer).

Ryan Bliss
Ryan Bliss
January 25, 2018 7:06 am

Uh oh. Hope it isn’t serious.

Jérémy Dagorn
Jérémy Dagorn
January 25, 2018 10:29 am
Reply to  Ryan Bliss

Already feels better. Just rest until Sunday, to make sure it is fine.

January 23, 2018 9:30 am

A. 120-130-130 kg.
B. 4 rounds Rx:
– thrusters #unbroken but slow,
– box jumps with step-down,
– rowing at moderate pace.

January 23, 2018 8:33 am

comment image

Kelly Welborn
Kelly Welborn
January 23, 2018 6:48 am

A. 135#’s for all sets.
10# increase from last week (8%)

B. 3+9. Could’ve done the last thruster rep but I was timing on my watch and thought I had hit 12 mins. Grrrrrr

Teaching yoga next. Yay!

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