Sleep Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep
Written by Invictus Member Rachel Ragosa

Most of us live hectic lives. With countless priorities pulling us every direction, sleep is something a lot of people tend to sacrifice. Unfortunately, an unhealthy night of sleep can have long-lasting consequences that extend beyond physical tiredness. Sleep is a prime-recovery time for your mind and body. Your body uses this time to heal from your workout, process and store memories, and prepares your body to handle the stresses you intend to throw at it the next day. Thankfully, some simple tips can help set you up to sleep more soundly.

Stay Away From Screens

When you are getting ready for bed, make sure to skip the TV show and avoid your computer and phone. The blue light that is emitted from screens prevents your body from signaling that it is time for bed. Melatonin, the sleep hormone, sends a signal to the brain that it is time for sleep. When you are exposed to light (blue light in particular), your body’s internal clock doesn’t function properly. By avoiding exposure to bright blue light, you are signaling to your body that it is time to start getting sleepy.

Keep a Routine

Just like your workout and diet, keeping things routine is an excellent way to set yourself up for success. Take a bath, read a book, drink some tea (non-caffeinated, of course), and listen to some soothing music. Whatever you decide to do, keep it consistent. For me personally, the moment I smell peppermint tea, my body starts getting sleepy. That Pavlovian response has helped me greatly in getting into “sleep mode”.

Avoid Long Naps

Naps are the best. I will fight anyone who says otherwise. But even though a midday siesta sounds heavenly, it may be impacting your sleep at night. Studies show that a quick power nap during the day is probably ok, but more prolonged naps of an hour or more can affect you negatively during the night.

Limit Caffeine

Coffee is also the best. But, it is sleep’s biggest enemy. If you are looking to get a good night’s rest, it is best to give yourself an early cut-off time for caffeine. Working out after your ‘cut-off’ time can also help you work the caffeine out of your system. That way, later in the day you won’t feel the effects of coffee or tea but got the workout-boosting benefits caffeine can provide.

If you follow these simple rules, you can set yourself up for some serious snoozing. Don’t forget, exercise is also a significant contributor to good sleep. If you haven’t yet, come into one of our three Invictus locations and get started!

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Mansi Rao
Mansi Rao
November 30, 2017 10:44 pm

I do prefer naps, but short one’s are the best..!!

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